Before anyone screams GOOGLE I've tried it and not getting much luck (mainly coming up with SA2 info). Does anyone remember the font used in the subtitles for SA? I used to have it years ago but I lost it... Either that or can provide it here...either would help!
I always thought it was Dom Casual, but looking at the font again, I think it's probably too different from the actual SA font to be of any use: It's likely a custom font by Sega or Sonic team, I'm not sure if it was ever made public, or someone has made a font that looks just like it.
I recognise the font from somewhere else besides SA. I do doubt it being custom since its sequel used Comic Sans.
Not custom made, it has been used in many many places- But again I am still struggling to pinpoint it...
I think I found it, or at least, something eerily close to it. Marker Felt Wide Marker Felt Thin Hopefully this helps.
Looks nothing like it. Compare the upper-case D with the one in the screenshot. The lower-case g's and y's are also completely different.
Yup~ It must have been...I downloaded said font (not the one in that link) a long long time ago...currently trawling through right now to try and find it.. EDIT: Balls to it. Found Impress for free on another site. If I wanna compress it a little myself I have FontCreator Just right click and save the usual way!
The font doesn't even have any anti-aliasing applied to it. Look at on CRT monitor with the VGA box. The smooth edges are a side-effect of both a lower screen-resolution than the original game and on a TV the signel blends it together with the surrounding area. It's also has Japanese characters in it, because it's the same when switched to that language. It's a unicode font no doubt of at fixed size (meaning only one size is supported and anything other would be distortion, hate to say it). One could try ripping it from the game.
Hmm, at the very least someone could spend some time doing the 128 base Ascii characters to make an English font. Like, use a pen tool to trace the font so that it could be a TTF afterward.
If someone can find a high-res png of a string of text you could get a close matching TTF (or, maybe the original) by using this: I tried with some text cut from the image in the OP but the jpeg was too grainy to get anything useful back.
This font is too low-res to identify. Any subtle structures were destroyed by the pixelation. Also it's a Japanese font. Even with good resolution samples it's almost impossible to find japanese fonts. Sonic Generations title card font is called Seurat Demi Bold and no font identifier can tell what font it is.
The font used in the PC version (2004 at least) is different from the font in the DC and GC versions. This is not the one OP is looking for. (Good to have though, so thumbs up.)
Why isn't there a wiki article on all the fonts featured in the Sonic games? We discover them only to forget them again. =(