How I wish that were truly the case. I do agree though, this is one of the best Robotnik designs yet. It's right up there with the classic one in my opinion.
Who the hell are they announcing this to? An empty audience? They sound so monotone and as if they're reading off a teleprompter for the first time in front of anyone. I can't even take them seriously. Way to go with the enthusiasm! You've totally convinced everyone this new series is an absolute catch!
I'd be a little nervous about being enthusiastic when no matter what you do, the fan base and everyone else will tear right into it. "LOOKS LIKE THE SONIC CYCLE'S BACK!" "Sonic's still a thing?" "Nintendo should buy Sega!" And other such drivel.
I like the blonde woman. She got that mad scientist vibe about her. Not much to go on about this video anyways. Just hope we pessimist fucks are all wrong and it doesn't suck. :v:
This bit is from a Kotaku article from March 7th, 2013, shows some background info on Big Red Button and some info on Sonic Boom before it was announced: Some interesting details in there. Especially the production cycle, which is 34 months, and the budget being around $20 million.
I told you it was similar to Pac-Man
SEGAbits just put up their new podcast with a Stephen Frost interview. It has plenty of new details for those interested. David the Lurker is on it as well:
The video has new concept art, a couple of seconds of new gameplay and shows the in-game Eggman model. It also shows some recording sessions, one of them being of an episode with Sonic and Eggman going into alternate dimensions. Also, according to the SEGA blog post, Orbot and Cubot are back.
At 5:55, he says Sonic really is stronger with his friends. I know there's no 1:1 lyric matching, but come on.
If Sonic Boom ends up being really successful, I wonder if Sonic Team will have Sonic's friends be playable again in the near future with their 3D platformers. This game just looks more and more promising. If I owned a Wii U, I'd be totally hyped about this game.
I think that even if it'll be a failure (and I sure hope that it won't be), this game will probably be the most interesting Sonic game released in a long time.
I'm getting a "Castle In The Sky" vibe from these images (yeah, Sky Sanctuary, I know :v: ). I like it.