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Sonic Boom (Games) Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by TimmiT, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    The 3DS version of Sonic Lost World was made by Dimps (creators of Sonic Rush and Sonic 4) where as the 3DS version is being made by Sanzaru Games (creators of Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time). Judging by the quality of Sly 4, I imagine it'll probably be a good game at least.
  2. Captain L

    Captain L

    The guy who likes Shadow the Hedgehog Member
    Waiting for the coming of the Great White Hankerchief
    I did some research on Cartoon Network's website for someone on another forum, and it would appear that they're pretty good about putting episodes up online. I don't know how much later they put the episodes up, and they don't archive past the last 3 episodes (and usually some other random older episode), but they did have the most recent episode of 3 different shows I checked.
  3. Epsilonsama


    If this is done by devs from Naughty Dog then its all good. Does anyone know who the exact devs are?
  4. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Did Chris Senn say anything about this yet? is he involved in anyway?

    Also what did Ian Flynn have to say about all this as well? is it going to effect anything with the comic seeing as both Boom and the comic are western properties?
  5. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I still stand by the idea that it would make no sense to make Archie more Boom oriented. They just went through a major overhaul. Why wouldn't they just have done it after Worlds Collide?
  6. Epsilonsama


    Some anon back at /v/ made simple a edit that I think makes Sonic & Knuckles more appealing.

    What does Retro think about them?


  7. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Problem is that it sounds like they want to put us back in that 90s sonic bubble again where SoJ and SoA had different ideas for the franchise. while the comic was apart of that old 90s era sonic it doesn't fit in with Boom Sonic seeing as it draws its inspirations from main series sonic. and Ian is usually let known of things last minute hes rarely ever given real notice.

    It may actually effect things if (worst case crazy ass scenario talking here) they start segregating us again and they make main series sonic JP exclusive. SoA may not want to support a comic that has aspects from a branch of the franchise that its no longer involved with that much.

    But again it is crazy talk but it is something to consider now that SoA has risen to some sort of power again.
  8. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I just feel like considering all the issues the comic has had as of late, Sega would have kept Archie in the loop. Penders sued the both of em, and then Sega had a tighter hold on Archie. Why would they redesign 20 year old characters for 6 months just to either scrap em totally or redesign em again? What would be the point of this entire arc? I think Archie Sonic will stay as it's own entity, and Boom and Japan Sonic will be their own entities. It'll be like the 90s again, where we have multiple Sonic sects that don't interfere with each other in any way. Just means we'll have more Sonic. Hell Underground and Archie existed at the same time, and Archie only included Underground in the comic once (the second opportunity was canned)
  9. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Guess you got a point, but like I said its just crazy senarios so I don't think it'll actually happen.

    I don't mind them doing their own things, I just don't 1 replacing the other like main series sonic becoming less prominant here with only the games as a reminder and replaced fully by Boom Sonic.

    I'd hate to see only SB!Sonic merch here in the states and the only way of getting MS!Sonic merch is importing.
  10. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    The cape and shorter build make Sonic look like some wannabe kid hero. This actually makes me appreciate where they went even more. As far as Knuckles goes, like HPA said it's really just the legs that make Knuckles look odd, making him shorter looks a little better but that issue is still there.
  11. TheCongressman


    I'm the guy who made those changes.

    I thought that the silhouettes for these characters weren't very appealing, especially with how tall they are. I shortened them for a more compacted, tight look. I think Knuckles especially looks more fitting while still reflecting the strong image they want.

    I'm actually really pleased visually with Amy. More streamline and less frilly. Although if her attitude in the concept art is any indication, I probably won't enjoy her character.

    Tails is pretty much the same, but with tools and tape on his shoes, so I left those guys alone.
  12. Epsilonsama


    Is not a cape, its a scarf. A red scarf fits Sonic color scheme better. His brown scarf looks to much like "WE WANT THE UNCHARTED AUDIENCE". Before I saw this shop I was thoinking that Sonic's scarf should be red.

