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Sonic and the Secret Extended Edition

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Hayate, Dec 9, 2006.

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  1. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Hmm... Can anyone tell me how I find something that isn't there?

    I'm being serious. I have found the tiles for every frame of Sonic's animations except for his standing frame. Yet, I know the standing frame must be in artunc/sonic.bin because when I just replaced the file with something else, it got messed up.

    So where are the tiles for his standing frame?

    (You have no idea how much it took me to write this post calmly)

    JcF: As soon as I manage to get an answer to the above problem, I will be adding lots of extra frames wherever they are needed - including the clear pose as now Sonic will stay on the screen after beating a level.

    ICEknight: Nah, a bit pointless. 1 would take way too much work (and Sonic would still be bugged), and 2 would take up valuable chunks that I don't have (does anyone know how to use more than $52 chunks in a zone? It seems a bit of an odd number to limit to).

    Now there are three objects that need to be fixed.
    Big Ring: I could probably code the Big Ring object to automatically remove itself (in the same way as it disappears when you jump into it) after the end level results disappear, even if Sonic hasn't jumped into it.
    End Level Signpost/Capsule: The signpost/capsule objects will still disappear, but I will add another object to be loaded in place of them.
    Sonic: I guess I will have to add an extra flag to make Sonic display the clear pose and then do nothing (not even react to gravity etc) until the flag is turned off.
  2. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    I believe the standing sprite is the very first sprite in that art file. :P

    Edit: Just checked, and yes it is.
  3. stormislandgal


    It's not a phase! Tech Member
    Married life <3
    If you're using TLP, scroll down a few times and then use "Edit -> Goto" and then go to offset 0. There's the standing frame.
  4. JcFerggy


    Do you want to taco 'bout it? Member
    Do you know why it does that? Because I just learn't that now.
  5. stormislandgal


    It's not a phase! Tech Member
    Married life <3
    I think it's cuase the program reads the file as an actual ROM when you look at it in Genesis format. since the header is $200 bytes, correct me if I'm wrong, TLP skips those bytes to stop you from editting the header.

    Of course, you can edit the code for the game with the art. =P
  6. JcFerggy


    Do you want to taco 'bout it? Member
    Is there a way to make Tile Layer Pro to read the data instead of just ignoring it?
  7. Puto


    Shin'ichi Kudō, detective. Tech Member
    Portugal, Oeiras
    Part of Team Megamix, but haven't done any actual work in ages.
    Use the fixed version on the hacking cult?
  8. Quickman


    be attitude for gains Tech Member
    omg porjcet
    That still refuses to read the first $200 bytes. I've tried.
  9. Hayate


    Tech Member
    I see... I'll do that. Thanks guys. ;)
  10. Hivebrain


    53.4N, 1.5W
    All that does is open BIN files by default instead of SMD files. To get rid of the $200 thing, someone would need to track down the relevant code in the executable and "nop" it out (or whatever the x86 equivalent of nop is).
  11. Hayate


    Tech Member
    I've been almost successful again. I have managed to learn the animation and dynamic PLC formats today, all through pretty much trial and error, which really helps (and it means I don't have to use stuff like LOstlib). So I managed to put in the S3&K clear sprite, and get Sonic to display it when a level is completed. However, I have a bit of a problem. I don't completely understand what is going on with the animation. I put this:

    dc.b 8, $59, $5A, $5B, $5C, $5B, $FE, 4, 0

    as the Clear animation, which should show frames 59, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5B, and then go back to 5A and repeat. But instead of doing that, it shows 59, 5A, 5B, 5C, then a blank frame, then goes back to 5A and repeats.


    I need to know where the flag that specifies whether Sonic is on the ground or not is (if it exists).


    Currently the level transitions are almost perfect. The HUD now only changes once, instead of resetting to zero and then changing to the correct values, and Sonic now stays in the same place instead of warping. The signpost and big ring still disappear instantly because I need to finish coding them.


