I'm definitely at a bit of a loss here. Generations did a great job refining the boost-centered gameplay style with its control tweaks and fun level design, and was one of the first games in quite some time to be "only the fun parts of Sonic". After doing that well, I would've thought that they'd devote some time and money to a bigger-budget game taking advantage of those things, but it feels like they're taking a step back again. The mobile and Nintendo platform focus feels like the kind of move they would have resorted to BEFORE successes like Generations and ASRT, not AFTER.
https://twitter.com/Bartman3010/status/431877131287531520 Being that the Wii U game is being done by ex-Naughty Dog members and Chris Senn, I have to know more about their new game engine Sonic's X-Treme Ass.
Sonic Crackers/Knuckles' Chaotix 2.0, bitches! Drawing from Sonic 2, Adventure 1, and Generations? From what I've seen those influences are not as pronounced as their leading me to believe. But hey, there's still four months until E3 to speculate, amirite :v: ?
Um... no? Not really. This concept is only, oh, I don't know, 18 years old to Sonic. I don't really blame them for forgetting, though. Chaotix was the only Sonic game on the 32X, plus not a lot of people know what the 32X is. I'll let it pass, personally.
I don't mind Sonic meets Jak and Daxter at all. Jak and Daxter is on of the best platformer franchises of all time, so I'm down with that. Moreover, I trust that the developers can make a good game, given their track record. I trust them more than Sonic Team anyway. Don't get me wrong, Sonic Team have made some good stuff lately (such as Generations and Colours) but with Lost World, it felt like a complete U-turn (and in a bad way). I just feel like Sonic Team are really unreliable and inconsistent and at least these guys have a more rounded development past. Still, I think it's best to remain rather cautious. Bioware are a great development team and look at Sonic Chronicles. Yeah. As usual with Sonic, it's best to remain cautiously optimistic.
Honestly, it's not like the redesigns are permanent. This game and the Sonic Boom series is just a spinoff, their not part of the main series canon. I do however like the designs on there own (minus the bandaging)and I'm definitely looking forward to the game.
The only games that ever emphasized co-op in the Sonic series were Chaotix and Advance 3, and no one really remembers either of them really well (and you forget you have a partner half of the time in Advance 3)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ__uzlfAdE Bullshit speculation aside, this video points out some pretty neat stuff.
So let me get this straight. Last year, Sonic was trying to be like Mario with Lost World. Now, he's trying to be like Jak and Daxter. So when is Sonic going to try to be like Sonic again?
Neither has trying to be like other franchises though. A Sonic game being a Sonic game can still work, it just needs a competent developer. It's clear both Sonic Team and Dimps are weary of Sonic. Otherwise, Big Red Button wouldn't be in the picture right now.
I don't think we've seen enough to call it similar to other platformers. It's certainly not trying to be a regular Sonic game though.
There's no way for us to tell if the gameplay will be good. We won't know until we get to play it. However the idea that it's open world (ish) and co-op has me very interested. The designs are a little weird but this might actually be better then Lost world and Unleashed.
I had no idea the trailers had come out until today. O_O I think the character designs are okay aside from the random mummy bandages, but I'm not going to join in on the opinion-shaming that the rest of the internet has inflicted on those who hate them. Don't know what to make of the game at this point but the co-op thing reminds me of Sonic Heroes a bit. The TV series trailer made me chuckle a bit so that could end up being entertaining.
Sonic Team alone can't do the semi-yearly releases most people want them to do. Most of their games always end up pretty half-baked as well. They're just throwing this spin-off studio as a chance to see what could happen, and all they need to do is just outsource it (And with whatever money Nintendo threw at this to secure it as another exclusive). If the credits cross-check between Generations and Lost World was true, then the team of the former has probably had their own project in development for like 3-4 years already if they're planning on a 2015 game. I don't agree nor am I interested in Sonic Boom at all, but Sonic Team might've stepped up their game because of this thing. It's basically "competing", and more development time might put them on the right track for once. I believe Sonic Team is capable of doing a great game if they got their focus right and enough time. (As long as they don't use that time to put crappy filler in)
Sonic Team ARE capable. They produced Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations. I haven't played Colors, but Generations is my favorite Sonic title since the 90s. They need to be on a 3 year plan. I hope this Sonic Boom franchise allows them to do that.
I'm definitely looking forward to the TV show, although I might end up having to search the Internet for episodes, and considering my luck with finding that kind of stuff outside of torrents, that might be a bit hard. The game, however, I have seriously low expectations for the 3DS version after the motion control and puzzle-infested Sonic Lost World 3DS. Then again, by the time this comes out, I should have a Wii U of my own, so eh.
Colors isn't all that great. It's kinda Marble Zone the Game with Mario power ups. It was consistent though, and that's rare. Ya know the more I see the Japanese styled renders, the less I hate them. I still cannot stand those in game models or the TV models though. I still think there's a compromise somewhere. Also, Dimps not touching this is nothing but good news.