Gonna be honest, that made me just a little hyped for the game. I've been watching videos of the glitches in 06 recently, and I desperately hope the ones here are anywhere near as funny.
Honestly I've been looking to pick up 06 lately for that purpose, but FFS it's still like $20. I'd pay maybe 5, and it wouldn't be nearly as fun now that I'm sober Sonic 06 is like the game equivalent of the room. Past "It's so bad it's good" and "It's so bad it's awful" levels, it finds that rare level of "It's so bad it's hilarious." Maybe this will find it too.
I got Sonic 2006 last year, expecting "It's so bad it's so good" and got "It's so bad it's awful" feeling. =P Sonic Boom atleast, looking for it, still looks a lot better and fun than Sonic 2006 (also, better than Lost World IMO)
The original tech demo for this game (before we knew it was Sonic) and the February trailer looked fantastic. I'll bet all my money on the Wii U never being the original intended platform for this game, yet alone the sole one. Games rarely look as good as their tech demos, this much is obvious, but it looks a lot worse now than the initial reveal and certainly not 2014 Wii U standards at all.
Slightly baffled by the show and not in a good way. Even for an episodic series those first two episodes weren't very welcoming for a new viewer. It's like it expected you to know Sonic already. Sticks, Knuckles, and Amy are just sort of there. The CGI is pretty nice looking but the animation has no weight and stiff as a board when action starts to happen. The VAs are the best they've ever been, but the writing and voice direction is really lacking even for a kids show. Eggman is of course the best thing about the series once again. There isn't much you can do in 11 minute episodes though. As for the game, why is everything so fucking clunky? None of that movement connects together at all. It's all jerky and wonky with the characters snapping into place. Hell even increasing the pace so running was a little faster wouldn't have hurt the "overworld" areas if they could get the characters and camera to not fritz every time you use them. There was more to the other aspects than what I was expecting so it looks like the game had some sort of direction but really flubbed the basics.
I'm sure Sega of Japan is about to get some angry emails from Nintendo of Japan in regards to how the "exclusive 3 game deal" led to three duds. And then Sega of Japan will yell at Sega of America about this
-Knuckles' pop in -shadows popping in -random old people are senile humor (I LIKE ROCKY ROAD) -the ship flying in -the ship's shadow jerking around as it moved out of camera -you can see the ship popping out of existence. +Knuckles' idle animation There, I said one nice thing.
BRB better have a MOTHER of a patch coming otherwise this game will be the New Sonic 2006. honestly has BRB seen the shit were bringing up? they must've got wind of it by now.
It's very hard to believe this had a $20 million dollar budget and a 32-month dev cycle (There are some saying that was actually the total budget for the entire Sonic Boom franchise, but even if that was the case, the cartoon would've had a fraction of the budget of the Wii U game simply based on how animation is traditionally budgeted compared to games, especially as this is a comedy series in the "two shorts" format - and yet that looks significantly better), yet looks significantly worse than anything else Sega published on the Wii U, from the launch All-star Racing: Transformed to Bayonetta 2. Who's to be blamed for this? This is probably jumping the gun a lot, but I'm having a hunch that Sega got Colonial Marine'd all over again. I wouldn't be surprised if Sega never wants to do a collab with an outside western developer again after the critical reception to this (and when you consider Sonic Chronicles and Colonial Marines, that's basically "three strikes, you're out!"). Considering how many thought the devvers of this game made promising titles before this, my impression is that they didn't take the Sonic brand seriously at all and phoned everything in with the least effort possible. Some may argue that meddling between executives or interference from Sega might've caused the development troubles, but if that was the case there'd be signs of the struggle in development with some moments that show genuine effort - after all, even Sonic 06 had solid cutscene production and music composition/direction, and, holy heck, looked graphically better than this. I think anyone's fears of this "replacing" the previous Sonic incarnation can't hold much water anymore after this - even if the game sells decently, this is essentially the new "Sonic 06" in how broken and glitched the game is, keeping Sonic's reputation stained for another 8 or so years.