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Sonic ATS - Released!

Discussion in 'Fangaming Discussion' started by LakeFeperd, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. I utterly love this's game's experience, the music, the level flow, and cutscenes, just everything, whoa. This is a major step up from BTS, Love it. It had nostalgia and felt just like a Sonic game should. A round of applause for the entire team!
  2. ChaosRinger


    Sonic The Hedgehog and The Holy Rings
    Hope you guys are enjoying the game!
    *Shamelessly admits Beta testing for the past 2 months under your noses*
    But really. When you get to Redhot Ride and you can complete the first act without immense backtracking waiting for giant balls, remember the testing team pulled through for ya.
    Make sure you collect the star rings, and have fun!
  3. GT Koopa

    GT Koopa

    Elgin, IL
    Flicky Turncoat DX, T.L.W.S. Vs M.G.W.
    This. Made a screenshot. I assume it isn't supposed to do this?

  4. Yep, That's exactly what happened to me. Another thing I noticed was that musical vocal samples or whatever they're called don't seem to show up. For example, In Redhot Ride Act 1, on Soundcloud you would hear "Alright~" then it would echo, and that doesn't appear in game. Was this intentional, or a musical mistake?
  5. Falk


  6. Liraxus


    Some shmuck Member
    Nothing, really.
    Welp, I beat the game, time for an overall recollection of the zones and my experience.

    Horizon Heights
    Ok, well, I'll be honest, It's the first level, just fancier, nothing really special...I did like the whole lightning gimmick in act 3, but I think the blocks falling were way overused in this game.
    The music was wonderful though, especially the first act.

    Sugar Splash
    It's kind of an odd zone, but I love the falling sugar gimmick, and I got a good chuckle the first time Sonic ran into some of the sugar there, I am dissapointed there was no boss fight, hell, I would've loved to see sonic escape from rising hot sugar to at least let the zone go out with a blast.
    The music here was...not really memorable, I remembered alot of tracks from this game, but after beating it, I don't really recall any of Sugar Splashes tracks, well, maybe a bit of the 3rd act since I've had a similar theme in my head for something I'm doing...

    Cyan City
    I found the zone to be rather cool despite looking basic, I liked the chemical plant/emerald hill homage, and that miniboss in act 1 was nice filler, overall it was enjoyable for me, but I ABSOLUTELY HATED one of the fan segments, specifically the one that sort of makes a "tunnel" with those floating spike balls.
    The music was relaxing and nice on the ears, nice job.

    Foliage Furnace
    Probably one of my favorite zones from this game, the giant springs gimmick was fun, being launched was fun, hell, I think this zone had some wonderful gimmicks for the game.
    The music was wonderful, but I like the original version of act 1 more since I think it sounds more genesis like.
    Lucky for me I found the special aaact~...which has a major flaw, there's a pit in the game you can't escape from that's right under a train...
    , I also miss the act 2 theme but If I recall, that was integrated into the special stage or something.

    Technology Tree
    The zone was peaceful and I think it had a really good theme overall, I liked the giant UFO in the background gimmick, but I think it overstayed it's welcome by act 3, I also found the "swinging on bars" gimmick to be finicky, but overall, it was a pleasant ride.
    The music was quaint yet funky, overall enjoyable.

    Moon Mansion
    I loved going through this zone since I loved Hang Castle from Sonic Heroes, the gimmicks were cool, it actually made the falling platform gimmick fun, and I think the art is absolutely wonderful for this zone. I also give props for bringing back that robot from Before the Sequel as the gimmick for act 3, he was really fun to fight again.
    The music was bitchin' it has a spooky yet rockin' vibe and I love the 3rd act's music to death.

    Redhot Ride
    I personally didn't like this zone that much...the background is just Palmtree Panic's mountains copied multiple times and recolored, the underground WAS nice though, and I liked the abandoned ruins a good bit, but the 3rd act just seemed weird, we go from a hellish molten cavern to Lost Levels zone? It really took me by surprise...
    The music was um...forgettable, to be honest, I really don't remember much from this acts music...sorry.

    Parhelion Park
    Now, I've always labeled Sonic 3 as having my favorite Zones in Sonic the Hedgehog, period. I always listed them from least to greatest as [Marble Garden, Launch Base, Hydrocity, Angel Island, Ice Cap, and then Carnival Night, despite the barrel...this zone...It changed that, It's now [Marble Garden, Launch Base, Hydrocity, Angel Island, Ice Cap, Parhelion Park, then Carnival Night.]
    This god, it was absolutely wonderful from beginning to end, I loved the gimmicks, the detail was astounding, the boss battle was epic, albeit basic, and Act 2 has my favorite track in the game.

    Storm Station
    This zone was rather cool, but I hated that "red light" gimmick, but I thought the first zone aws rather memorable, and despite hating the boss fight here, I like the little Ristar cameo there, very nice.
    The music was smooth then rockin', a lovely track.

    Dream Dance, spoilered for well, ya know.
    So the final battle...I'll be straight to the point, it was underwhelming, while I thought it was sorta epic with Angel Island falling in the background, it was just "dodge the easy-to-avoid attacks", and even then, I'm uncertain if these can even damage Super Sonic, I really liked the 2nd act's graphics despite hating the stage for being a basic re-using of Technology Tree's UFO gimmick, just harder.

    Overall...I thought the ride was fun, but the buildup led to an unsatisfying end, I did like most of the music, and overall, I'd call it pretty damn fun for a Sonic fangame, it has alot of stuff I still haven't unlocked, hell, I didn't even bother with the special stages yet, maybe if I get more into it, I'll appreciate it more, but I feel satisfied enough to not feel like I need to play the game again.

