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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Chimpo, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    the only way I'll ever get Ep 2 is if someone gifted me it on steam. I will not pay for any more sonic 4.
  2. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    I'm in the "I'll wait until the price gets lowered to like $5" group so far. It seems like it could be some fun at least (MUCH more than E:1), but I refuse to pour a whopping $15 into this game unless the physics are up to par (even then, $15 still is asking too much). Though they clearly are giving more 'effort' this time, it is not the maximum effort. $15 is a maximum effort, physics-accurate, good music, 7 stage price tag. This game looks beautiful, but I will not reward SEGA/DIMPS for blatantly not trying their best to create and deliver the highest quality product possible. They should have just used the Retro Engine; there would nearly be no valid complaints game-play-wise. It's quite sad, really.
  3. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    I don't even believe this game is worth that much when you can get the Master system titles for that much and even they provide a better experience with more content, plus allow you to play as tails (chaos/Sonic & Tails). If the game gear games come out before this does, I'm buying them on Ep2's release date.
  4. SteelBrush


    603e Member
    the home of spotted dick, Devon
    Tramadol, Tamazepam and finding a reason to exist.
    That is exactly what came into my mind aswell, plastic furries that live in plastic trees.
  5. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Yea but the game gear titles came out years ago. I wouldn't even value them at $5 when I can emulate them fairly easily for free.
  6. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    I'd pick Episode 2 over Triple Trouble, personally (I'd say I'd pick CD 2011 over Ep 2 though, but I already got CD 2011. :v: ). The Game Gears were nice, but their age has easily shown.

    Now, if it was remade Genesized...

    Not really trying to funny or snarky, but the only real reason Sonic 4 doesn't -feel- like Sonic 4 to me is because it isn't sprite based. It feels odd to me when I compare it to Sonic 1-3, and even Sonic CD a bit. Mega Man 7 and 8 expanded on their predecessors, and 9-10 were done in NES fashion of 1-6. Dunno, I just prefer consistency, and I find sprites more appealing personally.
  7. Kogen


    Derp Banned
    Bouvet Island
    Last Party on the Moon
    They gave up on multiple characters after the backlash against Heroes, Shadow, and 06. The imbeciles at Sonic Team think that Shadow, Silver, and Bonkers the Cat are just as bad as Tails and Knuckles, so they got rid of all of them. Iizuka brought it up many times in interviews.

    I agree that no Tails and somewhat no Knuckles have made the games far shallower and killed off what long-time fans have enjoyed, but I do not think Tails is following that cycle this time. They are making the game specifically co-op, so it makes sense in this context. I view it as controlling both characters at once, not as Tails simply being there for the sake of it. Like some others said, play Sonic CD if you want to play a new release with Tails only.

    My only other advice here is to find a friend to play with to play as Tails. That is what I intend to do, assuming the game is not AIDS quality.


    This bothered me a lot too in the first episode. It is funny how pathetic they can be.

    I am not comfortable with the idea of you forcing me to not have enjoyment. I enjoy the concept of the game, I always enjoyed it in Sonic 2, 3, and Knuckles, and I want it expanded upon. I am sick of features I enjoy being discarded or marginalised for autistic, speed-runner homos. Homing attack can also go eat dicks. Insta-Shield and shield power-ups are way better.

    Honestly, phack every Sonic fan after 1999. They all have severe autism, like most of the staff at any Sonic game development studio. It is not an issue with casual fans or children, but these mentally retarded teens and grown men. Thankfully SEGA is moving away from them. Freaks like Bentley Jones (now does music for gay pride parades; not joking) and AAUK (Kevin Eva) being gone is a big step towards that.
  8. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Indeed. I miss the days of yore when I could play as Knuckles and Tails as basically Sonic clones with powers.

    Only one game ever did it right, and they never did it again. It's a real shame because it fucking worked in Sonic 3. It's part of the reason why Sonic 3 is my favorite Sonic game of all time, and no Sonic game can ever touch that. It's like they can't get it through their fucking skull. We want to play as older characters like we did in Sonic 3 but in 3D. I don't want to treasure hunt, I don't want to fight in a mech. I want level from start to finish. Fuck if you must give them differences, I've said it once and I'll say it again. Tails gets Sonic's gameplay from Sonic Adventure, Knuckles gets werehog with 10x more platforming and 10x less button mashing. There, done.

    I've never met a truly modern fan, so I don't really know what exactly they're like. I mean I actually like the modern Sonic gameplay, but I like the classic gameplay just a bit more (It's why classic games fill my 1, 3, and 5 spots and modern games fill 2, 4, and 6). Sonic games are funny since I have somewhat lower standards for them then I do other series where I wouldn't let this slide, but I just really like Sonic games. Couldn't tell you why. However the days of me blindly buying every game that came out stopped after Sonic 06. I never played Black Knight or the other 2 riders games.

