Does anyone now os a good streaming site where I can watch this week's Sonic boom cartoon episode? The one I used last week is not working anymore.
Only now noticing that Eggman has had Lyric's robot control thing on the entire time in the show. Yet it doesn't work like in Rise of Lyric. Anyway, no speedlines this week, just TONS of slow-motion! The animation really really good too.
Episode 3: Yes. Episode 4: Only the opening. I really do like that the show uses the re-designed badniks instead of the generic robot soldiers. But given how awful the games are, it doesn't surprise me the cartoon has more care in it than them.
For all the game gets wrong, I really hope the show gets right to compensate or at least wash down the bad taste of Rise of Lyric. So far, so good. Really loving the show.
Anyone else have an issue where all the audio towards the end of Buster was delayed, or was that just my recording? Enjoyed Translate This, though it felt like it should have been a 22 minute episode instead of just 11. There's only one scene of UT (I'm not going to be able to say that without accidentally saying QT) annoying the gang, and then only one before Tails (logically, I give him credit for that) figures out the imposter is Eggman's. Also, I could have sworn the description we heard before put more focus on UT revealing Amy's crush on Sonic, when it's only barely mentioned here. Since the episode was written by Dave Polsky, I'll rank it...around the middle of his MLP episodes, maybe a bit on the higher side. Buster was a lot more boring, except for that genius Fire Man beginning. I love the idea that Eggman can just go to the park without being questioned. Also, Orbot and Cubot wearing Sonic and Tails masks. I'm assuming that's how they got into the weapon warehouse, so Spy was onto something. The ending of the episode really seems to highlight that everyone besides Sonic is useless at fighting, so that's a great thing. Also, I swear that ice cream vendor is a blue Blaze. EDIT: Because of the release of the games and the TV show, Know Your Meme's Sonic gallery has been trending, so I go to check it out. The people there are hellbent on defending the game, and it makes me think maybe we're the bad guys.
Enjoyed the new episodes. I guess the mind of Sticks is one of those incomprehensible things. Also, is there any way to get TiVo to record both episodes as one recording or am I going to have to live with the first few seconds of every second episode cut off? Why does the fanbase have to debate the exact shade of blue required in Emerald Hill's skies?
Because both the episode and all the background characters are boring and forgettable, so the one interesting thing sticks out.
It is when it's more brightly colored than any other background character, has an occupation, and looks a little like Blaze. You remember him because he shows up and you think "hey, he looks like Blaze". He's got more going for him than Buster.
Hah I think I noticed Eggman's mustache shrink and grow back in one scene of the QT...sorry..UT episode. After 4 episodes I'm now convinced Red Button didn't have as much collaboration with the TV show's creators as advertised. For starters the game doesn't feature Motobugs and Buzz bombers like the show does, and the new robot designs in general are much more Sonic-y in the show than the Ratchet and Clank rejects in the game. The writing is a bit better too I think. Enjoying the show so far, easily better than Underground and possibly X too. As for AoSTH and SATAM well...we'll see over time I guess. Spoiler Oh god SonAmy shippers will probably not shut up about the UT episode.
Brb making up bullshit theories about how the baby walrus is Rotor's descendant because he's brightly colored, a walrus and the only baby seen on the show. Also the kitten being put in a tree is Big the Cat's uncle.
1080p goodness; I numbered them according to the production codes shown on the TV listings. 109 110 least the show's halfway decent? BTW, what the fuck is up with the drowning noise? I'm hearing it in the megathread, and my first thought is of a depressed turkey.
I at least found it a bit interesting that we had both an anthro cat and an actual kitten on-screen within a minute of each other. Nice to know that even in an alternate universe nobody can figure out which species should and shouldn't be Sonic-like. Anyway, today's episodes: Translate This is probably my favorite episode so far. Buster, on the other hand... I think it started pretty strong, but once Buster showed up I just got confused. Why is STICKS falling in love with a ROBOT dog? Are we already supposed to know what a cluster is? If they're going to make such a big deal about the slime, why didn't they animate it better? Confusion aside, though, I'd call this weekend's pair of episodes a success. The dialogue was solid and I can't think of a single joke that really missed the mark. Eggman was as great as ever and even Knuckles wasn't treated like a COMPLETE idiot this time.