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Sonic ATS - Released!

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by LakeFeperd, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. Gosh did that Ross guy expect this to be a masterpiece of a game or something? and I agree with Candescence protip, could've said your helpful constructive criticism be more helpful then knocking the poor guy down on it.

    Anyway I was one of the ones that really enjoy this game so far, not perfect(but no game is never perfect) I'm in the snow stage of the game currently.
  2. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    The only thing I don't like is the chase scene bosses (not sure if that's the correct term, but whatever) as I don't feel like I have much control, Sonic's jumping seems unpredictable. Other than that, it's a stellar game! I'l probably finish it later on tonight.
  3. Thousand Pancake

    Thousand Pancake

    Being a food you put milk on and then eat in the m Member
    Haven't tried 1.1 yet or even finished the main quest, but this has been a nice game. It was about as good as I expected it to be; no more, no less. That said, here are my praises and criticisms:

    -The bosses were very creative, if a tad simple to fight. The only one I flat out didn't like was the Mecha Sonic lookalike which just stood there and shot things at you. Really Lake? :v:

    -I liked the concept for the Special Stages, but they were all really easy and you didn't even need 50 rings to get in. I got all seven Chaos Emeralds on my first playthrough which is something that NEVER happens to me, not even in Sonic 3D Blast on the Genesis.

    -Why does accessing the options menu from the pause screen effectively quit the game? That doesn't really make much sense.

    -That said, why do I need to use the keyboard to navigate the menus? Why couldn't you just let me use the gamepad? I thought MMF2
    supported this? (I never used a gamepad, by the way)

    -The idea of the spike shield is OK, but I don't think you thought it through quite well enough. The attack is pretty useless.

    -The character sprites are well done, but everything else that isn't ripped from some other game has the same kind of crude MS Paint look as the first game. Perhaps you should hire a decent pixel artist.

    -This is more personal taste, but I really wish you hadn't kept that Kirby powerup from the trailers in. It takes away from the feeling of a focused atmosphere, and it isn't even useful outside the level it's designed for. I personally would have changed it so it wasn't such a blatantly obvious reference.

    -Freaking clip-art cutscenes. I'm sorry, I just really don't like that style. Maybe the next game should have a decent animator on the case?

    At least you can turn them off. :v:
  4. Falk



    You can get some hilarious upwards momentum using the spike shield to bounce off monitors. Skips a ton of platforming in some cases.
  5. The Shad

    The Shad

    ↑ & ↓ & ↻ Oldbie
    There's also enemies who seem to just hit you no matter how you attack them, though that's taken care of with the spike shield.
  6. Relick


    C++/DX10 Engine (not sonic related)
    Wow! I don't normally try fan-games because they're often not great but this has had a lot of hype and the music that has been released over time has been phenomenal so I downloaded the game and tried it out.

    My main gripes with the game come from Sonic Worlds, I know its too late to change for Chrono Adventure but in the future it may be worth searching for and using a different engine because the controls in this engine are simply either too unresponsive or too slippery. Also getting into some gaps by jumping was challenging as the engine kept deciding I couldn't get in :/. Then there's the sometimes bounce, sometimes fall, when you hit an enemy that makes trying to get bounce combos frustrating.

    Other than that though, the sheer number of badniks right in your face made me more cautious but at least it made it more challenging to go fast. The level design was great, so much so that I was able to predict exactly when the levels were about to end simply because of the way it was designed so similarly to the classics, in my opinion. The gimmicks were featured well in each level, although the kirby powerup broke the flow a lot. I had a really fun time playing the game, and the musicians did such an outstanding job that I'd even be willing to pay for the OST. I can't wait to download it and put it straight onto my iPod.

    tl;dr: Sonic Worlds is silly, fun game, outstanding music!
  7. Lilly


    United States
    Shang Mu Architect
    I didn't get it either. In my experience, fan-made Sonic games usually either garner too much praise, or too much blunt honesty, like with Ross. I'm glad to see neither extreme in this topic, besides the once; everyone else has been giving it a fair amount of feedback and criticism. It's good to see those concerns addressed as well.

    Anyway, it's great to see another release from you, Lake! I absolutely loved how fresh and inspired Before the Sequel was, (I would even say it set the bar for creativity in fan games; there was never a dull moment.) and I can't wait to find time to play After the Sequel too; just got it downloaded for when I do. ^^ I already know the music's going to be a riot.
  8. You-Are-Pwned


    Here is a showcase of the debug mode and FFZ Special Zone (SPOILERS!!):

    Full music dump coming soon.
  9. Enjoying this loads. Good job to all involved, and a special congrats to Falk on his further achievements in the industry. I've been following all the artist's on Sound Cloud since BTS and it's been great to see "<Artist> uploaded a new track" to find it is part of the OST. Major probs to you all.

