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Sonic Adventure Generations

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Dude, May 6, 2012.

  1. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    Finally! Just in time for this year's annual Hacking Contest, the second demo of SA: Gens!

    This is a 3 level demo and has:
    - Emerald Coast (Patched and updated!)
    - Mystic Ruins
    - Windy Valley
    - New boost drain
    - New Enemies

    A patch is planned to add GIA to Mystic Ruins / Windy Valley. I tried very hard to get advanced lighting in time for the demo but unfortunately it just couldn't happen in time. It should be out within a week or two of this demo release.

    Many of you will be glad to know that Modern Sonic's boost drain has been slowed down a little bit. It still isn't anywhere near the original game's level but you *can* boost for very long stretches if you keep one principle in mind: Get the rings! There are rings practically everywhere, and in large clusters. You can boost continuously as long as you get rings.

    We hope you'll continue to follow the development of this project and keep recording your playthroughs so we can patch and upgrade the levels to make them more engaging! Have fun!

    - ModDB - (will need to authorize, so this won't work right away)

    - Mega -!Jw1xxKLT!eN24HQX-c3H0x75Fn-MninwVDolNOqI658PoxdBys_k

    - Gerbilsoft -

    - Google Docs -

    More links soon! Report outages ASAP please!

    ----------------------Old Release info below--------------------

    I've been planning this ever since I heard Generations was coming out for the PC. The idea is to make a map pack for Generations that focuses exclusively on the Adventure era, with some gameplay tweaks to make the experience a more polished version of the both games. So far I've started working on level designs, I've implemented several custom animations and modified sonic's parameter file to make the boost less overpowered. I haven't gotten to sounds or music yet, but those are coming up soon, as well as more level material. Until then, here's what I've got!

  2. CrashSG32


    Project Crash & Generations Hacking
    Wow. Just wow.

    This is so awesome! I love it! I can't wait to see what other Adventure stuff you put into Generations... Windy Valley next? Or maybe Ice Cap (over City Escape?)? You've already got the Perfect Chaos boss fight and Speed Highway stage done haha.

    It's already better than the 3DS version :P
    I was hoping that someone would make something like this =D

    Can't wait for more. Bravo! :D
  3. Looks pretty good so far, definitely better than Emerald Coast on the 3DS version. Are you going to try to implement the whale somehow or is that not possible?
  4. Drex


    Lazy perfectionist Member
    Wow. pretty nice. I've noticed that the stage's scale is larger than it should be compared to Sonic. Is that something that you plan to fix?
  5. Skaarg


    That's awesome! It'll need some higher res textures eventually, but for a start it's very nice!
  6. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Hey Sonic Team and SEGA, you see this? This is the kind of thing you should've been doing with Genetations! We would pay good fucking money for stuff like this. But nooooooooooo you'd rather dick around with what the fuck ever your doing now. fine, whatever, I'll be glad to throw money towards fans who can one-up your job anyways.

    Awesome, just fucking awesome Dude. Can't wait to see more, good luck!
  7. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Enough of this "the fans one-up Sega!!!" shit. I'm so sick of hearing it.

    Nice work, Dude. I look forward to seeing more but...that running animation looks dorky right now. Any plans to continue working on it?
  8. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    This...Is beautiful.
  9. Dissident


    شوفي مافي Member
    Oh wow. Nice work, Dude! I'm definitely interested in seeing how this pans out.

    The only thing I didn't really like about the preview was Sonic's running animation; it looks kind of awkward on the Generations model.
  10. Sik


    Sik is pronounced as "seek", not as "sick". Tech Member
    being an asshole =P
    Stupid nitpicking... but wouldn't Sonic Generations Adventure be a better name? (yeah, swapping the two names)
  11. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy
    This, don't fucking pretend like Generations isn't a good game in it's own right. Yes, this is a hacking community, and we do cool shit in here, but there are VERY few people on this site who can actually produce a completed, polished work that outdoes SEGA's team, if any at all. If we didn't have their original code to tweak, we'd be SOL to any fan engine that can produce this level of quality, visually, audially and in gameplay. That includes Sonic Fan Remix and especially Sonic GDK and BlitzSonic.
  12. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    Wow, this is really nice. Nice job, can't wait to see some more of it.
  13. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    Replying to Aerosol's comment, in agreement...

    This 1000 times over. If SEGA wanted to, we could all be in legal trouble yesteryear, I imagine... Or if not, at least on the receiving end of a COD. If nothing else we should be grateful, having the access to what we have is a privilege, not a right... You think The Taxman acted like an ass cuz his engine rivaled theirs? No... They worked together for the greater good... And I don't see him gloating like a moron. He sets an example of professionalism IMO. So to all of the "one up SEGA" marks out there... Just shut the fuck up. Stains on the underpants of life, these bitches are.
  14. Turbohog


    Have I told you that I love you latey? Great work! I'm especially excited that you're making new level layouts that still have elements and similarities to the originals.

