We're overdue for a good Sonic show again. SatAM has aged terribly. Knuckles is a departure, but I'm loving the background art.
I really hope that this never becomes so popular as to affect the character designs in the games. Pls no
YES MAKE ALL THE GAME CHARACTERS THIS WAY MUAHAHAHAHA (Sorry, I'm just amused at how hilariously bizarre this is probably going to be. :p )
You guys claiming doom are cracking me up. We have a SINGLE image of SHADOWS on a WALL. Howsabout we wait until we have actual footage of the thing before we start screaming off with its head. I think the brand has done enough right lately to warrant some healthy optimism. C'mon guys.
I tried to resist (for a whole three minutes) but I just had to.. Not sure what to think, really. It'll be interesting to find out what they do with it. Hopefully Knuckles there is just trying to look like that for his shadow, and Sonic with extra spikes has been tried before with fan artists so.. I guess we'll see. I'm curious as to what they turn Eggman into make Eggman look like.
Cinoossu, you totally ninja's my post with that. =P WHY IS THIS PUTTING ME IN STITCHES OMG Healthy optimism, I need to remember that the next time one of my friends is afraid of how something will play out. And after all the series reboots I've seen in a lot of my favorite shows over the years, I'm willing to welcome a change of art style. As long as Knuckles doesn't look like he could swallow Vector inside his great physique, I can live with him being changed up a bit. This is making me wonder what changes they'd make to characters like Blaze, if any of those characters made a one-off appearance for laughs or a quick cameo. *drool*
To be honest, whether the design ends up good or bad, this is the first time I've been interested in anything to do with Knuckles since Sonic Adventure 1. Maybe the redesign could actually be what it takes to make them think about what his strengths are, rather than just failing to integrate 3D versions of his S&K gameplay.
I'll judge the character models once I see a lot more than shadows. I'm also not against the idea of making Knuckles look stronger.
I don't really... get it. I mean, artistic design doesn't dictate whether a TV show is bad or not, but it confuses me in this case. What's the point of redesigning characters that have kept similar form factors for 14 years? What's the point of making Knuckles taller and more buff? What's with getting rid of gloves? It doesn't make sense to me. They're letting American cartoonists Americanize Japanese characters that were already Americanized... something tells me Iizuka REALLY doesn't have much to do with the production of this. Another thing: has Sonic always been aimed toward younger kids? They say this show is for kids ages 6-11. Weren't they generally older ages back in the 90s and early 2000s, or am I crazy?
I'm having mixed feelings about this. I mean, it's great we're having once again Sonic off the videogames, he seem to be once again popular, I guess. I liked how they've tried to spice up the designs a bit, never really liked how every character was an almost copy of Sonic. Knuckles does seem like he should be a bit stronger and more "cut" (not that much I guess), Tails a bit smaller and Amy a bit thinner. The change in the designs are pretty interesting although I'm feeling that all the characters will be wearing clothes, which I never really liked very much. Even the small modifications in the Riders series are turn-off to me. Other than the clothes thing-y, I'm actually kind on a positive side about this and pretty interested to see other Sonic characters with this new "design". Especially Robotnik. On the side note, looking at Psycho's drawing, I just hope they don't do that "hair" thingy with Sonic and other characters, Eddie Lebron's "movie" showed us all how disgusting that look.
For some reason, wrt the silhouettes/redesigns, I keep seeing the Chuck E. Cheese redesign in my head and thinking the non-silhouetted versions of the characters will skew toward that. I mean, it's not like Chuck E. Cheese wasn't kind of skeevy before hand, but still, do not want.