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Sonic Anniversary Symphony going worldwide

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by grantpa, Jun 23, 2021.

  1. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    Your answer
  2. Kyro


    It was awesome i had a BLAST tonight haha, the cheering was a bit yoo frequent during the orchestra, though. Tbey were cheering at damn near EVERYTHING on screen which was absolutely distracting.

    Still, i had a blast. Ive got a shitty phone recording of the credits uploading rn for the user who asked and i cant check rn on struggling data

    Here ya go
  3. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Thanks for the help!

    In just the first line of credits from Sally and Kyro's videos ("Lead Vocalist" has one name attached to it in Sally's video; Dave Vives, while Kyro's has three; Dave Vives, Adrienne Cowan, and Casey Williams) you can see that, apparently, each and every venue gets its own set of credits, which sadly, means that we are missing QUITE a lot with these!

    I figured it was the case that they would update credits as they went along though, so a bunch of this is simply lost unless someone was putting credits somewhere in non-video form.
  4. DefinitiveDubs


    I mean, that's a totally different vibe. I had a blast during that part. A rock concert is all about that noise and that pumped-up energy. But a symphony performance is all about a proper appreciation of the music, hearing every aspect of the sound, and I couldn't really do that here. Other gaming symphonies aren't like this are they?
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  5. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Makes me glad I'm going to the Paris performance tbh, hopefully there'll be a bit more decorum than there might've been in London.
  6. Screwdriver


    Get it? A sonic screwdriver? Member
    Timey-Wimey detector.
    Yes! 100%. I was there last night with my partner as well and was...a little embarrassed about that. Dude right next to me kept humming along with the music and clapping directly into my ear, was not a vibe.

    My partner and I are both violists so we felt the pain in the first half!

    With that said, I had an outstanding time and the music was great! Second half of the show was more akin to a rock concert, the singer even encouraged video and photo for that part

    With all that said, I really do hope they release an album soon. The music was so good, would hate to not have a recording without the humming lol.
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  7. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    I always assumed the cheering/laughing was due to the solidarity, myself. I mean, you see Sonic nearly drown during the Chemical Plant segment plus the footage being edited in a way to sync up with the orchestral hits, there's bound to be a reaction to that. I think if they didn't have the video screen showing the footage from the games playing overhead, that segment of the show would have been much quieter.

    The filming during the first half when they said not to, on the other hand... yeah, that's social graces being thrown out the window. -_-

    The 2021 concert can be streamed on Spotify, but I wouldn't mind a physical album release.
  8. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    The impression I got was that it's like a movie theater showing of Rocky Horror, or Monty Python and the Holy Grail. You usually would sit still and be quiet during a movie, but when the fans for those respective films are gathered you're gonna have to expect some crowd interaction like talking back to the characters, throwing rice or whatever around, quoting meme-worthy lines, etc. Sometimes that makes it more fun, sometimes it doesn't (especially if you have to clean up after Rocky Horror). However, I could have done without the dude a couple rows behind me yelling "YES SIR YES SIR YES SIRRRRR" at the beginning of every arrangement and several additional times throughout. Oh well, dude was just excited. I just hope he didn't run out of steam before the second half when he would have needed that energy the most.

    I've gotten the impression in recent years though that going to the symphony has become somewhat of a dated/dying concept. My brother-in-law and I went to a Weird Al show in Atlanta in 2019, and the opening act was an orchestra who we could barely hear because so many people just went right on talking like they were before the show, as if nobody was even playing.

    Anyway, had a great time last night, and I'm glad I got to say hey to one of my buds from here after the show. Drive back was smooth sailing once I got out of Atlanta. 75/85 through downtown can be a bit of a mess.
  9. Linkabel


    Not sure if it happened in this concert but in the others the conductor was encouraging the cheering and screaming. I just don't think they're going for a traditional symphony setting. To be honest didn't mind it myself, but I can see why people don't like that.

    Even in the Zelda symphony same thing happened to some degree in the shows I went to. I do hope they release another album with some of the exclusive arrangements they made for these concerts. Might just be the excuse to use to do physical instead of digital only.
  10. Mecha Sally

    Mecha Sally

    Can confirm the conductor did the same thing at the Chicago show. I think it's just because this is a different crowd. This is Sonic the Hedgehog, not Beethoven or Tchaikovsky.
  11. DefinitiveDubs


    It doesn't matter. If I paid money for a symphony, I want to be able to hear the music. I want to hear the different instruments and how they harmonize; that's the entire point of that kind of performance. I don't want to hear a bunch of fans going crazy every 3 minutes; that's not what I paid for (for the first half, specifically). I don't see how it not being Beethoven matters, as if only classical composers deserve not acting like an idiot.

