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Sonic and the Secret Extended Edition

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Hayate, Dec 9, 2006.

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  1. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    About that big Sonic... Wouldn't it be possible to just use whatever routine multiplies Sonic's size in the SEGA logo?
  2. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
    Fixed. Sonic 1 has no running Sonic on the SEGA screen. Nor S3&K.
  3. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Yes, that's the point =P I'm planning to have the classic Mario grow and shrink sound effects for when you grow and shrink, and if you die while you are mini size (anything that hurts you will kill you if you are mini size, regardless of rings and shield), the Mario death music will play (because of its one-hit-KO gameplay) :(

    EDIT: Ooh, I should put Starman music in for when you are mini and hit an invincibility monitor. That would be awesome.

    Yes. That's been planned from the start.

    The big Sonic in the SEGA logo stuff is done by scaling up the sprites and putting them all in VRAM, then just messing with the mappings. It works for a few frames, but takes up a ridiculous amount of VRAM. Considering there's only about 4 frames used there, compared to the IIRC $63 frames in SATSEE's Sonic, I'd never be able to use that even if I didn't have anything else in VRAM. Besides, Big Sonic already lags the game, and implementing something extra would just slow it down even more.
  4. SephyUK


    WHY SO CURIOUS? Member
    Some Freakishly Long Anime
    So, when can we expect a beta release? This is looking like a very interesting hack.
  5. Hayate


    Tech Member
    I don't know, but not soon, thanks to all the bugs that adding Big Sonic has created. :P

    I added two slight speed optimizations earlier, as I want to try and reduce lag as much as possible until Big Sonic's sprites stop being glitchy. One is in the player DPLC loader (it now caches the pointers in some spare RAM instead of calculating them every single frame) and the other is that I deleted about 90% of the spindash code, as it did just about nothing and certainly didn't need to run every frame (the end result is exactly the same as before to the player).
  6. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Big Sonic huh? Is this kinda like that item box in Chaotix? Will there be a mini Sonic?

    Also will the background in Green Hill Zone Act 4 ever be fixed? It's been like that forever.
  7. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Yeah, it will. When I get round to it (I.e. after fixing the tons of Big Sonic bugs that still remain), I'll have a look at the GHZ4 and MZ4 DSRs, because MZ4 autoscrolls without messing up the background at all.
  8. Could we see a picture of the working collision Large Sonic? Or possibly Mini-Sonic?
  9. Hayate


    Tech Member
    In about 12 hours, sure. Big Sonic, that is. Mini Sonic's graphics don't exist yet.

    ... And yeah, I know you're probably confused about the 12 hour thing - my hacking comp is in the attic, which I can only access in the daytime :P

    Edit: I don't know how I managed to not post this here earlier, but I finally fixed the damn "Sonic pushes against slopes" bug, which means you can now run around loops without becoming a glitchy mess!
  10. Hey, here's a suggestion for mini-sonics graphics: How about using Sonic 3s multiplayer player sprites for them?
  11. Hayate


    Tech Member
    sigh, you're not the first person I've heard that from...

    I'm just upscaling/downscaling all the sprites. it would take more effort than I can be bothered with to mess with the s3 multiplayer sprites until they are correct for SATSEE.
  12. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Okay, pictures:


    Big Sonic walking on solid ground


    Big Sonic standing on a platform object


    Big Sonic collecting more rings than ordinary-sized Sonic would here (the ones that are behind him get picked up a frame or two later as the touch response only handles a maximum of one object per frame)


    Aaaaaand a weird glitch. This happens whenever you try to jump into the big ring at the end of GHZ2 as Big Sonic. It doesn't happen on any other acts, nor does it happen when you are normal sized, so I have no clue what's causing it yet.
  13. SephyUK


    WHY SO CURIOUS? Member
    Some Freakishly Long Anime
    Nice work fixing the collision. Have you tried moving the ring? I don't know, I'm just throwing that in there.
    Also, It is most likely something in the code, maybe trying to load a tileset too early or something along the lines of that. Try searching in his code for something like cmp #0 or whatever, looking at zone and act variables, specifically when it is #0 and #1 as that indicates GHZ act 2 or something along the lines.
  14. Hayate


    Tech Member
    I'm pretty sure it's a dplc error, because they tend to cause this "crap gets loaded all over the screen" kind of glitch.

    I think you mean tst

    I know the end of act code off by heart by now, it never checks for act 2s.
  15. 87th


    FOX HOUNDER Member
    Don't some sections (GHZ's tunnels, SBZ's transporters, etc.) require Sonic to be his regular size? How do you get around this when he's big?
  16. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
  17. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    More people need to read this topic fully...
  18. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Ok, quick update. Right now I'm working on combining all the levels for each zone into one (as you might have guessed from my level combiner topic). This has already fixed all the title card and PLC issues (I actually redid the entire PLC engine while doing this), and has also fixed the GHZ4 background problems, but has introduced a couple of odd bugs: spindashing at the start of an act makes the camera go crazy, and bosses won't appear. Anyway, we're a little closer to beta 5 ;)
  19. Glad to hear we're close to another Beta. And Overlord, people don't want to read a whole 20 pages if they haven't been paying any attention to this hack, but I agree, repeating themselves is getting annoying ._.
  20. SephyUK


    WHY SO CURIOUS? Member
    Some Freakishly Long Anime
    Like how close? Can you predict a time frame? Or will we have to wait and masturbate to the current screens? I seriously cannot wait for this.

    EDIT: I think that for the next release (not this coming one) wouldn't it be a great idea to S2HD those Big Sonic sprites, instead of just letting them look pixelated? That would be pretty awesome. Unless they share the same artwork, then never mind.
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