Amy actually doesn't look that terrible, outside of the "come hither" facial expression. Tails doesn't look terrible either. Why the fuck is there so much tape around everyone's shoes and hands, though? Knuckles' body shape is still just as awful, and the sash on Sonic is pointless. Uuurgh. Reboots suck so much. Welp. Guess my guess of #3 being Sonic & Mario Kart was right out. =P
Tetsuya Nomura presents Sonic the Hedgehog. Okay, that's not entirely fair, but it was my reaction to the bandages freakin' everywhere.
I have so many dang conflicting emotions going on right now. Like, the designs aren't outright terrible, but those in-game models are. But the game also looks really interesting. I... don't know what to think. Also, it's weird that we've seen the trailer for the tie-in game before we actually see any footage of what it's tying into.
What? Big Red Button doesn't have a single game to their name. No shovelware at all. That's somewhat discouraging for a company that's been around for six years, but it's virtually all ex-Naughty Dog staff, so I'm not worried at all.
Sanzaru Games are involved? I have faith. They know what they are doing after the excellence that is Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time.
A quick Google Search lead to this. I'm wondering how much other information was revealed, since the event only lasted an hour. It wouldn't have taken them that long just to show off a trailer and a few images.
Fuck, I'm in the office now and I cannot watch the video... I Will try in my phone later Is there another page with the video?
Of any western team to handle a Sonic game, I'd say one comprised of Naughty Dog staff is one of the better choices. I don't think there's ever been a Sonic platforming (looking) game developed entirely by a Western team, either (but this is damn sure the forum to tell me I'm wrong).
I feel bad because I just now noticed Sonic has no eyebrows. A bit weird, but I could adjust. The game itself still looks pretty amazing, I'm way more interested in it than Lost Worlds because of the development team behind it. That is kind of odd, but this is the Internet. Some things get leaked before the press has time to catch up.
Well, I know I wanted a Sonic Heroes sequel, but not like this. Not like this. Shit's uglier than my ex's badly-stuffed ladykebab. Okay, so... big, 3D levels that look pretty open (most of the time), and feel like... Ratchet an' Clank/Jak n' Daxter.... only faster. All right. Let's see how this goes.
I was about to say I'm ok with this reboot until I saw that trailer. I don't even know what to think. For the first time in my life they have put out a Sonic trailer that makes me feel nothing. Not joy or anger, just nothing.