Yeah, those pilot episodes are quite often considered as something, which should work also on its own even as one-shot trial. First episode (in my opinion) became quite quickly an oddball (comparing to rest of the series), there are plenty of concepts (now even harder to miss than previously) which were totally abandoned. Like the "sidekick" status of Tails, the fact that Amy wasn't even considered as someone who is going on the "frontline" to fight with Eggman (not to mention that she had slightly more "goofy" personality) etc. To be honest, from today's perspective I feel that some of them could be more interesting solution (especially when I'm witnessing again another scene with pounding eggman's robots by 5 characters, who are doing the same thing again, just with different gimmicks/tools).
Are re-runs of Boom even coming on Cartoon Network anymore? I keep telling myself I'll look at the schedule, but I keep forgetting. I'll assume they've stopped since Spazz has no 1080p versions up for the last five episodes.
For some reason, Cartoon Network just decided to stop airing Boom in the main channel for some reason. Why, who even knows anymore? As for Strike! itself, I thought it was a pretty good episode. I found myself in a laughing fit seeing all the various bots protesting, from Burnbot to Ballotbot to the Mega and etc. And it's also really surprising to see Amy being involved with Orbot and Cubot's protest but it's welcomed. Also cool to see the Blue Force One in use, is this the part where people make the joke "Why is Sonic in a Car" again or is that too 2012? Eggman trying to find replacements through Fastidious Beaver, Mike and Wolfie and seeing how it didn't work out was pretty fun! It's just so amusing to see the other bots try to clean up the messes, only to fail even harder! And the fact that Orbot and Cubot decided to remove "being treated with respect" to get everything else in the negotiations is even more hilarious, just comes to show that the bots just accepts that Eggman's insults are the norm, a bit of dark humor if I say so myself. Then again, it reminds me back to The Meteor where the bots won't do anything if they aren't threatened to do so. Though I will say it was a bit of a missed opportunity to have a brief but fun appearance of Metal Sonic. Color me intrigued on what next week's episode is all about with Orbot and all.
So this week's episode was about Knuckles. Apparently Angel Island and being the last of his kind are still parts of Boom Knuckles' lore. Also, I think it's safe to say at this point that Knuckles does not have a house.
Not really, I think Bill Freiberger himself confirmed that Knuckles doesn't really have a place to call his home. The first 2 Boom games are pretty detached from the show itself, that it's probably best to not think too hard about what details are actually legitimate. The episode itself was really good, then again episodes focused on Knuckles are usually really good but this episode got some good feels to it along with some really good jokes. Also nice to see Charlie and Belinda be the main villains for an episode.
The most recent episode starts off with some nice self aware fanbase jabs about a game they're playing: "They should have never changed the color of the character's legs" "The franchise really didn't make the transition from 2D to 3D well." Good Interestingly, another episode without Sticks. They don't seem to care about her as much this season. Also the defective Cubots from last season make a reappearance.
Hey remember this show :specialed: Anyway neat little touch they added in a recent episode titled "Mombot." At one point Sonic and Eggman are at the movies and the song playing in the background is Eggman's theme from Sonic 06 - Colors. That might be the first time any of the Sonic shows have actually used game music outside of AoSTH's Sonic 1 title screen remix.
Incorrect actually, Sonic X in Japan used Live and Learn during the SA2 arc. Of course 4Kids didn't bother while they were gutting the soundtrack for their far inferior constantly-on crap.
I enjoyed it. Everyone got a chance to shine, and I enjoyed Sticks' robot duplicate ("We're starting to finish each other's-" "-paranoid diatribes and conspiracy theories?"). Here's hoping there are more multi-parters in the future.
So how are this show's ratings? I've recently discovered that it's low-key actually fucking awesome and I don't want to see it get cancelled yet.
It is actually pretty good, it just seems to get horrible exposure. Which is a shame really as it has its moments.