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Sonic 4.

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Polygon Jim, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Dusk Golem

    Dusk Golem

    Where Fear and Cryptic Puzzles lie... Member
    If you get all the rings in the ending without all the emeralds he does the first 'lost' pose.

    If you get all the rings in the ending with all the emeralds he does the Super Sonic pose.

    Doing either also unlocks you an Avatar Award in the 360 version.

    Me and a friend discovered this a couple days ago but we didn't think it was new knowledge.
  2. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    So then a no damage run in ESZ isn't required?
  3. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member

    Ring layout edit. Physics edit. Fixed sound effect (the right sound effect when spindashing and/or spining). The usual stuff.

    And since everything was pretty much publically revealed, I'm going to copy and paste the thread I opened in the Tech Members lounge back in June, when the hacking endeavour started.

    Some informations might be incorrect, since these researches were done with the Partner Net build and the E3 build, but I'll revised them later, but since I'm in a hurry right now, I'll leave this as it is and edit later, alright.
  4. Hez


    I couldn't really tell what you did with the physics, but thank god someone finally fixed that god awful sound mix up. I turned off sound effects because of it.
  5. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    No dead air stop (only when homming attacking). Downhill rolling speed up. No uphill rolling speed loss.
  6. dsrb


    Awesome, you guys are already well on the way! Next stop: remove dust trails plz? ;)
  7. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    That wouldn't be hard at all, just open the textures for it and alphamap them out.
  8. amphobius


    doing more important things with my life Member
    Easy, but dirty and still costing memory on the system.
  9. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    That's fairly easy... on the 360 version, that is. I don't know about the Wii version, though, since I have yet to mess with it. Perhaps just changing the dust trail texture to a alpha blank one? Sounds like the easiest way to me.

    EDIT: Oh, beaten to it. =P

    Like this will make the game run in a framerate slower than 60 fps....
  10. Alriightyman


    I am back... from the dead! Tech Member
    Somewhere in hot, death Florida
    0101001101101111011011100110100101100011 00000010: 0101001100000011 01000101011001000110100101110100011010010110111101101110
    Since this is public now, I might as well ask here. Do you need to have a JTAG 360 if you edit the OFFICIAL release that was bought from XBL?
  11. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    Going off of precedent alone, I'd say the only time you'd need a JTAG is if you're going to edit the executable itself, if this game is anything like '06, that'll be the only protected file.

    edit: lol guess not
  12. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    In the case of every XBLA game, or DLC, or GOD (game on demand) contents are container files that contains the actual game data.

    So the awnser is yes. Yes, you need a jtag, because every LIVE or PIRS or CON containers are RSA signed, and the key is based on the Xbox 360's private key plus the MD5 hash of parts of the file. Therefore, if you change a single byte in the game, consequently the container file will have a brand new MD5 hash, and the RSA key will not match with the new MD5 hash of the hacked file, and it won't even show on the non jtagged 360 (well, in fact it will show for a fraction of second, but it'll suddenly disappear). If you are going to hack the game, you'll need to repack the game into a container in order to play it as a full version. It is then signed with a devkit private key (that is known), and requires a jtagged system because it bypasses RSA check, and can run unsigned code.

    If you have a jtag, you can unpack the game and run it through the default.xex executable, though the game will show up as trial, because the "ownership" information is read from the container file that the game was supposed to be stored at.

    So, in short, the only time a jtag wouldn't be required is if you, for some reason, knew the Xbox 360's private key. And if such a key was avaiable on the internet, the jtag hack wouldn't be needed at all anymore.
  13. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Damn, if someone fixes the physics for the Wii version I am so downloading Dolphin in order to play it on my computer.
  14. Azookara


    yup Member
    I pray for a modified Wii version now. This is depressing to know that this requires a jtag to do this. ;_;
  15. EDOOM



    So, no love for PS3? It would be wonderful to get an improved version of Sonic 4 on our Sony consoles...
  16. Aquaslash


    <The Has-been Legend> Moderator
    Granted, I'm very new to the Wii homebrew scene, but it a modded version was made for Wii, wouldn't it be playable on a Wii with homebrew enabled?
  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Only reason I'm asking for a Wii version is because I won't have to hack any of my consoles or anything and I could just play the modified version via emulation. I'd love for a modified PS3 version but I just don't want to alter the system in any way
  18. EDOOM



    IIRC, current PS3 jailbreaking methods don't involve any hardware or firmware tampering. By using one of those USB dongles, you just have access to a kind of debug mode which allows you to load unsigned software utilities (homebrew). What these homebrew applications do after that is another completely different thing...
  19. Covarr


    Sentient Cash Register Member
    Trapped in my own thoughts.
    Two stageplays, a screenplay, and an album
    I don't think there's any way to run modified PSN games yet, though. However, I suspect it should be fairly soon, it's definitely being worked on.
  20. Eviltaco64


    Hopelessly Lost in Aisle 5 Member
    You'd need either a JTAG or a Devkit (and FreeXeX/Xbox Neighborhood) to run unsigned code and transfer the DLC files over to your PC and back. I believe that both types can run unpacked DLC (in .xex format) if the files are signed properly.

    I still have yet to play the final version of this game, but it's great to see that it's already being hacked and re-tooled. :P