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Sonic and the Secret Extended Edition

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Hayate, Dec 9, 2006.

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  1. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Release 4.2 / Build 2228 / 2009-12-24

    Known Bugs:
    * CZ has a fucked up background.
    * Other zones' backgrounds might not scroll properly.
    * SBZ redscreens after a few screens.
    * Lots of Big Sonic's frames are glitchy.
    * Caterkillers and orbinauts are glitchy.
    * Big Sonic can't yet break breakable walls just by running into them.
    * Mini Sonic doesn't have graphics yet so he appears as normal-sized Sonic clipped into the ground.
    * Knuckles can't glide or climb and turns into Sonic when you go big or mini.
    * Tails and Blaze still aren't implemented and give you Sonic when you select them.
    * Sonic turns into numbers on the title screen if you press Start too early.
    * The ticker on the character select screen starts jumping after waiting for a while.
    * Super Sonic becomes vulnerable if he is crushed by an MZ chandelier.
    * LZ gargoyle shooter things and SLZ walking bombs can't hurt you; instead they make you enter the dying animation but you still have control.
    * There are some issues with monitors respawning broken.
    * A few objects, such as a certain red spring in LZ1 and some rings in a loop in SLZ1, sometimes disappear for no reason while on-screen.
    * There are misaligned spikes EVERYWHERE in LZ.
    * LZ3's waterfall section is completely screwed up, and (AFAIK) you need to make use of clipping glitches to clear the act.
    * GHZ is missing a piece of ground under the capsule after the boss. To clear the act jump on the top right corner of the capsule, then jump on the button while running left. The terrain cuts off here because this is where the level reaches $8000 pixels horizontally and there isn't yet room for bigger levels (but there will be in release 4.3, hopefully).
    * LZ moving-platform-on-a-chain objects have been disabled for the moment. There are other objects placed so that you can get past those areas.

    Bug Fixes since release 4.1:
    * The score tally has been fixed.
    * The signpost has been replaced with the S3&K-based one.
    * Screen lock changes and autoscrolls work properly now.
    * The level object loader has been completely rewritten and now works with levels of up to $10000 pixels wide. This also fixes the "Sonic disappears and the camera flies to the top right hand corner of the level, but I can still pause and enter the level select" phenomenon and makes (most) "remember sprite state" objects spawn properly again.
    * The GHZ boss has been completely fixed and GHZ is now complete, bar the missing ground thing.
    * The MZ draining lava cutscene has been renovated. It now uses VScroll instead of sprites, and plays the S3&K earthquake sound effects.
    * The MZ boss has been fixed, but it still isn't complete yet.
    * MZ and SYZ are now completely playable again. LZ can be cleared, but only by abusing glitches in act 3 (AFAIK). I don't know about SLZ since I died from bottomless pits too much to bother finishing to test it, but it doesn't seem to redscreen any more and it certainly doesn't spew white pixels all over the screen any more.
    * You no longer retain high speed and sped up music if you clear an act before your speed shoes run out.
    * The zone entry elevator can no longer kill you.
    * Debug Mode has been fixed.
    * Lots of objects have been redone to use the new SST, which means (for platforms/blocks) you can stand on them properly now.
    * SYZ Searchlights are also breakable by Big Sonic now.

    Attached Files:

  2. Stealth


    Tech Member
    Sonic Mania, HCGE, Sonic Megamix, SonED2, [...]
    Make a garbage file in the same folder called s1comb.asm. That include program doesn't like it if a file with that name doesn't already exist, even though it doesn't get read, just overwritten
  3. Hayate


    Tech Member
    That worked. Although, it turns out that snasm just doesn't work on Linux. I used my mom's Windoze computer to compile it. But anyway, I succeeded... ish.

    H is missing. I added it, but there's probably some magic number somewhere else I need to change. I also changed the time bonus to subtract the elapsed seconds from 600 (ten minutes) and award that times ten. Maybe I should make the time limit 5 minutes instead of 10, because that bonus is stupidly high.

    Lol, boss is glitched, I disabled end level signpost art loading for act 3 to see what it would do. It also stopped the screen lock...

    Same for the capsule.

    Again with the time bonus and such.

    I feel like making this into a proper hack. :P

    EDIT: Whee new stuffz.


    Up and down changes between stage select and sound test, left and right selects.

    I changed the time limit to 5 minutes properly. The HUD even flashes properly now, and you get a time over, and the maximum time bonus is 30,000 points (for zero seconds, but who would manage that?)

