So, I don't remember Chao Karate being this much a crap shoot to win. Last opponent on Super needs so much RNG luck, it's not even fun. And this is with a chao with 99s across the board. Shame it's unlikely we'll see a Chao Garden file editor released to rig this shit. Chao are such horseshit tedium, I'm glad the concept was killed after this game.
Though playing it, you definitely see the problems and glitches much more than you did back then - it's still much more playable than Sonic Adventure 1 ever was. It was fun - maybe not worth the money - but still good to see the days when Eggman was evil. "Sonic you better hurry up, otherwise she WILL DIE".
The level number actually means nothing except how many more times you can increase the power of that skill. If they have high letter ranks for their skills (see the Doctor) then they ought to have enough skill points (2000+) for the colored bars to start increasing in red. If the stats aren't high enough for that to happen then they have no chance.
Just seems weird that, despite being able to absolutely destroy the races across the board, that it's still all up to luck on the last fight. Even does a pretty good job of steamrolling everyone up until the last fight. His stats are something like CDDCB. Fortunately, the other chao I've thrown into the dark garden has something like BCCES, so I'm hoping if I DO decide to go more into this god forsaken timesink that the two can form a competent chao. I've not seen enough enterprise to start PS3 and 360 save file editors in general. :v: If it DOES come along, then sweet. It'll probably be the only way we can access the GBA chao colors or exclusives like the Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and (still technically unobtainable) Omochao series.
They do, but it's nothing on the level of Shadow the Hedgehog, which, for some goddamn reason, decided to be special and tell you the answer to its biggest plot element in the last 15 seconds of the boss or so. Tons of people probably missed that, as it requires you to get every ring and survive long enough to see it, when you can beat the boss in a third of the time. Final Hazard, thankfully, is nothing like that. Nobody says anything serious.
Heh, now you got me curious about Shadow the Hedgehog's. XD Though I know how dark it can get (especially since one ending has the Eclipse Cannon actually firing towards Earth, if I'm right). Thanks anyway. Same to you, RedMetallix.
Let me save you the trouble. I didn't even know that existed until I replayed the game a couple of months later. No idea why they tucked away something so important to the game's plot, but that was a game full of bad decisions so let's leave it at that.
You'll be pleased to know that there actually was an editor for the 360 version of SADX's Chao Garden, and that the developer said he'd do one for SA2. EDIT: Here it is. He's gonna make it cross-compatible with both games, which should probably also lead to the ability to transfer Chao between games.
Thanks Nora. Yeah, weird idea to leave that where most would miss it, but I guess they wanted him to say something major before everyone dies, so it's kind of understandable. Moving on. I played a bit of Sonic Adventure 2 recently. I only got to Green Forest, but so far, it's still a fun game, somewhat. It's kind of challenging mainly due to the controls. Sonic seems really loose when it comes to turning and it's very easy to just turn into a wall or fall off the edge. It could be just me, but the Homing Attack in this game definitely takes some time to get used too. It seems, I dunno, nerfed in the distance department compared to future games, and has screwed me over quite a few times. Same stuff applies to Knuckles' punching, and the camera doesn't exactly help if the enemy is off screen. Tails is alright, to some extent, I suppose. The voice acting, honestly, is not that good, but I won't put most of the blame on the voice actors themselves, but the voice director. Some like Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy were kind, but everyone else was more or less okay. Though the script doesn't exactly help neither (Ex. - Tails' first scene and saying he needs to save Amy because she's in trouble. Also, Shadow's "I'm the coolest!" line is just...yeah). I forgot the lack of effort was made when syncing the mouth movements with the voices. It seems like they weren't even trying and it just looks really, really weird. And really, what's up with the hints? The loading screen comes by so fast that you can barely read them half of the time. Not that it matters, but seems rather unnecessary. It's not a bad game, but it's definitely overrated. As mentioned by a few people, while people praise this game, it does kind of suffer from the same stuff some of the future games have, but gets a lot of backlash for it. I kind of wonder if SEGA would attempt to go back to a similar game play style (like Sonic's/Shadow's, mainly), but try to tweak it or something. As much as I like the Unleashed Day gameplay, they may have to switch it up to something different in the future.
I saw those loading screens with omochao on them only on the 360 version. PS3 version loads so quickly that you never see them at all.
Thanks for the info, Jax. Oh well, I'll just wait then. EU SA2 DLC is way too expensive, but it's much cheaper in USA. Dunny why here the DLC is almost as expensive as the game itself...
So I keep hearing about a patch for this game, but can't find any information other than "Yeah the game's getting a patch". What's the deal?