I don't get this at all. Knuckles and everyone on the internet praising the comments he's made are fighting the feminist cause from a different angle by wanting to normalise the behaviour/attitudes that feminism stands for. There's nothing puerile about it. Rather than draw attention to the cause when not necessary, one can just push forward with the agenda by living by it. i.e. Amy made the game a feminist issue and Knuckles was like "it's going to remain a feminist issue if you act like that". ... The fuck even is this Sonic cartoon
I know what the show's going for, I just explained above why that was dumb. The show isn't what's puerile, what's puerile is the way everyone online is reacting to it. It's so fucking predictable. Here's something that's vaguely critical of feminism and the internet community (which is overwhelmingly anti-feminist) jump up and down with how 'epic' the critique is. Ironically, they don't actually agree with the show's critique of feminism (which is from a feminist perspective and not implying that feminists all hate men and want to be superior yak yak), or even critically analyse the critique itself, they just see a critique of feminism and flail around in tribal agreement because they hate feminism to such an obsessive degree they'll happily welcome any critique. With how much criticism feminists get of being 'ideologues' I find it pretty fucking astounding how tribal internet anti-feminists ate. This is even more egregious from Sonic fans, who are notoriously critical and analyse the fuck out of everything. But when it comes to this scene they don't analyse it, which would lead them to see just how dumb Knuckles' point actually is (like they would normally do with any Sonic related media). They just accept it at face-value as 'feminist ownage' and praise how great it is. Really pathetic, because as I explained above, Knuckles' point is so stupid it can easily be shot down.
I just find that so ironic when gender is pretty much invisible on the internet unless you choose to show it.
From my perspective this isn't so much a critique of feminism, but an attack on say choice feminism by collective feminism. Knuckles basically said that Amy's feminism is the wrong feminism. What's wrong about this situation is that the way it played out was void of any critique of Knuckles making it appear as if what Knuckles says is the right answer. That's something you would see from the USSR or Korean public speaker systems they have on the streets quacking their state messages. Though from another angle you could say the script is genius, having Knuckles quacking propaganda because he's a meathead which would be hilarious and a massive sucker punch but considering the show is more about being funny rather than clever I think it's a safe bet this was about Knuckles having the correct message of feminism. Disclaimer: I should point out that I have only seen this clip and not the full episode. If there's any context I have missed because it's not shown with this clip please point it out to me. Parity rather than equality. The majority of the movement will only be happy when they see equal output, using shortlists/positive discrimination to twist the statistics to get the results they want. If men and women were equal physically then all sports and competitions would be gender neutral. I never hear from feminists the call for the abolishment of this division if they think men and women are equal in physicality.
Just a friendly reminder that the thread is about Sonic Boom, not feminism. At some point soonish this discussion will need to taper off, hint hint.
Another great episode. An 80's "let's save the rec center" complete with intentionally bad music at the start.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke49hLDTdCg oh So did they like have a design and model for Vector laying around that they didn't know what to do with?
I think this episode aired out of order, it's weird they teased Vector this way before his actual debut.
Doubtful. There are only four episodes missing between Morpho's debut and this episode. Also, whoever is in charge of what episodes air hasn't made a mistake like that yet. You could be right, though. We have 11 more episodes to see these gaps fill anyway.
If anyone else was to be a canon immigrant Vector is a really weird choice. I'm not complaining though, cause I love him. He does look weird though.
That part where he morphs into himself :v: Either that or Vector is due for an appearance in an upcoming episode. As for his new look, probably how he looks in Steve's home dimension hence why he took that form.
Dis anyone else see the episode that aired today?! It was awesome! Spoiler Its a racing episode ala Sonic All Stars Racing!
Glad to see Vector make his proper appearance, I've always found the Chaotic to be very entertaining. Hopefully the rest of the crew will show up soon. For his design the jacket could've been a little longer but it adds something unique to his design.