Please refer to the proper build in your post. For your convenience, a list of builds: -611 -74 -806 -821 -827 -94 -910
To start offProto 74)Game instantly goes into level select is available from the beginning, anything past Blue marine 2 crashes the game instantly. (Proto 611) After the sega screen the game starts off instantly with no character select you begin as Sonic. (Proto 821) The sega screen comes up however it goes into level select after you press start. (Proto 827) The intro screen has finally been added however level select is still in place. (Proto 910) The level select screen has been removed. This build is similar to the final.
I've been working on this for a couple of hours, but here's a changelog and a few screens. Prototype 611 - Sega Titlecard plays - Game Begins * Rom is half the size as the following ones, perhaps because Knuckles was not yet implemented / removed Prototype 74 - No Sega Titlecard plays - Game starts with level select - Text based character select * Major Difference: Debug Mode - Holding 2 will freeze character and allow the player to move him freely with the D-Pad Prototype 806 - No Sega Titlecard plays - Game starts with level select - Text based character select * Also includes Debug * As far as I can tell, it's the same as 74 Prototype 821 - Sega Title Card plays - Introductory cinematic plays - Game Titlecard - Level Select - Graphical Character Select introduced - Level Titlecards - End of level placards actually now - End of level titlecards play now * Still has Debug Prototype 827 - Sega Title Card plays - Introductory cinematic plays - Game Titlecard - Level Select - Graphical Character Select introduced - Level Titlecards - End of level placards actually now - End of level titlecards play now * Debug has been removed from being default Prototype 910 - Sega Title Card plays - Introductory cinematic plays - Game Titlecard - Graphical Character Select introduced - Level Titlecards - End of level placards actually now - End of level titlecards play now * Level Select has been removed from being default Prototype 94 - Sega Title Card plays - Introductory cinematic plays - Game Titlecard - Graphical Character Select introduced - Level Titlecards - End of level placards actually now - End of level titlecards play now * Essentially the same as 910 Level Select Menu Text-Based Character Select used in protos 74 and 806 Fun with the debug mode
The Green Hill Zone in the 611/74/806 proto has a very strange area: A shot from the 821 build, this monitor is not present in the final: Until the title cards were ready (in the 821 build) Red Volcano was named Red Volcanic, and it has some diferences from the final. (Shot fro the 821 build): For comparison, a screen from the final:
In the two earliest ones, you can't lose rings. They fly out from you, but your count never goes down.
On the 74 proto, the game crashes when going to Blue Marine or Silver Castle zones. On the 611 proto, you cannot go further after the first boss. Sonic just keeps pointing his finger after beating it.
Better yet, use Alt-Print screen to take screenshots instead of Print Screen on it's own. That will just take a snapshot of the active window, not the entire desktop.
Hey, even better is SHIFT+F12 to screengrab in Fusion, though you'll want to convert it to PNG after in Paint or something.
I've put up a video of what happens when you beat the Red Volcano boss. You get the same red flash if you select Blue Marine 1 directly on the title screen. However there's no red flash when starting on any other Blue Marine or Silver Castle level. Then you should see the brazilian SMS port!
-74- I find this very weird. If you got to Volcanic Stage Act 3, defeat the Boss and use debug over where you have defeated him. You will notice a Strange Black outline of what I think looks like a Bell. This seems to be a very big mistake that SEGA may have made in Procces. Oh yes, I do have a Picture. [/URL][/img] This image is pretty poor quality, but I was in a rush.=P Spread the Word. NOTE; If you try this, make sure you check the Right hand side instead. I by coincedence, found it where I defeated the Boss. Double Post cause' I did the pic wrong. [/img] GODS SAKES, I DID IT WRONG AGAIN I AM REALLY NO GOOD AT IMAGE SHACK IMAGE HOSTING.
5-year bump? Well, I think it's worth it :P With the recent 'Marble Zone' in S1 SMS I decided to take a look at the GG protos drx released and I ended up finding a longer version of the ending song in Sonic Blast 806 proto! I've already wikified this and here's the beta song (and the version in the 821 proto for comparison, which is the same as the final version). You can hear it by changing the memory at DE03 from '80' to '94'.
Neat! Though not as exciting as the Marble Zone music. Still good find! I wouldn't be surprised if there's more stuff to find, as no one seems to likes this game too much. Has anyone ever really checked?
I like this game hahaha! Well I've found they have used a Power Sneaker monitor in Red Volcano in one of the protos, which aren't used at all on the final version it has it's own song too. Like Sonic 2 SMS/GG thing. The other thing is that the intro song is much longer than what hear when it plays, but I guess that's known.