You can get it for 20% off with this code on GMG: GMG20-1FYLZ-EDG8R
Is it me? Or does this play twice as fast as it should? Scratch that, this plays far faster, depending on what resolution you choose. It's unplayable. Anyone else having this issue? *moved question over to SA2 Battle PC topic*
Hello. I see you've stumbled upon my editor. ^-^ I do plan on making it compatible with SA2B. But I'm currently having issues with the security the file uses. Whenever I figure out how to fix the security method, I'll release the editor with SA2B compatibility.
I don't suppose you would be willing to like, document the layout of the save files on our wiki? There's already some stuff for SADX's Chao save.
That's a guide on how to edit the PC version of SA1DX. I can make a similar guide on how to edit the saves for the 360 versions, but it'll have to be after I finish my editor. I'm still learning, after all.
Thank you, but I can't make heads or tails out of this. What I can see, however, is that these addresses far exceed what is made available in a save file. It looks like this is made to run in conjunction with the game itself. I need the hash type, and what data is checked. That said, I can't be sure. I'm not familiar with C (the editor is written in Basic), so I'm unable to completely decipher it.
I'm going to assume you mean VB.NET, so here's the code for that. If you're using VB6 or lower, maybe it'll work anyway?
I'm sorry, yes, I'm coding in VB.NET. This is much easier for me to read. Do you know who wrote it? I'd like to ask their permission to use it, as well as (assuming they give permission) ask for their help in utilizing it in my editor.
Adding in Ron's "TITSSSS" was a perfect touch. But I agree with the video entirely, even if I can still play and enjoy it.
It was written by Sonic Team in C++, converted to C by me with IDA Pro's decompiler, converted to C# by me, and converted to VB.NET by me with's C# to VB.NET converter.
Sonic Adventure 2 will be on sale on 18- 31 dec, not sure how much though (Sonic 4 ep 2 and Sonic 2 are coming on sale too):—Countdown-to-2013—Sale.html
I bought this when it was on sale. I only just sat down and played it. It's a great port, I love that they've done some work on it first. It's still a crummy game - but hats off to Sega for doing it well. Also, it works perfectly in Surround, which really impressed me.
We really need an SA2 general topic, this is the closest one I can think of since the other 2 are a hacking topic and a PC-version topic. Rooster Teeth did stuff SA2 related, check it out:
It boggles my mind that there are "gamers" (for lack of a better term) that didn't know Sonic Adventure had a sequel.