    I'm also working on a spindash, but it isn't finished yet. When I have done that I will see if I can port in the S3&K shields, or maybe work on adding in more S3&K sprites.
  12. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Okay, it's about time I posted some more screenshots. :P


    The enormous sign above Sonic will have two dynamically changing pictures where the numbers currently are. On the left is a hexagon, containing a triangle for each zone, which lights up once you complete the zone. On the right is either an X, if you haven't completed all 6 zones, or a right-pointing arrow, if you have. And once you complete all 6 zones, the right-hand screen lock unlocks, and you can go on into the entrance to Chaos Zone:


    Go right a bit more, and you get the titlecard, and TIME and RINGS on the HUD... and Sonic also goes into his clear pose, which will be fixed later...

    Oh, yeah. ZONE doesn't appear for some obscure reason, and this zone is a bit screwey so I had to use Movie Gens' frame advance to grab this screenshot and the next, hence the frame timer.

    Anyway, if you wait a second, you die in a bottomless pit due to the lack of this level being made. :P

  13. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Time for Public Beta 2.

    [removed, see Sonic and the Secret Extended Edition for the latest version]

    Same link, different build. :P

    I removed the SEGA and Sonic Team Presents because I wanted to. Though it seems the demos and level select screw up the title screen quite a bit due to that. Oh well, I want to make a new title screen anyway. :P

    Interestingly enough, disabling the Sonic Team Presents screen enabled the Press Start Button. I think I'll keep that there, because it looks good. But I wonder why that happened.

    Major changes are that spindash is now implemented (minus dust, and it plays the jumping and rolling sounds instead of spin and release sounds), and level transitions almost completely work. Take a look at the end of Scrap Brain Act 1, and you'll see I covered up the transition area so you don't see the background change. ;)

    You should also take a look at the Marble Zone Act 4. Unfortunately, the level transition into MZ4 is fucked up, and will freeze the game, so go via the level select. To get to the level select, press Start at the title screen right when the last beat of the music plays.

    There's also some new stuff in Marble Zone Act 3, and Green Hill Zone Act 3, and a very slightly modified beginning to GHZ2.

    I also fixed the scroll glitch so you won't die if you spindash down the GHZ tube, or if you spindash down the ramp on the right hand side of the overworld.

    Oh, and yeah, Sonic is faster now. ;)
  14. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Awesome work, I love your ideas. But I'm providing you my usual bug report:


    The angle thing doesn't look right to me.

    Beginning of GHZ2. Also, the "look up" sprite is a mix of Sonic 3 and the other sheet you're using:
    Yup, I think you should make the sprite sheet consistent. The Sonic 3 style looks cool, the other one not too much, imo.

    Foreground problem is still here.

    Surprise! Robotnik is in the capsule!
    Note that if you go to the left and come back there, the capsule will need to be hit again...


    Too lazy to check this more.
    Don't read me wrong, I love your hack, it's just that I'm a natural asshole when it comes to find bugs :P
  15. Sith


    The molotov bitch Member
    @nineko: On which emulator did you run it?

    Nevertheless if it's Kega, your bug report is useful since I'm so tired of playing hacks on Gens.
  16. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
  17. Hayate


    Tech Member
    That's how it is in the original Sonic 1. I'll fix that as soon as I figure out how. :P I believe Quickman posted about it already (in reference to original Sonic 1, not my hack).

    The "other sheet" is the original Sonic 1 art just with different colors. And I will eventually replace all the sprites with Sonic 3 style ones.

    As for the beginning of GHZ2, I have no idea why that happens. It only happens if you don't go through the transition; I.e. from Level Select, Special Stage or dying and restarting.

    Thanks for reminding me. I'll look into it.

    Already known. I have no idea why this happens. I'll probably get to fixing that when I re-write all of the boss code.

    That's a problem with the DSR and/or boss code. I'll look into it.

    I'm not sure why the Act 4 sprite doesn't work on the end level results screen; it should use the same mappings as the title card. But maybe it doesn't and I have an incorrect dupe somewhere.
  18. CoolBoySlim


    Is this supposed to happen?

    You can't leave until you get the emerald
  19. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
  20. Hayate


    Tech Member
    I edited my post.

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