hey, look, I got an interview at TSSZ :v: wait what??... I was going to post the link to the interview here but it changes the link to "cutefluffykittens.com". does retro blocks TSSZ?.... yeah, just try to google it anyway... @Falk Thanks! it's those "glitches"(actually, failures) I'm actually looking for. ya know, those small things that almost break the whole experience.
Yes, because TSSZ does not get along well with Retro's admins and Sonic Stadium's admins so both sites just censor the name. To be fair, Tristan is a major dick but the censorship of the name is just stupid. It's not going to stop anyone from going to the site. Only thing that would have any real effect would be to flat out ban discussion of the site, but that would be even more ridiculous. For the hell of it, I'll just link to it anyways but with a space between the T and S. :/
I'd be careful trying to get around the filters for posting TSSZ links. I was suspended for doing that. Retro also blocks TSSZ from linking to them, which is even more silly when I'm trying to write an article that cites Retro as a source. Hooray for inconveniencing everybody because of a single person.
Oh, gees. They actually suspend people for posting links? :| *removes link* This is so stupid... Thanks for the heads up.
@DustArma just turn the Cutscenes option to NO and I should be fixed it happened because there is something wrong with flash... or something called "Active X"... in your PC I still didn't find a way to fix that...
Um...apparently when my friend was playing the Dust Hill level as Tails, he decided to fly to the top right corner over the goal post and... This happened. I'm not entirely sure what happened, but Metal Sonic grabbed them and brought them to an area that they got stuck.
Over 50 levels? Holy crap. Are 75% of them pointless filler? j/k I'm totally going to play this soon.
@W.A.C. 10 zones with 3 acts and a boss battle each = 40 + last zone with 2 acts and a boss + a special boss = 44 + 10 special stages 54 levels.... I don't really know if special stages and the boss battles really count but... well... ya know...
Well, good thing alt + enter gives me full screen because the resolution options are small. >_> Unfortunately, I have to go so I didn't play more than the beginning of the first level but it's a good start from what I've seen. I noticed the music sometimes stop altogether when I pause the game though. I don't know if that's because I play it in full screen or just a standard bug in the game. The resolution also got messed up at one point where I couldn't see the bottom of the screen in full screen. <_<
Not bad, got to Sunset Star. Its a pretty fun game so far. Changes between music style is a little jarring, and some of the art clashes but whatever, doesn't distract me too much. I really like how each act has a different theme of some sort. Lost Levels was pretty cool in that regard, and I see what you did there. :P Boss battles are fun so far. Badniks are OK (Never cared too much about badniks). LOVE the Hadoken/Shyuroken turtles though! They're cute. I'll give my full thoughts after I beat it but congrats man, I think the effort pulled through.
"Kirby mouse attack" Did you mean "Kirby Squeak Squad"? :v: This was actually quite fun. Excellent job!
I laughed my ass off at the ryu badniks. Loving this game so far, I'll post more thoughts when I've finished it.
Since I can't play Sonic CD yet, I decided to give this a try. I made it though the entire thing in about 3 hours. I loved it, and its an amazing fangame. I thought the levels were very speedy, but still provided an emphasis on platforming. Enemy designs always kept me on my toes, and I thought the levels each had enough gimmicks to make each act fresh. I think the best levels were Metro Madness and Titanic Tower. I guess my biggest critque is music. Way to much Kirby music that does not fit, especially with Sonic's levels (not so bad with Tails). Its one thing to pay homage to a track or two you like, but every zone almost had a track from Kirby Superstar or Kirby's Adventure. It clashed with an otherwise very tight and thought-out game. Probably the worst offender was Archaic (?) Altitude. Spoiler Don't get me wrong, I love the Halberd tracks, but they do not match with the Death Egg (which by the way, had an awesome incorporation of both the Sonic 2 and Sonic & Knuckles tilesets). Given how epic the final boss is, it was a shame to use the Nightmare music when a more badass tack could be there. I think this as good as a professionally made platformer. Good job.
Well for some reason the game started lagging like crazy in Tails' sky level and then the Death Egg level, and the fact there's no rings after that first check point in the Death Egg level just left it unbeatable for me. What's with the fans and the spazzing orbs? How are they supposed to work?
Glad to see this game finally out and done, downloading it right now! Played the demo, it was great so I expect even more so from the full game, which I am sure will not dissapoint.
Gonna download and give it a try (hell, gonna stream it, probably). Will report with my experience later!
@Sparks I was sure the sections I made to teach the player how they worked did their job Red orb makes you more heavy, Green orb makes you more light, Cyan orbs reverse your weight @W.A.C. you will notice A LOT of problens, gliches and errors when it's full screen, especially with the cutscnes and you will figure out the reason there wasnt much of screen size options --- and, just one thing, I've placed a lot of easter eggs though the game, one of it is SUPER... =P Edit: thanks for editing the first post and the title, falk