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Sonic Boom (Games) Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Molotok


    Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha Member
    I just can't seem to stop drawing comparisons between this and Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures. One of the differences being that no one in this, sans Dave Polsky, has any connection with Meu Quêrido Pônei. As long as they stay away from bloody pus, I'll be happy. + - Calling it now, Polsky ("Daring Don't") wrote the Amy fanfic episode   .


    Well, with the exception with this one, though it's not exactly unheard of in animated series. All of the others, or variations thereof, have been done by one series or another, which, again, doesn't mean it's bad in and of itself.



    + - Also, screw you, 20th Century Fox and Youtube, I wanted to use a clip from that episode where Homer kept eating that sandwich, even after he became deathly ill   .
  2. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Hahaha oh I remember that one

  3. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.

    Isn't that fucking frustrating? The Simpsons are a goldmine for reactionary videos but good luck trying to find that exact clip you want.
  4. AnimatedAF


    Anyone seen this yet?

    Funny how the concept of the artwork went from Amy fucking up her make up to taking a selfie.

    Yep, official artwork of Amy taking a selfie.
  5. Arique


    SHUWATCH! Member
    So one of the episodes actually premiered at an Australia convention earlier this week.
    Basically, the episode goes like this...
    The episode is about Sonic looking for a new sidekick, after a battle with Eggman goes wrong.

    The episode starts off with Sonic chasing Eggman through the chasms (like in the trailers) and eventually he summons Burnbot. Sonic mocks Eggman about the name as it doesn't actually use fire.

    Anyway, Tails comes in the picture in the tornado and helps Sonic defeat Burnbot, however the plane gets hit and the plane crashes. Sonic freaks out and runs over. Tails is knocked out and Sonic fears the worst. He puts his ear to Tails chest and is relieved that he's still alive. He then decides that he doesn't want Tails to get hurt any more.

    Tails awakens later on and Sonic is glad to see he's up, then lets him know that he's ‘fired’ Tails takes it casually, amusingly enough.

    So Sonic basically advertises through pamphlets that he's looking for a new sidekick, so Eggman catches wind of this and decides to try out (for obvious reasons) and he talks with Orbot and Cubot about it.

    After all, it does say anyone can compete.

    The try outs are Amy, whom was juggling and singing (OH WHEN THE SAINTS, GO MARCHING IN) and Sonic is just like, Amy, I know who you are.
    There's also a Gopher/Beaver thing (edit: I've done some research, it's Fastidious Beaver) who admits he's a coward, says the word “actually a lot” and he's a grammar nut.

    Knuckles…well, Knuckles basically states Sonic would make a great sidekick. We know from the trailers that Knuckles is…out there but this confirms it. Sonic is just, you know, apathetic and Knuckles states he would name him Knuckles Jr.

    Amy tries out again…same act.

    Eggman comes in. Sonic's like nope! BUT it does say anyone can compete.

    Someone else comes along in a brown cloak that obscures their face (I knew who it was, despite the fact you couldn't even see them) and Sonic's asking him questions and likes the answers. The person uncloaks themselves and reveals its


    Are you surprised?

    But it DOES say ANYONE can compete!

    So it ends up being Tails, Eggman…oh and Sonic decides Fastidious Beaver is a candidate as well, despite the fact he only wanted to know if Sonic validated parking tickets or something.

    So Sonic tests them with a race in a sequence that would fit in Sonic Riders. You guessed it..Extreme Gear! Except not really.

    So they race and stuff to ironically named (pointed out by Sonic) Mount/Point Safety(I can't remember…my memory is terrible) to capture the red flag he'd placed there.

    Tails goes in the tornado and Eggman goes in the Eggmobile with picking up at updated Burnbot along the way. Sonic sees this of course as he runs past. Fastidious Beaver doesn't finish and just lies there and sucks his thumb after he crashes.

