One last video, then, before we all get absorbed in the sequel. Or, before we get absorbed in what's after the sequel, I suppose. + - By the way, does anyone have a clean SNG22_ADD.cpk? I accidentally overwrote my backup.
Alright, you guys can have the game. Take good care of it EDIT: oops, wrong site
Are you fucking with me? Don't you be fucking with me. I didn't log in just to get fucked with, Lake! Edit: Hnnnnng, downloading!
OOH The anticipation is finally over! I am typing this as I am downloading it, I can't wait to play it. I will post my opinions which I am sure will all be positive after I finish.
We were looking to do a podcast tentatively 6pm Eastern tomorrow (that's 26 1/2 hours from now) just to let people who want to play the game immediately not have to decide if they want to tune in (and get spoiled) or play the game first. There's enough alternate paths that it should be a fresh experience either way.
Downloading! Yay! Proud to say I haven't listened to any of the soundtrack yet, so New Lake Game+New OST = super happy time.
Seconded. xD Downloading now. Will play through it later tonight and steal gimmick and boss ideas I mean offer feedback on the game and soundtrack. :specialed:
And there was much rejoicing. Looking forward to giving feedback since I enjoyed the first game so much. I only recently played BTS with the 2012 soundtrack, so the music in ATS is another thing I'm looking forward to (especially since I avoided the soundtrack previews for this game).
The water wave at Sugar Splash Act 3. Does it remind you of... Megaman 1? And the needle badniks from Foliage Furnace of Megaman 3? Also, where did that awesome Foliage Furnace Act 1 music from the demo go. But I loved the game, honestly.
Really impressive so far, the variety in the art is beautiful! Is this the place to list bugs? Because I attacked the Cyan City boss twice while he doing his initial standing pose, and it ended the boss for me. A friend in my Skype call had no trouble with the boss and fought it normally, so it must be a one-off thing.
I'm loving the game so far but I've been getting some major bugs in Parhelion Peak, In act 3 the level didn't even load right and I started out in like some dump that lead nowhere, so I had to restart, and in the boss when the Spoiler Giant snack bot is destroyed, he falls but the ground shakes continuously and it never ends. So I can't seem to advance pass that :/ Welp, I guess 3rd time's the charm, I restarted it again and beat it and it finally worked, onto the next level!
Oh and also, Storm Station Special Act:
For starters, I love how you gave Tails more attention than most other fangame developers do. He has his own (rather cute I must say) sprite set. And I love how co-op Sonic and Tails are; They kick serious butt together in the cutscenes. Speaking of which, the cutscenes are put together very well; I feel like they flow more naturally than the ones in BTS. I thought the soundtrack would vastly outshine and overpower the actual gameplay, but now that I've played it, both the game and the music are equally impressive. That, combined with the heavy amount of detail put into each stage makes for a pretty immersive experience; Not exactly like Sonic 3 & Knuckles, but pretty darn similar. I played up until I beat Cyan City's boss, btw. Gonna continue where I left off tomorrow.