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Sonic Adventure Generations

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Dude, May 6, 2012.

  1. synchronizer


    I'm going to echo what BlazeHedgehog and I posted on youtube:

    I know that a larger-scale map may be good for the speedier modern Sonic, but I think you should resize the map so Sonic's size is in proportion to his surroundings using the same ratio from Sonic Adventure.
    See if that's possible, because otherwise, the gameplay looks a tad bland.

    Also, I'm afraid that? the block platforming wasn't the best aspect of Colors or Generations. You should probably aim to make a replica of the map OR make new geometry instead of using Sega's safe, simple, but banal level building tool: the generic cube.

    Hopefully you take this as positive criticism though. What you've made so far IS great.
  2. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Just wanted to remind everyone this has no GIA rendered so far. The only problem with that is I haven't discovered yet how it's supposed to be rendered exactly, since giving the stage proper normals generates the stock lighting you see in the video.

    The problem is how is the GIA supposed to be rendered with this though? And what controls Sonic's and terrain shadow blending? Hopefully that stuff will have an answer sooner or later. Although rendering something of this magnitude is gonna take a while unless a joint effort is done. :eng101: (Which even if no network rendering can work out, the GIA rendering scripts can only render the selected objects if needed, so it could be done manually somehow)

    Which is the point I was making to Chimera the other day. DLC can likely only sell to people who bought the game and rarely cause new game purchases. If not that much people bought it, and considering how expensive it can be to even develop one single stage(Assets, network farm rendering, etc.), it would have to be really profitable for them to do it. Truth sucks, but I'd rather set my expectations to zero and be surprised if they DO come out with DLC.

    All in all, this is a great project to learn how the game works. Splines for loops, 2D paths, cameras, materials, etc. Once the process for making one level is refined, streamlined, etc., churning out more levels should take way less time. I would recommend other people to start doing something as well if they have the slightest technical knowledge and have the will to put up with this game's limitations... only to discover it's way easier to modify than everyone thought. :)
  3. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I love the idea of this, but three things. The level looks way too big (scale it down a little bit. Speed Highway and City Escape may have been scaled higher but it did so in a way that looked right). The textures are the same as those from adventure, and thus look kind of cheesy. Try taking textures from other sources that have more high res versions of similar things. Like, for example, I'm sure many textures from Wave Ocean from Sonic 06 could be used to make an HD looking Emerald Coast, and in some places that may cause problems in the future, like Sky Deck, there are some textures from planet wisp that fit the red metal look really well. Try to avoid pure dreamcast textures if possible. Oh and finally, take some creative liberties with the art. While you've done a nice job making the level layout new yet familiar, the art needs the same. Try adding more scenery or things (I know this is early on, but I just thought I'd say it).

    But still, I like where this is going. Good luck on your project sir (I'm eager to see someone's take on Emerald Coast Generations since the one on the 3DS was kind of boring).

    Oh and as for DLC, Sega's recent release of new content for SaSASR for the iOS platforms has given me new hope that maybe, just maybe, we'll see some Generations DLC for Sonic's birthday (Keep in mind they never said there wasn't going to be DLC. They just never said there would be)
  4. Joltanz Mantis

    Joltanz Mantis

    ! Member
    Quebec, Canada
    I sing
    I was scared you were talking about this stuff :

    I'm happy it isn't. I hope you can port all 10 stages! The only unfortunate thing is the physics differences. You won't be able to spin dash up walls. Air Boost only :/
    Will you import Big's levels? :v:

    Oh, and Dark Sonic, perhaps he could use the 06 Egg Carrier / Egg Wyvern textures for Sky Deck.
  5. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Since when have I have been saying this on every single hacking topic?

    Jesus christ didn't mean to start a fucking war of words here. My view on this is the same as BlazeHedgehog's, SEGA and Sonic Team released a fantastic anniversary game no doubt about that. But instead on focusing on what could've been a very profitible venture, DownLoadable Content, they chose to move on and focus on something else completely ignoring Generations as a still profitible venture. A very stupid move on their part because dispite the man-hours, it would've turned a profit overall especially if the 2nd favorite fan demaned stages were made.

    Now we fans have just about ripped this game to pieces and rebuilding it anew making our own DLC centent for us. Maybe everything else is a gray area but in this very case, yes we are one-upping SEGA and Sonic Team with Generations DLC for PC. But I thank SEGA and Sonic Team for leaving the game this open for us to do anything with unlike Sonic 4 which is next to near impossible to hack anything save for textures.