    Sonic is to damn tall and his legs/arms look odd as fuck. Knuckles is to big to be Knuckles. I agree on both accounts. I think the game itself could be good but they need to fix the art style.
  13. TheCongressman


    I'm sure at this point the designs for the show are final, so the game's art most likely won't change.

    About the game though, I'm pretty excited for a more exploration focused Sonic game, something that I've been advocating for years.

    Ever since Sonic 3 there hasn't been a Sonic game that exclusively allows the player to stop and explore. Sure, secret areas exist in Sonic Generations, but you just have to get your QTE correct to get to it. I had high hopes for Sonic Lost World in that regard, with all the talks of slowing the game and allowing players to go the speed that they want. However, free exploration was hampered due to the strange camera system, backtracking was pretty painful to do. So again, most secrets had to be found by split second decisions or the opportunity was gone. But I think that game was a huge step in the right direction of putting platforming and speed on equal ground.

    I am concerned about the apparent focus on combat. As long as it isn't forced like the Warehog sections of Unleashed, I think it should be fine.
  14. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
    So what is the story on this?

    I spy with my little eye a ripper captain raccoon.
  15. They keep noting that this is a separate universe from the main series.

    Do you guys think they're embracing the idea of a multiverse when it comes to Sonic now?

    Maybe we'll see a "SONIC THE HEDGEHOG: 2099" someday.
  16. 0r4ng3


    I like Sonic's smaller legs, no tape on his arms (what's the point, he should fight with his legs) and noodle arms better. I don't see much issue with the angular arms though, because it gives it the edgier feel they're looking for here. The red scarf is too distracting, if it was brown it would be fine though.

    Knuckles seems the same, but I appreciate the bigger head and skinnier arms. I don't get why he has tape on his shoes. He should have it on his fists only.
  17. Kyuu


    Memory Access Violation Member
    Knuckles looks a lot better in this, IMO. His legs are still oddly skinny (He kinda reminds me of the Werehog now that I think about it), but I like this rendition better.

    As for Sonic, something just occurred to me looking at the image - His shoes don't actually have the traditional white stripe on them at all in the Boom design, do they? It's hard to tell what with the bandages and all, but it certainly doesn't look like it. On that note, again, I like this version of Sonic more, but I have to agree with 0r4ng3 - the longer red scarf is a bit too loud, I think.
  18. Mike Arcade

    Mike Arcade

    Free Scriber of Mobius Member
    God it has been TOO long since I posted on Sonic Retro, or visited, hi guys!

    As for Sonic Boom (Both Show and Game), I'm loving what I'm seeing!

    The designs are different but still keep the characters similar to what they have looked like from the past, granted Knuckles is a lot bulkier but considering he's the power house of the team I've got no complaints with his design. Looks like he could knock out Storm even easier from The Rider Games.

    Amy actually looks pretty badass, she might be one too seeing that she landed on her feet in the game teaser while everyone else fell on their backs or face, maybe the guys working on Sonic Boom read a little bit of STC?

    Tails looks nice, like the added belt holster with special belt buckle and electric gloves, and he FINALLY gets goggles after so many years of fan art adding goggles on Tails, It's a good look for him.

    Finally we got Sonic, quite a bit taller then other incarnations isn't he? No real complaints on it, he looks good and I like the scarf. The fur on his arms is all blue now which I didn't really notice until after the teasers and looks pretty streamlined. Don't know why but I was surprised that Sonic apparently has no belt buckle on his shoes but I can live with that, my favorite part about SB!Sonic's Design is that his quills are a lot more wilder.

    As for the use of sport bandages, yeah they really do like them here don't they? But hey it could be worse and more overused, Zippers from Kingdom Hearts anyone? But I don't mind them.

    Overall, I'm hype about this stuff! Really, with the Show's Preview and the Devs behind the games I think it's gonna be good.
  19. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Seeing how he teased the game's announcement a day before it's reveal on his own forum, I think it's safe to assume that he's involved.

    He also posted exactly how he's involved with the game's development:
  20. Ashram


    My only hope is that the Sonic Boom game gets a soundtrack that isn't a digital release. Also that it isn't a bajillion dollars because it isn't an import.