No... I'm 19, actually. But that's besides the point. :v: But on the topic of age, does anyone in any of the Sonic canon ever age? Sonic celebrated his 15th birthday for the 20th time in Generations so they really get me confused. When it comes to their shadows in the teaser, I feel like they are saying something about their age. Knuckles and Amy are the most obvious; Knuckles with his bulky physique that mirrors the image of the older Echidnas of his clan and Amy looking as though she's wearing pants because there's no visible sign of her childish dress.
But then sonic and knuckles switched ages in adventure... But then sonic had a birthday in generations...
Leave figuring out characters ages to the Doctor Who fanbase and save your efforts for other Sonic-related things. It'll be a lot less painful for you.
Heck, screw the designs. I care more about plot, and I've been waiting for a Sonic cartoon/comic that adapts all the games's (past, current and maybe future) plots faithfully without any extra characters and ties them together in some way ever since Sonic adaptations started showing up. I know this is a tough task, but if Sonic Boom achieves this it'll be the best Sonic media project ever, even with the weird re-designs.
So like Sonic X without Chris? I can dig it. That said, more and more inconsistencies pop up as more games come out. SEGA has never been careful with Sonic canon, and such a show would have to make sacrifices to faithfulness in their adaptations to prevent this problem. Thing is, the games are largely meant to stand on their own, but a single TV show is both self-contained and more story-driven than games, so it can't get away with leaving those inconsistancies and contradictions in place.
X didn't adapt Heroes, Battle and Rush, did it? Heroes was a big release at the time, Battle/Advance 3 had amazing plots for a portable spinoff and Rush was released at the end of it's lifetime... I know Emerl appeared as an one-off character in one of the episodes or maybe two, but still. Also, A S3&K adaptation would hopefully explain all that "Knuckles's-story-comes-after-Sonic and Tail's" stuff, if it didn't get explained already.
X did actually adapt Battle, somewhat at least. Heroes would be rather difficult to adapt in the X world though, and correct me with I'm wrong but didn't Rush come after the show's existence?
I dunno, I've got a planned story that adapts the games and, as far as I can tell through rigorous research, it will have no issues between the continuity. I even plan to fill in the plot holes of the games like the Future/Parallel Dimension stuff and the massive SA2 plot hole. But that's just me.
For games, it shouldn't be at all. Games are supposed to be fun, though RPGs are the exception. For comics and such, where story actually MEANS something, then yeah there should be some forethought put into the story.
Figured this would be the place. Spoiler Everything's about time travel, Sonic has a hoverboard, Tails is Scottish, Shadow wears a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses, Silver's fat, Amy has no hammer and her Classic skirt and... Fang makes a return?? And this is what they plan to completely relaunch the Sonic franchise as, 2006-style. Good god, I hope this doesn't stick. Source of the rumours: 4chan, so make what of that you will. Might at least be important to have on file for March. Still, trash this if you must, but it's something a little more substantial then rampant speculation.
As if Fang returning wasn't proof enough that it's fake, here's Ian Flynn dismissing it: Not all of it is obviously fake, but there are far too many dead giveaways. It honestly would not surprise me though if SEGA are intending this to be a big reboot/rebranding of the Sonic franchise. The series has noticeably moved towards new territory with Colours and Lost World (sticking Generations as an outlier due to it's status purely as an anniversary game), and SEGA have spoken about wanting to attract a new crowd to the games with this show, and vice versa. Wouldn't they want to keep things relatively similar between the two mediums?
Yeah, that "rumour" is a fake. EDIT: Ha, Blue Blood beat me to it =P In any case, let's wait for information to come from a legitimate source. 4chan rumours and the like are only going to lead to "rampant speculation" because we have absolutely no way of knowing if it's true or not.
Okay, apologies- didn't know Ian had commented on the rumour. Shouldn't just up and listen to 4chan anymore- used to be Wentos, but now, yeah.
Wait wait wait wait... how. Just honestly how. None of this makes sense. The Chaotix are villains with Fang, Shadow and Rouge are now Team Rocket, Metal Sonic and Shadow somehow switched roles, oh and Shadow wears a Hawaiian shirt. Like what the hell is this? Granted, that's some top notch fan fiction if it's false. Would have never thought of any of that in a million years. I do not see how this could possibly be true though. They parade around Modern Sonic these days like nothing else, they just rebooted the comic and they didn't have any significant design alterations there, and all this sounds like they basically want to turn Sonic into Crash of the Titans. None of this sounds right, but if it is... good lord no. EDIT: Ok few, it's a lie. Still, like I said, top notch fan fiction.
Unless there's definitive proof that the person posting it would know that kind of info, always assume that rumors from 4chan are fake. This was a pretty obvious fake as well.