It's a shame it is fake. The ideas of Metal Sonic taking the role of antihero rival and Shadow and Rouge being Eggman's snarky, deceitful henchmen really appeal to me. Then you read the thing about Silver and go "oh. it's fake". :C
Yeah I'm not buying that in the slightest, I know Sega have done some questionable things with the Sonic franchise. But to up and completely gut it into something else in this fashion, just when it's starting to pick up momentum again in it's current form is super stupid. Gimmi a few minutes lol Spoiler
It confuses me that the Jazwarez billboard says this is the first CG animated film in the franchise, when it isn't. This is. Which makes me wonder... What if they're actually making a full-length feature film to end off the series? If the show does well, that'd be great. I'm really trying to keep an open mind, considering all we've seen is one piece of promotional art, but it just weirds me out. Still, can't judge it until it actually releases.
NotW isn't a CG film, it's a short. While you may just call that a technicality, when people talk about films they do generally mean something full-length. And in addition to that, Jazwares isn't SEGA so they could easily make the mistake of forgetting NotW - it isn't exactly well known.
I believe that the cg film is separate from Sonic Boom. Remember, Sony registered a domain for a Sonic the Hedgehog movie, plus the fact that the jazzware thing mentions SB and the movie as separate things.
It's listed under "New Show". Anyway, apparently any new information on that info board is incorrect.
Wouldn't be surprised, seeing how she's denying information about Sonic Boom that was officially announced last year.
They only said that nothing has been "announced." The wording is purposely vague. That's the only reason cited for the poster being incorrect, not the content itself being wrong.
Since those carefully selected words seem to be the only sentence she can say on this subject, I wonder what very specific bit of information that "came out of Nuremburg Toy Fair" is "incorrect", and to what degree. Funny how she even removed "recent" the second time she spoke, to make things more vague. Oh wait, she didn't even directly specify that she was referring to the information regarding Sonic Boom, didn't she.
Maybe the exclusive third videogame is one with the Werehog again and the CGI movie is Night of the Werehog 2 :v:/>/>
Apparently SEGA staff is in New York for something, so it seems to be legit. And it says on top that the embargo ends on the same day. Looks like it's time for the entire Sonic community to go crazy, so bring your popcorn.