It really can't be much of a thing to add the Jewel Chao to the Black Market, or to make them, and the Tails, Knuckles, and Amy Chao all 80 point DLC. SEGA's never been smart about their game making though, so what can you do. ALso, about that Rail in Final Rush. I had the same problem. Cost me an A rank once. The best way to get up there is to bounce attack two or three times, and then jump dash the rail from one of the sides. They should probably fix that though!
I double checked that rail issue in the GameCube version by the way. Same issue. It depends on the angle you hit it at, as well as how high up you hit it.
That can't be right, I never had any problems doing it on the GC one o.O It certainly didn:t instantly zoom you down to the ground no matter where you got on it from whenever I did it...will have to give it another go. We're all talking about the same rail here, right? (inb4) (and it's widescreen because I'm using Dolphin's widescreen hack)
I've never had that problem of going down in the past, ever...but even that approach where it DID go up in the end didn't seem to work on the re-release. Could just be me but I'm not sure.
I don't think it's possible to be good at Madspace, just incredebly lucky and get good emerald shard placement. Whoever is No1 either cheated or is pooping horseshoes and 4 leaf clovers lol
Had to, got fucked over near the end of my first run and only got a B rank. I have a bit of a system with that stage. Start on the Holy asteroid (As that tends to be where the first shard is more often than not.), Then go up towards the ARK, if nothing's there then I go to the spherical planet and capsule planet. Then I usually have all of them by then. I have more trouble with Death Chamber and Meteor Herd.
Sorry to change the topic back to glitches, but DarkspinesSonic has found a way to enter the Test Level as Sonic. Seems to work on the same principle as Eggman's version; end the level while the Chao Key is collected, but not yet turned into a Chao head in the HUD.
Interesting, I have just got into the test area as eggman about 30 minutes ago and was not sure how I did it apart from getting 1 chao key on cosmic wall in story mode, and I have to say I did think the spinning key was glitched on the hud. Interesting bug, when it first loaded for me I was all wtf and took a picture. hm thinking about it I returned to play SA2 today continuing from mad space with rouge, since it's where I stopped playing the other day before turning it off.
Cosmic Wall just has a glitched up deal with the Chao Key. Collecting it period seems to cause you to go to the Test Level upon completing the level if you don't die and lose it before hand. I reproduced it when I played it from the Stage Select screen, so... Also, on another note, I'm uploading the Japanese Bonus Video. It has that artwork content we saw in the Japanese trailer. I can't tell, but I think they might be saying some slightly different things than in the English dubbed version. So if anyone can translate/determine that, please do. I'll post back with the video's up. EDIT: It's up!
Well, I got the game and I had two strange things happen to me. Number one was in Mission Street, the bridge that breaks to make you get the hover power-up broke, but I got across, so later when I was supposed to have the hover power-up I was stumped. Number two was in Cannon's Core with Sonic, I activated the timer in the laser wall room with Artificial Chaos with a Spin Dash after having cleared the room of enemies, to make it through quicker, but for some reason, time froze forever, so I had to run down the water slide! :v: Also Sonic's eyes clipping through his skin never gets old.
I fell through the wall in Crazy Gadget Hard Mode in the room where you have to switch gravity to get to a rail to take you to the next area. I got killed/hit by Artificial Fatass in Final Rush more times than I care to admit. I hate those fuckers.
This is a pretty well known glitch. What you did was hit the time stop device so hard it kept shaking, but you were going so fast, the game removed the object from memory before it could stop shaking and trigger the timer sequence. Permanent time stop. It's often abused in speed runs. If performed right in combination with the Cannon's Core Mission 2 chao key glitch, you can beat Cannon's Core with an in-game timer of about 7 Seconds. This won't get you a great rank, but it'll look neat.
It also makes it extremely easy to do Find the Lost Chao without using Mystic Melody. Just spindash > jump up that ramp then jump dash for the last bit of distance :v:
I guess I'm going to have to learn more about this game then. Last time I played it was when I was about 7 years old, and I kept getting E ranks everywhere. I ignored the missions 2 to 5, and I was a Chao master. I got really pissed when my Chao reincarnated, because most of his stats were and 50+ in level, so I had to restart everything. I also always had a Chao to whom I was exceptionally cruel just because. I enjoy replaying this game now that I have actual skills.
Just thought I'd say that, at least in the PS3 version, you can just access the test level by playing Cosmic Wall with the Chao Key.
I'm currently downloading the game, and I'm hoping it's still as fun as it was years ago. I do have one question though... Do the characters in particular say anything if you fail to beat the Final Hazard in time? I've always wondered about that. I remember playing once and the background got pretty red, but I think I was running out of rings at the time.