Left to Right: What's with Tails' expression? I hope they didn't give him an attitude; what made him great was his childlike innocence. Knuckles looks a lot better in that concept art than he does in the 3D render. Same concept, completely different proportions, and it actually sorta works here. Sonic's head is drawn all derpy. I think this is just sloppy penwork though; just as with the 3D render, I have no issue with the design itself. I thought Amy was supposed to be the annoying romantic, not the seductress. If they start writing her like Rouge, I'll laugh my ass off. But I might cry also. Prepare for a new wave of bizarre Amy fanart.
Sonic Boom The Game announced for Wii U and 3DS. Trailer here: http://video.lefigaro.fr/figaro/video/la-bande-annonce-de-sonic-boom/3161522154001/
What the fuck is with the bandages and tape? Like, Why the hell is all over their shoes and arms? Are they mummies in this new universe? I cannot get over how silly it looks. Tails is actually fine but get rid of the retarded tape. Amy is just her in new cloths and tape. Sonic has blue arms(ASDFASKDFHASKDF), a different spike layout that's hard to imagine in 3d, and a scarf with the stupid tape. Knuckles...skipped leg day, changed his gloves around, and lost his lego shoes.
Guys. Guys. Guys. I think this is the final WiiU/3DS game. http://video.lefigaro.fr/figaro/video/la-bande-annonce-de-sonic-boom/3161522154001/
...Well, that was unexpected. Looks intriguing, and we now know what the final exclusive game is in the contract.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH THOSE MODELS THOSE MODELS ARE SO BAD I don't mind these designs based on those renders and concept art but THESE MODELS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. And it's obviously it's a dirt-cheap movie tie-in type game, outsourced to a crappy american company. This is Sega's way of getting out of their Nintendo contract.
Oh god those models. I threw up. But the gameplay looked like multiplayerish? Multiple characters are back... It's like a game I sort of wanted but in the most garish coat of paint.
I don't even know wtf bigredbutton is. But this is all very good. It all points to one off show tie in
Developers are ex-Naughty Dog guys: http://www.ign.com/articles/2008/02/15/big-red-button-entertainment-formed Also Sanzaru, which made the latest Sly Cooper game, is working on it as well (though I'm guessing the 3DS version).
Oh God, the number of users reading this one topic is UNREAL OH MY GOD 216 PEOPLE. These redesigns are actually a lot cuter than I thought they would be. My sis and I always wanted to see Sonic and friends' looks revisited. A bit more extreme of a departure than what she did on paper many times, but this could work; certainly not the end of the world. I think even Amy would be fine if she was also older to go with that new look. But that won't stop the onslaught of sticklers hatin' and Rule 34 of Amy. The popcorn maker is going to be swimming in melted butter pretty soon.
OMFG. This is the best thing I've read all week. If anyone can do a great Sonic game, it's Dimps these guys.
The art direction for the game looks very similar to Ratchet & Clank: Tools of Destruction. Honestly not sure on the character designs though. Also, Big Red Button Entertainment? Who are they?
This is HILARIOUS. Sega's outsourcing a TV tie-in game to a shitty no-name shovelware studio. It's totally off-model even to their new designs, and just a shitty movie tie-in type game, with a pretty low budget from the looks of it. Obviously, they want to get out of their 3-game contract with Nintendo. This is amazing.
So they all grew up. Knuckles looks like he's based on the Werehog. Honestly? My only concern is the character designs. Like... what the heck is going on there? They seem a little too drastic a change. Moreover, why all the sports tape on everyone? Are they huge CM Punk fans? It makes sense on Knuckles, but why the others? Is there a tape fetishist on the design team? :v: As Tim pointed out, this is an odd time as Big Red Button is the same studio doing a Sly Cooper game, and they're made of ex-Naughty Dog staff.