    I believe that Sega is slowly fixing the Sonic series. Granted, it should have been here in 2006, but it's better then no progress at all.

    Oh, and as far as the sound effects are concerned, why they didn't just reuse the ones from Generations is beyond me. I mean, seriously, if you're not going to make the right sounds, just take it from something else that you made. There's no shame in reusing assets that worked, like the caution signs. Reuse sound effects and the classic models, don't recreate the wheel and make it a square in the process
  9. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    It's sad how everyone always forgets all of the good things Black Knight did, because of the broken sword mechanic.

    + - I really want to hack it one day and fix this...  
  10. Burnt Ash

    Burnt Ash

    Sonic + faceground = Member
    Indeed. I still say, that Black Knight was excellent in every aspect, but the gameplay. The way they handled other playable characters was almost perfect. If you wanted to play as Sonic all the way through, then you could, and if you wanted to play as other favorite characters, then you were given the opportunity to play as them as well. It's something that I'd like to see more often in the series, because, it's inoffensive if one only wants to play as Sonic, and it's inoffensive if one wants to play as other characters. As for Episode II, it'd be nice if like Sonic CD, Tails could be extra playable character once you beat the game. That would be amazing, it'd be just like Sonic 3 and Sonic Adventure again.
  11. Kogen


    Derp Banned
    Bouvet Island
    Last Party on the Moon
    Why would two people with their gender listed as male (implies having testicles) have Sonic and the Black Knight?

    Also after having taken a look at those achievements, apparently the game does have Tails solo, or at least a normal multiplayer mode? I cannot imagine them expecting people to play co-op 50 times. I am looking forward to co-op a lot, but even I did not plan to do it that much. My love does not go that deep.

    Also also, apparently you can skip acts again? Oh dear! One achievement mentioned beating the game without going back to the map screen (that might mean something else, but...)
  12. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Only chicks play Sonic and the Black Knight. Fact.

    No really I'm curious as fuck as to where you got that from.
  13. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    Endurance Race – 25G
    Clear all stages without returning to the World Map.

    Perhaps it means beat the game in one straight run, without quitting, going back to the map, or game over-ing. Hopefully, this means that going back to the map is the choose-able option, and the game goes to the next act w/o required player input.

    Thanks for actually responding to my post.
  14. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    Yea, I rather pay for a game that tells Sega "Go this way!" that came out years ago than pay for a game that tells them that Sonic 4 is "correct" and "you can continue making games like this".

    Go play Triple trouble and compare its physics to that of sonic 4. Heck, I'd even say to cpmpair Sonic 1 Game Gear to Sonic 4
  15. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    I'm just curious, but does anyone else think that the Sun/Moon medals in Unleashed HD are a predecessor to the Red Rings? Because I didn't get an HD console until last month, I played Colors before I got to play Unleashed HD (I've played Unleashed Wii before, but that doesn't count since that game is horrible and I consider the Wii version to be a laughable joke fangame by Dimps). So when I was hunting for Sun/Moon medals on Unleashed (PS3), I was immediately reminded of Red Ring hunting in Colors.
  16. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Buying a game gear game doesn't tell Sega to make more games like it. It tells Sega that you like rebuying shit they've already made.

    Think like a businessman, not a consumer!
  17. HeartAttack


    is a smug hipster, brah! Member
    Not sure what's happening in the topic at hand - but I just saw the screens Sega released. I'm excited :)
  18. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water
    Hm...If the "I Love Tails" achievement is referring to playing as Tails in the co-op 50 times, they must really have a lot of faith in the stages' replayability...
  19. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    What if...

    what if it just means "switch to Tails 50 times"? Oh god I think I'll piss everywhere laughing if that's it.
  20. Roller


    21331 LEGO Ideas Sonic the Hedgehog, Ring Racers (SRB2Kart 2)
    Just some musings.

    Looking at the trailer in a bit more detail, with less fanatic devotion in my eyes... I can see that Sonic does pick up SOME speed going down that steeper hill in Sylvania Castle Zone. Not much, but it's there, which is good.

    Also, for those complaining about the chosen spindash sound - we already know that in these sorts of trailers they play the game mute then dub the sound in, so it's no good complaining about spindash sounds that were put there by employees who also once gave Classic Sonic the voice of Modern Sonic in the first full Generations trailer. At least, not until we hear the game without it being in a trailer form.

    Also - one thing from Episode 1 that they fixed that nobody even noticed was how Sonic took up a larger percentage of the screen than he did in the classics. The good thing is that his presence is now smaller, so we can see more of what's coming up ahead.