    Also I deleted a whole load of stuff to do with errors. It's much better just to make every error reset the game. :P
  4. Varion Icaria

    Varion Icaria

    He's waiting.... Tech Member
    S4: Cybernetic Outbreak
    Awesome job, Keep up the great work.
  5. stormislandgal


    It's not a phase! Tech Member
    Married life <3
    Sonic Genesis that doesn't blow, plz. =P
  6. LocalH


    roxoring your soxors Tech Member
    Rock Band 3 Deluxe
    Actually, it's not. The default error handler in S1 allows you to continue execution by pressing C (only after non-fatal errors, of course). I think this is one of those things that isn't that well known (like, for example, how A+C steps backwards through the debug list).
  7. Hayate


    Tech Member
  8. Hayate


    Tech Member

    New level select. I or A means an act (can't fit 3 As on the right hand side, so I used I, and Chaos Zone only has one act). B means a boss, and S means a special stage.

    Sound test works, but the numbers cause screwups on the empty row above GHZ, as you can see. Laziness caused this bug and it's easily fixable, but I really won't bother because the level select is only temporary.

    So this is where the GHZ boss will be. I managed to make available 4 Levels per zone, a total of 28 (Chaos Zone acts 1 and 2 are the overworld and ending respectively, and act 3 is the real Chaos Zone). Of course, since the level hasn't been made yet, Sonic falls to his death among a double background.

    Marble 4. And this time, Sonic doesn't fall to his death. Look what happens when you make available a level and don't bother making the level itself...

    The weird screwed up column in the foreground is actually SLZ's foreground column object.

    Spring Yard 4.

    I wonder how Sonic got there. Really. And those are the Scrap Brain Act 1 sprites and ring locations.

    Labyrinth 4. Yes, LZ4, not Scrap Brain 3, and it plays the LZ music now, but it doesn't load the LZ palette yet. I'll worry about that later.

    And Sonic dies on some invisible object. I know they're not spikes, because they don't make the spikes sound.

    Chaos Zone. Nothing but brown here, and Sonic falls to his death as usual.

    Star Light 4. You don't die here, but you get a bit stuck only a screen or so further to the right.

    Scrap Brain 4. Apart from the background, this level is blank, and Sonic falls to his death.

    And last but certainly not least...
    Scrap Brain 3. Some weird object kills Sonic this time, and it wasn't the bottomless pit right below him. Let's see what the pattern loading reveals...

    OMG! It was Robotnik!! How's that for a game over screen?
  9. nineko


    I am the Holy Cat Tech Member
  10. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    Act 4 seems rather popular to use for a boss act. :P
  11. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Lol. I have to say, your hack inspired me, and I will be making an overworld too, but it will be very different, so don't think I'm ripping you off :P
  12. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    Even if you were, I wouldn't mind. Everyone should be able to try out every idea for themselves. Everyone has a different idea on how things should turn out.
  13. Hayate


    Tech Member
    edit: *poof* Magic, half the content of this post disappeared. *shot for very lame attempt at humor*

    And the screen size makes no sense. The numbers in the level size array seem to have nothing to do with the actual size of the level, and I cannot lock the screen to a width of less than $240 pixels.
  14. SMTP


    Tech Member
    Isn't $240 pixels the lowest it can get..?
  15. Hayate


    Tech Member

    $140 = 256 + 64 = 320 pixels is the width of the screen. Which is the width it locks to in a boss. But for some reason, not only is the minimum width I can seem to lock to $240 pixels, but the only piece of code that locks the screen in a boss from the original sets $FFFFF7AA to 1. If I do the exact same thing in my boss, it does bugger all.
  16. StephenUK


    Liquor in the front, poker in the rear Tech Member
    Manchester, UK
    Quackshot Disassembly
    Setting $FFFFF7AA to 1 just stops Sonic from being able to leave the boundaries of the screen. It has pretty much nothing to do with the locking of the actual screen.
  17. Hayate


    Tech Member
    Hmm, the disappearing objects was a bug in SonED 2. Knowing it wasn't my fault makes me feel kinda better... :|
  18. Hayate


    Tech Member
  19. jman2050


    Teh Sonik Haker Tech Member
    Solution: Get gens_movie_9z from or from another thread in this forum, record yourself playing the game, then make an AVI out of the recording. It isn't that hard to do, and results in a much cleaner playthrough since there's no lag.

    Other than that, I'm liking where this hack is going ;)
  20. Hayate


    Tech Member
    I read that and then I metaphorically slapped myself. :P I have the Gens Movie mod... and I should have used it to do exactly what you said.
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