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Sonic Adventure Generations

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Dude, May 6, 2012.

  1. Turbohog


    Level design is very clearly your strength; I love it. Some of the textures are meh, but I care much more about how the level plays. Also, I noticed the Giant Chopper from Green Hill pop up as you ran on the whale section...:)
  2. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    I'm really diggin the running animations there Dude. Can't wait for release.
  3. It's definitely looking tons better.

    Have you yet figured out how to make the Giant Chopper into an orca, or to make it destroy the piers Sonic runs across like in Adventure's version of the stage?
  4. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Perhaps he could do a model swap with one of the whales from Seaside hill?
  5. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    I'm not sure with the inner-workings of the Giant Chopper, but with the current methods he can easily put anything he wants over it, rig it, and animate it if possible.

    As for the breakable bridge, one easy way but kind of overworked solution I can think of is making the bridges breakable objects(that can't be triggered by sonic), but as he runs through the parts of the bridge they're triggered by an event collision and break.
  6. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    That was pretty amazing. I seem to be the only one who likes the running animation, though. :(

    My only complaint is the is the homing chain at the end of the stage. It gives me certain reminders. :ohdear:
  7. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    It's looking great! The only thing about the running animation that I have an issue with is the location of the arms, they just seem a bit high. But I like the way that Sonic bobs more in his running like he did in Adventure, I like that a lot more!
  8. Ajavalo


    Cáceres, Spain
    enjoy everything
    This is the absolute best Generations mod I've seen so far! A wide open stage like Seaside Hill with plenty of exploration potential, the excellent level design not centered around boosting, the overall look... I don't personally like the running animation, but that shouldn't affect the quality at all! I'm eager to see new additions and the rest of the level, it's going to be excellent!

    What I wouldn't like is the level being completely empty out of the main, linear path, it'd be very disappointing to find almost nothing in such a big map. And you should definitely throw in a handful of secrets for players that go out of the way, for example hidden caves in the rocks or even in the water, a submarine cave like the one found in Big's level would be a nice nod! Also, being able to climb up or go behind the hotel at the beginning...
  9. Joltanz Mantis

    Joltanz Mantis

    ! Member
    Quebec, Canada
    I sing
    IF he puts in Red Rings, the lack of alternate paths would be solved. You could even add dead ends with 10 Ring Rings to troll players AND reward them. Of course, some of the Red Rings would be for the high route. Or not.
  10. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    I don't see anything wrong with the animation his feet move correctly and its not like they are swishing past each othe with no flow. It flows fine and looks good. The level is kinda bland in terms of things available, but of course you're still working on it. So I can't wait to see more improvements of it.
  11. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    You guys didn't seem to mind the running animation in Adventure and this is basically a 9/10ths perfect recreation, so whats the problem?
  12. Joltanz Mantis

    Joltanz Mantis

    ! Member
    Quebec, Canada
    I sing
    Minor pointless nitpicking, but the arms are too high. Don't take it seriously.
  13. Truner


    Stage design seems alright, except the last floating part is completely unnecessary.
    Is that the stage end or will you continue it and this is just a way to end the level for easy testing?
    Is there any way to get a camera cut when you enter the tunnel if you do continue the stage? Especially if you can do a music swap with that too.

    What about classic stages? You could just remake the stage in the 3DS version (that is, if you want to look at a video multiple times, getting the stage right).
  14. Elratauru


    Little Shiny Emurralds Member
    Well, that looks pretty nice, the level design looks like a level adapted to generations (and that's a good thing), some places look very nice, and while some textures are kinda low res, I hope they will be replaced with higher quality ones. Also, I'm gonna guess that there isnt global illumination on the stage (I cant find shadows) so I guess that would make things look a lot better.

    Anyways, epic job and keep things going! :D
  15. Joltanz Mantis

    Joltanz Mantis

    ! Member
    Quebec, Canada
    I sing
    Classic levels after Mushroom Hill used Homing Attack chains and they kind of sucked... He's better off either not making Classic acts or making them from the ground up.
  16. The absolutely only issue I can think of is that the final homing-attack chain before the Goal Ring should just have one additional target to bring Sonic to the platform, rather than having to stop everything and wait for the air current to propel him up. It just seems like it would be rather jarring when somebody's trying to do a speedrun of the level.
  17. Truner


    Speedrunners would probably boost through that part completely, but yes, the final one is really out of place.

    I haven't played the classic side of Generations 3DS yet (only played a friend's copy), so I don't know about that, but can't the stage be completed without homing attack? Maybe small changes to the stage itself?
  18. Joltanz Mantis

    Joltanz Mantis

    ! Member
    Quebec, Canada
    I sing
    It can be completed without the Homing Attack, but sometimes you're going so fast with the speed boosters that you almost need the HA to hit springs precisely. But why remake the 3DS level? I find it pointless since the 3DS Classic Sonic controls better. Also, the level background is pretty bland compared to the consoles.

    New level design is much more interesting.
  19. Truner


    I dunno, with people porting levels from Unleashed and stuff, I guess I just played with the idea of having the 3DS stages in fullHD...

    Well, there's a big difference between porting and remaking...
    Oh well, this is already pretty nice, so who am I to bitch about it. :D
  20. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    I've created a ModDB page for the project:

    There are several development screenshots and concept art pieces that haven't been seen here before. I'll probably keep it updated with incremental updates on a regular basis.