    The conductor was calling for applause and cheers at specific moments between songs, not all the time whenever something happened on-screen or a new song showed up. And while the video is edited in amusing ways, it should elicit a polite chuckle, not a fake, over-the-top "AH! HA! HA! HA! HAHAHAHA!" kind of laughter like I was hearing. To whoever was doing that next to me: for god's sakes, act like an adult. It's not THAT funny.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2023
  12. Slobo


    Here's a direct quote from the conductor during the Brazil show last year (13:10):

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  13. DefinitiveDubs


    That's not the conductor. That's the hype man off to the side. And whether or not the organizers are the ones encouraging this behavior doesn't change my stance that it's not how it should be (at least for American and European venues, not Brazil or other countries where the standards might be different).

    I mean, if this is really how they want audiences to react, why present it in such a classy way? Why have the musicians wearing black tie? Why not have a live audience during the 30th anniversary stream? Why the fancy venues and not outdoor arenas? Hell, why are the Symphony and Metal halves of the concert so distinct if they want audiences pumped up all the time? Why not have the whole thing be one big Nightwish or Trans-Siberian Orchestra style symphonic rock concert?
  14. Slobo


    You're right about the guy not being the conductor, my bad. I should've checked his whole entrance before just jumping to the part where he started talking, I feel silly now, sorry.
    But upon close inspection, I think that's not just some hype guy from the event. Correct me if I'm wrong (again), but isn't that Shota himself?
  15. Linkabel


    Shota is not a hype man, he's the producer of the whole thing.

    No one is saying you had to enjoy it, but we're trying to say is that how the show carries itself. It would be one thing if they told everyone to be quiet and they didn't listen. But can't really blame others for what they're doing if the staff is encouraging it.

    At the end of the day they are a symphony so they dress the part, they just let the crowd be loose. Not the only symphony that has done that, especially video game/entertainment ones.

    The venues are also not symphony exclusive so not sure what that's about.
  16. DefinitiveDubs


    Ok I did not recognize that was the producer. I didn't know who he was.

    But I still think that if this is how they wanted to carry themselves, then they should've just merged the orchestra and rock sections together like I suggested. I think that would've made more sense for what they're going for. And I also think that not everyone who buys tickets for a symphony performance is expecting things to be loose, just because it's Sonic.

    I still enjoyed it. I just think it could've been better.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2023
  17. MrMechanic


    Can only really comment on the two London shows, since I was at them both... so here goes.

    3:30 Event:

    This was by far one of the most reserved shows seen so far, probably due to it being a matine show, no onsight bars were open and mainly kids in the audience.

    Whilst there were people recording on phones, there was only the odd one scream during the first act, but even the people on phones were VERY discrete from what I could see.

    It was very much a theatre experience...

    Once act 2 rolled around and it became clear "THIS IS NOW A ROCK CONCERT!" all etiquette went out the window.


    Oh boy... there's a reason this show has a rep lol.

    So it was full of teenagers/adults.. all the onside bars were open and holy crap, it was wild.

    It started off quite reserved, but people were way more open with phone use. There wasn't as much screaming, but loads more cheering after each piece...

    But by act 2... people were literally swinging from the 2nd floor balcony! It was quite manic, but in a positive way.

    I've yet to see a crowd like the 8PM London show, yeah they've been wild, but this one seemed different compared to some of the clips I've seen of other shows...

    However, what I think is going on, as the shows go on and people see how other shows went, especially the rock concert... this is impacting expected ettiquate for the later shows... including act 1.

    And I agree, whilst I'm not going as far as to say "Shut up! Silence!" There is a really good point about screaming and wooping during act 1 since it clearly is more classical music themed and not "The rock concet".
  18. NoNameAtAll


    MY HAT'S ON FIRE. HALP! Moderator
    I recall the Chicago show actually being pretty reserved in the first part. Some laughter during relevant parts when there were funny parts with the gameplay, but I didn't see much in the way of phone usage from where I was sitting. Conductor was absolutely full of energy. Mad respect.

    Some cheering after each song, but that was fine. Nothing too outrageous I feel.

    But part 2? Oh yeah, etiquette went out the window. I had major regrets not having earplugs because boy oh boy, people were LOUD.
  19. Quick_Lobster


    SEGA & Disney Historian Member
    From the Atlanta venue’s own website: “Photo policies are determined on a show-by-show basis as directed by the artist and their management.”

    Unless I’m wrong, There is nothing that is stated officially from the organizers of Sonic Symphony where photography is prohibited. Either way, I don’t think it’s wrong for people to capture moments that matter to them, people do this to share with friends & family or for memory keeping. If your stance is against filming the whole performance then that makes sense, although as with most concerts, there’s going to be a lot of people that do this regardless.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2024
  20. Kyro


    For some extra clarity, at the Atlanta venue, the entrances actually did have signs saying photography and video was prohibited, but the singer announced it was fine during part 2