Dubs > subs, especially when you know the dub isn't far away. Plus I really want to hear if Kirk Thornton can do a decent Shadow voice in any capacity. He's sounded terrible in all the games he's been in so far, and is the only remaining blight on the current voice cast, sounding bad even in Boom. Even Cindy Robinson managed to turn things around big time to deliver a brilliant performance for Boom-Amy following terrible performances in all the previous games. EDIT: Just watched "Counter Productive". Yeah, that was a good one and it came with a non-abrupt and genuinely funny ending. The best part thought was easily "we're doing a parody of a school yard fight". As is this cartoon didn't already break the fourth wall enough, that one line just trounced everything. Loved it.
That was a good episode. Also, isn't this the first time the show has acknowledged the Ancients? They were supposed to have a big role in the games, also Lyric is one I guess.
I was really tempted to watch last episode in version with subtitles, but in the end I've decided to wait a bit, I really like english cast of Sonic Boom (aaand had in the past quite bad experience with french in school :P). Well, one week left! And in the meanwhile really well made episode, to be honest I'm not a big fan of "Knuckles-centered" eps, but this one was a pleasant surprise. And many thanks for Spaz for uploading all these episodes , having version with english subtitles is a great thing (even if language in this series is not hard to understand (for someone who doesn't use english as native language), sometimes it's quite handy thing, thank you Spaz /> )
Not to worry. Sonic Boom's coming to Poland this December on teleTOON+, remember? I'm sure it will be dubbed (though the question is which version will they use for the dub? American or French?).
I was finding the episode rather poor, but the final third really brought it all together. I like how charles' wife acted in the end.
Yeah, I remember, although I'm too strongly accustomed to english dub to take different route now /> Not to mention that probably they'll start from the beginning, so it will be a big difference in screening... And I want new stuff! (But I'm keeping fingers crossed for its success)
Since Season 2 is still in production, I'm afraid you won't see any new episode until Fall 2016. In the meantime, we can look forward to listening to what the Polish dub sounds like.
I wanna know what Japanese Sonic Boom sounds like, hell that should be Eggman's first vocal appearance as the new voice actor.
Has Sonic Boom even premiered in Japan yet? I heard it's supposed to be on the Japanese Cartoon Network.
Not sure and everyone I ask doesn't have any information on it, compared to all the other countries where you can find every detail available.
Shadow's first line is pure edge. That guy with the ancient armor is back though, so that's cool. So yeah, Shadow's only purpose is to be OW THE EDGE apparently. And jeez, that 4th wall.
Well...Eggman's praise of Shadow was funny. I think "he's the second most popular character in the canon" was possibly the funniest line in the whole show, especially with Mike Pollock's previous Boom Shadow jokes. But Shadow's presence is entirely unnecessary, no explanation as to who he is (though I guess with him being so popular, everyone should know already), no one on the hero side caring he's there, and then he leaves. Don't think Kirk Thornton does a good job in the role, and the collection of villains don't do much for a story. And this was the season finale.
I can usually find new episodes by now, but there's nothing. Just the French dub, which I've already seen. There's one English one on YT, but some guy is talking over the episode like it's a damn Let's Play.
The only purpose of Shadow being there was fanservice, and to make fun of fanservice with Eggman going crazy about Shadow being there really. Also, RIP fourth wall.
Jfc the fourth wall jokes are just too much. "Second most popular character in the canon" and "same eight characters in the same four locations" were hilarious. The rest of the episode was funny enough. Sure Shadow felt forced in there and seeing Eggman as a Shadow fanboy was off, but it was still funny. I liked the way it all came together. I hope to see some 30 minute episodes next series.