    I'm just throwing this out, but if you wanted to recreate the whale, do you think the giant fish badnik from green hill or seaside hill could work?
  15. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy
    At the risk of answering for Dude, theoretically, yes. Giant Chopper in Green Hill can destroy breakable objects, If you could make a breakable dock platform, and set a spline path for the Giant Chopper to do his thing with a Seaside Hill Orca costume on, then this is totally feasible. Which makes me wonder if that was the original purpose for Giant Chopper.
  16. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    This looks super great, but as I said in the comments of the Youtube video, the scale seems a little too big. Wide-open spaces are great, but the spaces in that Emerald Coast video are a little too wide-open. Infact, in general, there seems to be a little too much space between everything.

    Glad to see someone doing more than just verbatim ports of existing levels, though (not that those aren't also super important and awesome, too!)

    I'd say this is a case of "fans one-up Sega!!!!". It is a crime that Sega never followed up Generations with DLC.

    I want to play more Sonic Generations levels. Sega isn't providing me with any. But, since the formats were figured out, fans are. Therefore, fans are doing something I would like Sega to do, but they aren't. That is the very definition of "one-upping".

    I would have gladly paid for expansion content to Sonic Generations. Now I don't have to.
  17. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    This may be, or not, depending on your POV... not what he meant though. He meant that its annoying to hear some douche making this claim on EVERY single hacking topic...
    It's fine if many people believe its one-upping something they did... but it's really not... cuz if they didn't do it first, we wouldn't have followed up on it with this. That's not one upping them at all. If we come up with something completely original before they do, THEN we 1-up them... BUT that's not the purpose of Sonic Retro. The site exists for the research and education of Sonic... and expansion upon what we know by hacking and programming.
  18. BlazeHedgehog


    A "Community Enigma"? Oldbie
    I get why he was saying, but my point is: Tough nuts, dude. People are saying it because that's what is happening. I understand not wanting to make Sega mad and all - we basically developed a rule over at SFGHQ (and I was the one to bring it up to make it a rule) to never put one's self above Sega, because that's a rude thing to do - and it paints a target on your back with regards to copyright. Sega allows fangames to exist out of respect for the fandom, so we show respect back.

    But, man. I was primed and ready to go for some Sonic Generations DLC that filled in the blanks of notable levels that Generations missed. Sega chose to move on instead. Maybe the game didn't sell enough, maybe they knew they were about to post a huge loss and couldn't budget for more DLC... whatever.

    Where they let me down, guys like Dario and Dude are picking up. It's cool. Can't be too mad, as long as Sega doesn't put out a patch on Steam to block mods.
  19. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: A successor to ReadySonic
    Oh I totally agree on that front... Generations would've been the perfect game for DLC. My no1 pick has been, since before release, and still is Carnival Night Zone.

    That is a shame that SEGA never capitalized... But at the same time... it's great that we can freely mod it... One thing I've wondered, is how it got hacked and modded so quickly. As talented as the members here are, SEGA could've made a lick of effort to try to prevent it during production. By my estimation, they did no such thing, probably with the knowledge that Retro could accomplish such things as this. If thats the case, then it could be a good part of the reason why we get no DLC. (Although that does no good for console users...) I could be completely wrong, but that's how I see it. That's my reasoning for NOT seeing this as a 1-up, as talented and great as this is.

    Anyway, after this is done, I'd like someone to get that DAMN CNZ... That'd make me a very happy panda... I would, but it would end up looking more like Atomic Sonic Generations than anything else. Oh well.

    EDIT: BTW I doubt that Generations was a loss of money... Highly. Wasn't it the most preordered game in Sonic franchise history? I'm gonna go do some fact digging now, be right back... AND I WAS WRONG... God damn... That sucks.
  20. Falk



    This guy knows where it's at.

    edit: derp, remind me not to leave windows open overnight. Everything that needed to be said already has been said; feel free to trash, etc.

    edit2: in reply to some of the discussions: I'd take a shot in the dark and say that the lack of DLC for Generations is likely due to developmental man-hours. SEGA would be insane not to already be full-swing balls-deep in the next big title, and taking resources off that to put into DLC which essentially requires new art assets might not be the best business decision. There always is the option to outsource additional levels to other companies, but the only known quantity w.r.t. the franchise would be DIMPS and... yeah.

    And before anyone states the obvious that Unleashed stage DLC could have been essentially been free $$$, from a company standpoint they'd probably have wanted people to go buy Unleashed to play Unleashed rather than get labelled a Modern Warfare-style rehash DLC factory.