    Eventually they go to a snowy area with a frozen lake. Sonic fights Burnbot again, except this time Eggman thanked Sonic for his advice and the updated Burnbot actually uses fire now. Tails comes into the picture again and helps out. Burnbot is defeated, but Sonic falls through the cracks and Tails can't get him out of the water as he's water logged. He falls in and Tails swims to save him. Sonic basically rehires him on the spot. And Eggman flies away ranting about evil ham.

    The end is of Amy at Sonic's house wanting him to reconsider, with a depressed Knuckles that comes passed, noting that Knuckles jr wasn't going very well (who did he actually hire I wonder) and Amy complains, then realises Knuckles needs a sidekick and starts her act again! (OH WHEN THE SAINTS). Then Knuckles gets another name idea: Knuckalina!
  6. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    That sounds insanely corny.

    I love it.
  7. Lambda


    The latter half of that plot makes me think of Sonic Christmas Blast. Where Sonic had to do those 9 trials or whatever to become Santa, and had to fight a robot on the ice? :v:/>

    The show itself seems pretty clever, though a few of the jokes and the strange comedic timing make me cringe a bit sometimes, and the animation looks a tad stiff. There are certainly some funny ideas at play, though.
  8. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
  9. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Dish is shit. And I say this as a former employee.

    May they drop dead.
  10. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Nah dude I feel you, my neighbor was a Dish employee until yesterday. he told me what they were like, his co-workers and manager were cool but the company itself didn't allow for advancement, they have to sell the product even if thats not their job (he was just an installer but he had to have a sales goal every month), and they have medical thats a $1000.00 a month for some kind of premium bullshit and there was nothing lower tier (Thanks hes working for the city now in road maintenance and hes more happy for it.

    But I worry more about the customers really, they got all caught up in this petty bullshit.
  11. Fantastic


    Born on an island, in the heavens. Member
    Now that's just great, at the moment I don't have any cable/satellite television at my house, and Dish is one of the few (if not the only) providers in my area. :/

    Oh well, at least I have the internet to rely on...
  12. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    So... Cringe worthy jokes, bad timing, stiff animations, but the show seems clever and there's some funny ideas there.

    That doesn't sound like the ideal animated series to watch. =\
  13. Metalsonicmk72


    Anyone else getting serious echoes from Earthworm Jim (and AoSTH) about this?

    + - Jim looks for a new sidekick after a battle with Professor Monkey-For-A-Head goes wrong because of Peter Puppy (his sidekick in the series). It too was the first episode of that series, and that show aired nearly 20 years ago! And then there was that one episode of AoSTH where Tails got hurt and Sonic went high and low to find a family for him so he would be safe. Maybe I'm looking into this too much?  
  14. qwertysonic


    creating the biggest sonic collection
    Because the previous Sonic TV shows have all been so good. [​IMG]
  15. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    AoSTH at least had some nice animation and timing so it worked as an animated series, but this sounds like it would work better as a podcast...

    And only when Sticks doesn't speak. =P
  16. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    Yeah, I'm not /really/ looking forward to this but it looks like it might be the best Sonic cartoon yet (ignoring the OVA, since it's not a series). Not great but worlds better than the others. AoStH was really only any good because of Robotnik and co., let's not delude ourselves.
  17. qwertysonic


    creating the biggest sonic collection
    Can't argue with you there.
  18. Molotok


    Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha Member
    We are also getting Knuckles straightening a bowtie instead of wrapping his hands in sports tape, Sticks yelling at Eggman instead of stuffing her face, and Eggman hanging onto a moving car like a sir instead of like a bitch.

    I mean, it's not like when they changed Shizuka's doll into a journal when they dubbed Doraemon, or the infamous first-aid kit and bandage into a pizza.
  19. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    The first episode, which consists of the two eleven minute episodes Sidekick and Can an Evil Genius Crash on Your Couch for a Few Weeks, will air at 7 AM on November 8th:
  20. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Yeah I'm not buying that, that slot and the 6AM slot is a ratings killer, they stick shows that they don't want or reruns into those early morning slots.

    They won't and can't do that to Sonic Boom, it would break some kind of penalty in their contract with SEGA. I'll wait for definitive proof.