Ok, I found where the voice files are kept, now, how do I "Unzip" EVENT_ADX_E.AFS? Would OpenAFS work?
Game runs almost perfectly on my pc, but there are some differences I've noticed so far from the recent console port, mainly that the level select map is different and the sa2b intro does play before the title screen. The map is different in that rather than expanding it like they did on the 360, it simply shows the space section in the pyramid part of the map and vice versa. Oddly enough it does extend the space part a bit but unlike the console version the mustache isn't cut off on the right side. Wonder what else is different/why is it different. Is this version more or less changed than the ps360 versions? Oh and on my first run through through the hero story, I A ranked every level except for crazy gadget where I got a B... Damn
If OpenAFS doesn't work, you could try AFS Explorer, it's a program I use for editing the Pro Evolution Soccer series since 2003. If it's the same kind of AFS files, it should work. DKZ Studio does it too, but I don't know if it still exists.
I just tried AFS explorer, it works, but the voice files wound up loosing their names. by the way, anyone else get a "Cabbage" glitch? http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/595861580092566699/E2728241F9FCBC6403126F9D33DEDC5E43DBD3A2/
Yea this one is a port, which is why it can actually run on my computer. Playing this game on Dolphin is a glitchy, annoyingly slow mess, which is why I bought it on Steam in the first place (That and hacking).
So, this PC port. Is it an instant must-have or can it be put on the backburner? The Wii U pre-orders are kinda killing my wallet right now.
Well how much do you pain to play SA2 again? Personally I don't know why I jumped in and bought it so quickly, I mean, it's pretty fun but still. I'd go preorder newer, better games before buying SA2 PC. Besides, it gives the hackers time to make cool stuff and at the same time it will likely be subjected to a Steam sale at some point in the future. So ya, I'd say wait unless you're dying to play SA2 again.
Seems so, trying the glitch as Tails takes me to the Chao garden too. With no other effects. Edit: The test level seems inaccessible, but you can still play as any character in any of the multiplayer levels using the Chao key glitch.
For anyone having problems with controllers (DirectInput controllers) not being detected by the game, there's a solution for this issue using x360ce: http://steamcommunity.com/app/213610/discussions/0/882966056561112468/
I can't believe people are pimping such paltry 1920x1080 pictures! Get a load of this! (images go from 001 to 029.) I am very saddened by the lack of mouse control. The game only uses two damn buttons! Three, if you include "change action button"! It's a load of garbage! Using the mouse would be so much more comfortable, and I don't even think I can just bind the mouse buttons to things! C'mon, SEGA!
Is Big back where he belongs in Wild Canyon? I think this version of the game should give us a good idea of what the patched console version will be like.
You can assign (with Joy2Key) mouse commands to the Keyboard, thus, use it with Sonic Adventure 2! Nope. I checked the original spot (twice actually!),not there.
2 things I've found interesting (which are quickly showcased in this video) The world map pictures stretch really quickly after you move to the different sections (most noticeable when looking at the space colony's map) And, after exiting a Chao race, the yellow nuts in the garden turn green for some reason. Apparently when you take the glitch nut out to the lobby, it gets some sort of golden texture, and taking it into the kindergarten puts some black/red texture on it.
The nuts turning green is what I'm calling the Cabbage glitch. I posted an image on the last page. How'd you get the img tags to work?
I had £6.58 languishing in my steam wallet from ages back Basic game for £5.99? No reason not to buy it, not anything else on steam I really wanna get, and when I do wanna get something, I'll probably have to pump £30 into it anyway Let the Mods commence!
*sigh* This has been mentioned many times before, but just because the game is out on PC doesn't mean it's going to be cracked wide open like Generations was.
It seems like they tried removing the test stage completely. Forcing the stage byte in RAM to it brings you to Chao world.