    Now can we drop this please? I started this as a snide poke at ST's lack of focusing on expanding games but everyone took it too seriously and I want it to end here. Unless you guys want to go off and make another topic about this issue...
  6. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    You're calling it one-upping simply because Sega and Sonic Team aren't doing it for financial reasons? Yea I'm not going to argue with this kind of logic, so this is the last I'll say on it.

    Dude, you haven't mentioned if you're gonna tweak that running animation yet. Like I (and someone else) said, it likes goofy on the Generations model as it is.
  7. Josh


    I think another thing to keep in mind that could be affecting the DLC/finance situation is the good ol' used game market.

    Like it or not, most people are not going to do what I've done and play the game for more than 120 hours after they've beaten it, scouring for every path, easter egg, mission, and red ring. Most people are going to miss out on all that replay value, beat the game one time in about 10-12 hours, and then rarely pick it up again. That style is kind of the nature of a good Sonic game, and Generations nails it, but games like that are prime candidates to be traded in.

    Generations also came out right at the beginning of the holiday rush. Gamers with a 360/PS3 were waiting on CoD, or Skyrim, or Uncharted 3, or a bevy of other AAA titles. And while Sega may be depending on the game having a "long tail" like New Super Mario Bros, I really don't think Sonic has the same widespread appeal, at least not to that extent.

    I want DLC, would absolutely love it, to the point that I'd probably pay upwards of $15-$20 for a three-stage pack. But I'm in the tiny minority, and as bad as Sega's hurting right now, they can't take the risk. It's understandable.

    But, to bring this full-circle, I'm really, really happy to see people like Dude busting the game wide open and giving us more content for Generations' excellent engine.
  8. I saw the video for the level, and I think that it's a bit too big. I mean, I know that Modern Sonic moves faster than Dreamcast-Era Sonic, but some of the things seemed like they overcompensated a bit too much. For example, that first big jump has Sonic fail to land on the next portion of the dock, and he has to climb up on the "fake" platforms (That's what I'm calling them. In the original, they didn't feel like part of the actual level and they were just thrown in there to get in the way) to get back up to where he needed to be. Also, near the end, the vertical portions were stretched out too far as well. If you could just kind of pull everything in just a little bit, you'd have something really amazing going. I like what you've got so far, and it's more than I've done (which is absolutely nothing. I NEED a new computer!), but it needs just a bit more to be perfect.

    Although, now I'm kind of wanting to know if there are enough HD textures to do updated versions of each Sonic Adventure level. Like what was mentioned before, Wave Ocean looks close enough to Emerald Coast to work for HD graphics, and Planet Wisp textures could help for Sky Deck. What about the other levels, though? We've still got several other levels that need new graphics. Do the Modern Sonic games have enough counterparts to finish the job?
  9. Very interesting and promising. I don't know what to say that hasn't been said already; spaces seem a little too wide open, and the platforms seem like they might be a little too unforgiving. Otherwise, excellent work, can't wait to see more.
  10. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    Looks fantastic so far! I love the Sonic Adventure running animation. Are you going to be using Drummond clips?
  11. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    I don't usually recruit help for projects like this because I'm used to being a single unit. But I think I might have to this time considering how intense the workload will be. If you're good at concept art, and texturing please let me know.
  12. pablodrago


    BS AS
    wow is a really good port, I think I agree with the people, some parts are too big, but is necessary due to the physics. By the way in the video at 1:56 what happen is a collition problem or just the camera in 2D?
    I can totally see the snowboard section in Icecap Zone with modern Sonic :v:
  13. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Will you be needing any other help besides concept art and texturing in the near future?
  14. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.
    Yo Dude, this thing's like XBOX HUEG. You really need to suck less and make it smaller and less retarded.
  15. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Recalling that, it was something Dude said in the Generations Hacking topic about SA levels being directly ported that I think explains the huge level:

    That could be the explanation as to why the level is huge like it is.
  16. Thousand Pancake

    Thousand Pancake

    Being a food you put milk on and then eat in the m Member
    Comic Sans? :psyduck:
  17. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    There are many font options here.
  18. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    yes, I think I'll need help with animations as well. Or at least, someone to teach me how to animate or someone to polish my rough drafts.
  19. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    InvisibleSun - Only because it's more of a pain to remove them than keep them for the very few times they're valid. Don't bugger about, people: this isn't the boards =P
  20. Chaos Fusion

    Chaos Fusion

    The fact that it has the original textures gives me tears of joy even though that they are placeholder textures. Only criticism I have would be the island after the loop as its tad dull with that single spring. Besides that, your interpretation of Emerald Coast is brilliant. Nice work.