All I was doing was showing the difference between a gullible dumbass character and a pants-on-head moron character. Knuckles is now the latter, when he was the former. Keep your panties on.
Knuckles at the start was not an idiot, he was gullible. The whole idea was he hadn't seen anyone his whole life, why wouldn't he trust Eggman if Eggman says he's so nice? Eggman even warns him about the hedgehog that stole emeralds and sure enough, hedgehog appears with emeralds. By Adventure it becomes a bit more of a stretch to go with that- it's been 6 years, we expect him to by now have learned "Eggman bad" By Heroes he's just Sonic's jock friend And now by Boom he's the village idiot.
Still doesn't explain him climbing onto an unstable platform above an ocean made of oil just to laugh at Sonic. :v: Knuckles in Boom isn't supposed to be the same Knuckles as in previous games though. It's an alternate universe, they could pretty much pull any change out of their arse and it'd be OK. And they pulled plenty of those with this.
Obviously, but also obviously the previous writing of the character will influence and inform the writing of the character in Boom :v: it's because of the general dumbification of Knuckles that it's now not a stretch to have him be the brainless of the group. They seem to be trying to at least avoid breaking away too much on that regard- Sonic's still generally recognizably acting like Sonic, as is Tails and even Amy, if with a bit more ninja injected into her.
I don't think we've really seen enough of any of the characters aside from Sonic, Eggman and a little from Knuckles to know what their personalities are going to be like. It's also possible that the Knuckles toothpaste line was just a different version of him from the alternate universe episode. Actually, all of the other lines aside from the ones that directly refer to an alternate universe probably would make more sense if they take place in one.
"I look like a fortune cookie..." *bites himself* "aww but I don't taste like one." Nope definitely the Boom Knuckles. Even Modern Knuckles is not that much of an idiot. Seems like in Generations and Lost World they are trying to get away from him being an idiot by making him more arrogant.
Maybe that is the dynamic they are going for. Sonic is fast and has the 'tude, Tails is brainy but wimpy, Knuckles has the brawn but is a complete Knuckle-head (I wonder if they are going to use that line in boom) and from the sounds of it Amy is going to be the dynamic of the seemingly defenceless girl who whips out some sick ass kicking skills. To be honest, don't quote me on this as I have not seen as much promo stuff as you guys have. Also, Initially I was kind of shocked by the redesigns but now I actually really like them. I still would not link up their new designs to completely new personalities as they (may) have done, but still, this looks like a pretty neat idea and I'm interested to see how it unfolds.
This'd be a lovely touch if it was done in some fashion, even if they're only briefly visible in a background shot or something.
That'd be hilarious, but you know it'll be more like Archie's take on alternate universes - where it's all spinoffs of only the canon the show is based off of, instead of actually-existing alternate canons. I.e.: it'll be blue-arms Boom Sonic meeting alternate universe blue-arms Boom Sonic, not blue-arms Boom Sonic meeting peach-arms games Sonic. (That said, it'd be awesome if Sega had a Sonic from every known canon gang together for some single plot event, Generations-style. Classic Sonic, Modern Sonic, Boom Sonic, AoStH Sonic, SatAM Sonic, Underground Sonic, OVA Sonic, Sonic X Sonic, Archie Sonic, Fleetway Sonic, Manga Caveman Sonic...)
Bonzer! I really hope that's Marine, she looks so much better, far far away from heavy Cream overtures XD Funny, with the hair like that and boomerang, she's giving me a Skies of Arcadia Aika Vibe lol
Apparently, it's the finest that season nine has to offer for that particular series. To be specific, his name is Kenny and even though the episode has yet to air in the United States, he is quickly becoming famous for one of the most idiotic sounding plots; yes, even by the standard that series has.
If there's one thing giving me a red flag about this leak (As in, making me question if Sega knows what they're doing red flag, mind), it's seeing Marine next to all those new furries. Even though the Sonic cast are supposed to have been redesigned to be westernized, the ACTUAL western-style furries here (who clearly are more like inspired more by the AoStH/SatAM cartoons and/or classic Golden Age animation design) look artistically out of place next to them. Maybe the show's animation will resolve this, but it'll be ridiculous looking if Marine keeps her animesque eyes when absolutely no minor characters have them. Then again, it'll ALSO look ridiculous if only the main Sonic cast are loaded with sports tape all over their stuff.