[GET THEM HERE NOW] You're free to use those source files in any way shape or form for anything you want to do with them without the need to credit me. If you're unsure if what you want to use is mine, you can check the credits of each game for that info. Although, some credit to me would be pretty nice... How to use: You will need a copy of Multimedia Fusion 2 to get those to run, It can't be Clickteam Fusion 2.5 as those files will require the use of the "parallaxer" extension. That extension does't work with Fusion 2.5 and for the sources to work with Fusion 2.5 someone will have to remove all the references to the parallaxer object and the parallaxer itself from the sources as I don't have access to Fusion 2 at the moment. Those files will also require a couple of extra extensions, but most of them should be found here or in Fusion 2's extensions packs. Sonic BTS and ATS also contain .swf cutscenes, those are likely to not work on Windows 10 or 8 machines and there is no known way of getting them to work on those systems. How's the code: The code is bad... It just is and has always been, hopefully there won't be anything embarrassing written down in notes as those sources are probably 6 years old at this point. So, Yeah, I've decided to release the source code for all my sonic games since some people have asked for them over the years. I can't access them anymore and the games are starting to become incompatible with current systems, so maybe someone out there is willing to make it work again.
I don't often mention this but to run the cutscenes you need Active X, I don't usually mention it because apparently it has some security flaws and can be bad on your pc.
Ooo, neato. + - I'd love to see ATS in a newer Worlds version with proper widescreen support added :specialed:
Very noble of you to release the source behind these games. I'm assuming your latest work is far enough removed from it that you're comfortable doing so =P