    Thanks Lake, keep it up.
  7. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture
    Gee thanks lol.
    Nope, it was used in Foliage Furnace's second special act. You've already unlocked one so far.
    The horizontal bars let you jump off manually. The diagonal and vertical bars are automatic.
    The background was still beautiful. And you didn't understand a transition from an intense lava stage to a cool blue crystal caverny stage? I really don't think you've played Sonic 3&K.
  8. ChaosRinger


    Sonic The Hedgehog and The Holy Rings
    Oh, Lange!
    Does this out mean you can finally release Sugar Splash Act 1 on Soundcloud?
    Sorry for jumping at this, but it's in my top 3 from this game and I'd like to have it around on there. :D
  9. Whackjood


    Bug report for you

    I'm playing through on classic mode, at the Parhelion Peak boss with all 7 chaos emeralds. When I beat the boss the screen shakes endlessly and the level doesn't end. This has happened two times in a row so far and I'll be trying a few more times to either brute force through this glitch or see if it happens endlessly.

    Edit: It worked the third time around, and I've since finished the game!

    It was pretty durn good, loved the game throughout. Especially Foliage Furnace Zone and Storm Station Zone. Also so many secrets, oh my looking forward to trying to unlock all of those.
  10. Tiller


    HDK & World Runner
    Was gud trip. I blew through it though without stopping to smell the roses. Tails playthrough next methinks. Initial impressions after a run through were great. Some of the bosses were pretty great, though I still dislike your Eggman contraptions. Especially those last two bosses.
  11. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture
    We're counting it as Andy's track since he essentially made it on his own, so I've been waiting for him to upload it lol.
  12. Yes quite the same happened to me and it seemed to pass after retrying again and again.
  13. Blivsey


    Charismatic Sonicaholic Member
    Just finished! It was fantastic, as was expected. I got Special Rings for HHZ, FFZ and RRZ. I'll nitpick a few things, though.

    • It's been mentioned that there's a pit under a train in Foliage Furnace's special act that's unescapable. It's near the end of the act. I escaped using knockback from the train, but it still needs fixing. Unless this is like BTS and you just want to move on...
    • I hit that Parhelion Peak boss glitch while playing through Boss Rush mode.
    • Since Special Stages keep moving even after you complete them, you eventually hit the right edge of the screen.
    • The ending is very underwhelming. + - I didn't even realize the final boss was done until I saw the Act Clear. Maybe if you switched the two Acts, it would have more flow and, overall, lead to a more satisfying conclusion.  
    • Holy hell am I glad I wasn't spoiled on some of these tunes (particularly + - Dream Dance Act 2   )! My only complaint is that + - the Credits Zone needed its own music   .
    • What's with the winter theme for all the Special Acts? I've only played the three, so maybe the others aren't snowy, but it's an interesting choice.
    • Would've liked to see more of + - Mighty   .

    That's all, though! I'm gonna find those Special Rings soon enough, and I am definitely gonna stream this game soon.
  14. Kampfer


    Enjoying it so far, but I'm having a couple problems. First, cut scenes being toggled on crashes the game, unfortunately, so I'm having to play without them (this saddens me, since I feel like I'm missing out). Second, when I beat Foliage Furnace Act 3, it sends me straight back to act 1. Not sure what to do, so I can't really progress. Third, when I beat Sugar Splash Act 3, it sent me straight to the Cyan City Act 1. I dunno if the lack of boss is intentional or not due to aforementioned lack of cutscenes.
  15. VizardJeffhog


    Sonic Stadium Staffer, Gamnesia Writer Member
    Sugar Splash has no boss.

    Also, reporting the same issue with Foliage Furnace. All I can recommend is scouting for the Star Rings. Maybe the Special Acts will give us the way out?

    Found those in Acts 2 and 3, looped back to 1, hope I can find the last one there.
  16. Falk


    If you're on Windows and the cutscenes are crashing, update your flash player plugin for Internet Explorer (Not any other browser). That seems to fix it for most people.
  17. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    1. The enemy placement in Sugar Splash is Sonic Advance 2 level dickish. All the acts were incredibly frustrating for me, just because enemies kept showing up where I couldn't dodge without knowing in advance they'd be there.
    2. All the music is very good, though not terribly cohesive. Almost like it was written by six different guys :P
    3. (BUG) No matter how many rings I have, the act clear screen seems to think I have 999.
    4. I love that new shield that makes you go straight down. It's surprising how much it can help to maintain speed, and it gives a hell of a lot of height if you use it to bounce.

    All in all, this is a very good fangame. I give it very good out of 10.
  18. VizardJeffhog


    Sonic Stadium Staffer, Gamnesia Writer Member
    So yeah, turned out I already found them all, and the looping issue came down with cutscenes being disabled.

    Wouldn't be so bad if I weren't running the game on a Mac - can't play with 'em, now I can't play without 'em... ^^;

  19. Liraxus


    Some shmuck Member
    Nothing, really.
    1. Good lord, multiple special acts? Welp then.
    2.I sorta meant with the slanted ones, when I try to launch myself right, it sends me left with little force, but most of the time I land and try again, so I guess it's not much.
    3.You're right, I never fully played S3&K, but I saw enough videos to understand what you mean, I think it's because the crystals coloring conflicts with the red lava I suppose, red and blue just don't match unless they're bright, like in that one level in BTS'12.
    4.I only played the game once, so I probably just haven't had time for the music to sink in, the same story could be applied to Sonic 4...
  20. The Shad

    The Shad

    ↑ & ↓ & ↻ Oldbie
    I am completely missing the special stages. End of act rings with 50 rings or another method?