    I'm enjoying the game. A gimmick in each level is something quite welcome (although some out of place, namely the kirby star / hadouken stuff). I do however have a gripe with the resolution and getting this to work at a decent full screen resolution. I've tried all the tricks, alt+g for full screen, and resizing the window (which gives off flash-looking layer glitches). Bit of a shame to have to play this in Windowed mode all the time but it'll do I guess.
  10. The Shad

    The Shad

    ↑ & ↓ & ↻ Oldbie
    Sound track has been stuck in my head all day today. Hope to have it on my MP3 player eventually.
  11. LakeFeperd


    Spark the electric jester
  12. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    As a fangame it's fine. One of the better ones out there in fact (although I prefer Before the Sequel more? I'm only about half way through this one so perhaps a bit early to judge).

    But to compare it to something more... idk, "professional" and it falls down pretty quickly. Graphically there are huge problems with foregrounds blending in with backgrounds, inconsistent dithering, new badniks and bosses looking out of place when compared to the edited stuff - I don't even class myself as an artist and I think I could make the aesthetics more consistent overall. And less blue-y green-y cyan-y. And resolutions which aren't permanently stretched in some way.

    And I know there's a great deal of talent behind the music but... it really doesn't fit a Sonic game... and none of it is catchy. It doesn't really feel like something that fits between Sonics 2 and 3.

    But you wouldn't compare it to a retail product - it isn't one.
  13. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    I'm pretty sure no one's comparing it to a retail product. To get it to that caliber, they whole game would need another scrub down and more staff. Like it says, this game was done by Lake and six musicians for the most part. There's a lot it could do better, but it's still a very impressive fan outing.
  14. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    So, I was doing fine, and then this happened...


    I just entered Act 3, and here I am. I thought it was some hidden way into the wall or something...
    I'll probably talk more about it later on after I beat the game.

    EDIT - Reset fixed it. I must've jumped or something while entering the Act, or something.
    EDIT #2 - Another Glitch. In one of the three Snowmen(?) in Act 3, there's a 1-up. After I got forced off the board, the 1-up rose off the ground, and eventually into the ceiling when I tried jumping.
  15. Rolken


    Tech Member
    Might be worth noting somewhere that this is a Windows game
  16. Ross-Irving


    Yeah, it's called going back and doing what shoulda been done months ago, like making the bosses move. I'm only being this cross because once again, one of the few members here who can actually do something doesn't capitalize on it, they didn't consult the few here who have had experience with level design, namely Stealth, DimensionsWarped, coupla other guys, not finding two game-breaking glitches until after the release, that's your proof right there, man. Criticism is criticism, it's constructive because you'd have to be a moron not to figure out "oh, maybe from that comment I should experiment with having Silver Sonic move to the right of the screen".

    I mean honestly, I could probably steal some blocks of code and make a shitty platformer in a month. Would you praise that just because it got done? No way. And if Sonic was supposed to develop in this direction, have fun playing Sonic 4: Episode III. Don't know why I'm surprised, you guys loved Sonic Boom and that was fucking Tony Hawk Pro Skater in glorious 2-D.
  17. Falk


    Elitist much?

    Oh that's right, I forgot.
  18. Rolken


    Tech Member
    dude, this is a hobby community. chill out. you can deliver that kind of feedback to a company and they'll take it with a smile because they're getting paid for it - here everyone's just trying to have fun building something cool. you can be uncompromising and still be nice.

    what have _you_ released lately anyway?
  19. Ross-Irving


    Seriously? Do I seriously need to say that tired old saying with the chef and how the food tastes?

    And I never talked shit about you but okay Falk, I guess you did forget that I said you pretty much made the best soundtrack of any fangame I've heard. You did great, along with Maxi Mad and others, so my issues with this game don't concern your work. And no, it's not elitist to expect a game to not be broken upon release when there was months before to catch it. If Feperd's gonna put in some awful cutscenes he might as well play through with them to make sure it doesn't get suck on an exploding dinosaur for eternity.
  20. Falk


    You pretty much implied that I did this solely because I 'needed some portfolio material'. You'll forgive me if I take that as an insult.