I completely agree. When experimenting with gameplay Sonic team throws several ideas into one game, and unfortunately I think the aspects that shine get dragged down by others that seem out of place. I think having two developers might cut down on all that experimenting. They can see what each other is doing and take things from that and refine it, and they can do it simultaneously rather than yearly.
No, AFAIK the 3DS version is being developed by Sanzaru. Sanzaru and Big Red Button; two developers. (Alternatively, yes, that is what he meant, but it'd more accurately be three developers than two in that case.)
Well, we're not sure if Big Red Button and Sanzaru would be the ones making the sequel(s). Also, you forgot about Dimps. :v:
Dimps isn't making Sonic Boom, I thought - but I suppose they could be a fourth in the list of teams working on the franchise?
If Sanzura working with BRB is like Dimps relationship with Sonic Team, then I wouldn't really expect much creative control coming from them. So, I'd still say there are two places we will see new ideas coming out of.
Your roots are showing girl. Edit: Ok ok. I mean, there isn't much to see about the game. I'm getting generic platformer vibes from it, but I have anti-Sonic Boom bias.
From the Exif tags: Good going, AP. You caught Big Red Button breaking their Nintendo NDA and published it without having a clue.
Yeah. Actually, this picture isn't new, but it's the first we've seen it high res enough to make out what's on the screen. Short after Boom was revealed, Nintendo were doing the rounds telling websites to remove the picture for precisely the reason Aerosol mentioned.
Gunna post in here that I dislike the blue arms as well. There's no reason to change it for the sake of change. However the game still looks like it could be good.