To those that are going, I will be the one wearing a teen titans t shirt and a sonic hat so be on the lookout for my gf and I. xP She'll be the one with the glasses. xD We should probably meet up somewhere either before or after the event...
Sadly, this is a question I've wondered myself. I've just kind of accepted that the answers are "Sega mandates that you can't" and "no", respectively, though. I certainly wouldn't waste time at a Q&A segment with it, anyway.
An answer does exist, though, and has existed since 1998. - large file But still, the fact this even had to be asked makes me realize either some fans are REALLY that anal, or someone was trying to mask their foot fetish/foot fetish Sonic art business.
Yeah, it was stuff like this which made it pretty certain--not only was it just a several-hour advertisement, but most of the (non-costume contest) portions where fans asked stuff was also meh. I'd rather just go to the Yardhouse again and watch people banter. That was far more entertaining.
I was too busy talking and then we ran out of time. ;_; Instead of downing it when we had to leave I opted to finish off any food that was left.
Slight bump: So, who all is actually going to Boom? Since we staff have mostly backed out of the event (not in protest but mostly due to finances in personal lives requiring priority elsewhere), I'd like to present you all with an opportunity. Basically, I'd like someone to do a write up on the event that will be posted on the front page. Live tweeting the event would be super awesome too, if possible. I'm looking for someone with competent writing skills (doesn't need to be perfect, so no need to worry), maybe talk with a some people and get some quotes (not required, but flavor text is nice), and photos. Lots of photos of the stage, costumes, panels, etc. Usually, I enforce a no cellphone photo policy, but most phone cameras have gotten comparable with standard point and shoot cameras, and I don't expect everyone to own a DSLR like mine. If you're interested in this opportunity, fire a PM my way and we'll talk more.
So it's coming guys, we have 5 days until Sonic Boom! Sega updated their blog with the event schedule as well as information regarding the trivia contest, and what food will be giving out this year. Here's the blog post, to give you guys an idea on what's going on that night. Can't wait to see everyone attending this year. ^_^
I wished I lived close to 6161 Delmar Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63112. As a student journalist, I would have been on this in a heartbeat.
Yeah, I understand guys. I can't justify flying out there for a five hour event on my own budget. There was little else going on around St. Louis to make the trip worth it, unlike 2011 which was at E3 right in the heart of L.A. (and a blast), or last year right by SDCC. I'm more concerned with securing my new place in Chicago. But for anyone that is going and wants to help out, it'd be hugely appreciated.
If all goes well I'll be there taking plenty of pictures and hopefully a little video here and there. I'm up for it.
And of course you have me and my gf as stated in my PM. Don't worry guys, we'd love to help Retro out and will gather as much information as needed for a well written post for the front page. ^_^
I'm going! We just arrived in St. Louis, and I'll be live-tweeting the whole event, probably with pics and Vines over on @Mega_Turd. Gene, I'd be more than happy to collaborate some photos and such for the front page article (I take photos on my iPhone 4S; low-light photos are absolute garbage but I can probably get some good shots). Sapphire and I will try to grab footage of each other playing Lost World as well.
Awesome. I'll be sure to keep an eye on the tweet stream tomorrow. To everyone that wants to help out, I only ask that you try and send me material as soon as convenience allows. I already have a good idea of what Sega has in store, so no need to live tweet EVERY little detail. Enjoying yourselves is priority #1. Oh, and I strongly encourage everyone to from Retro to add a specific hashtag onto your tweets if you're going to be using #sonicboom. With Ken gone, we need a new-ish person to playfully pick on, and I know of just the person who fits the bill. He may already be reading this and shaking his head. Hello. :v:
Neither my mom or I could find her camera and my crappy phone is giving me a fit with my microSD card so I dunno if I'll get any good pictures, but I just got to my hotel outside St. Louis and am eagerly awaiting tomorrow evening. /> Any Retro-ites planning a meetup? I'd love to spend the time leading up to the event with someone other than myself, a little hangout (19 year old friendly) would be sweet. EDIT: Looks like I'll be hitting up the Loop and hopefully hitting up a few SSMB members, here's me, come find me tomorrow! Mello Yellow not included.