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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Chimpo, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    My apologies sir. That means I'll have to pay for Live and move my 360 around.

    I'll be on PSN and Steam.
  2. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    I like the cut of your jib. Steam, it is!
  3. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Then I shall join you Gene! I bought Ep 1 for the Ps3, might as well be consistent.
  4. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    I hope that music is just for the trailer and not actually in-game. Unless it's boss music, in which case it might work.
  5. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Things I liked:

    *The level art and graphics overall look fantastic. Episode I was boring, unoriginal, and just plain bad. The animations including Sonic's running animation are a definite step up from his awkward and weird set of animations from Episode I, and overall the art in this game looks genuinely fantastic, truly a successor to the original games. It doesn't hurt that all the level tropes are original (To a degree), and many enemies are brand new.

    *The zones looks really diverse and with a lot of variety to the level design and aesthetics. The trailer showcased 2 levels, but it could have easily been showcasing 3 or even 4. Despite the low level count, the acts seem to differ things up by changing the environment, time of day, and the geometry all together. I'm excited to see how levels mold into one another.

    *Level design looks a bit better than Episode I from what I saw, if not by much. Stuff like going into the background of the level ala Donkey Kong Country Returns, legitimate platforming, and the underwater sections all look fun and intuitive.

    *Sonic & Tails' co-op abilities look to genuinely add to the gameplay, such as having Tails help you swim faster and fly.

    *Some problems SEEM to be fixed, such as uncurling and such. It's possible that the physics and other things have been changed for the better as well, but there's no real way to see.

    Things I don't like:

    *Health bar enemies. Why? In a game about speed and keeping your momentum we don't need gigantic nears that take 3 hits to kill, no reason.

    *Level design doesn't look THAT much different. There are parts that seem better and exciting and fun, but then there are parts that are clearly Sonic being propelled through the level for 5+ seconds. No fun, classic Sonic rarely ever had speed boosters and springs telling him where to go.

    *Info TVs are obtrusive and take away player involvement and figuring out exactly what to do on their own.

    *Only 4 zones.

    More pros than cons, but the levity of the cons is more severe than that of the pros. It looks fun enough and if I enjoy the demo I will likely buy it since I did enjoy Episode I to a degree, I just wanted to see more improvement in level design than I did here, I'm glad I didn't get myself too excited, I guess we'll just have to wait until we get real footage of people playing to get a good idea of the full experience.
  6. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    If this game is anything like generations I expect there will be an option to turn off the help monitors and pit warnings. But those monitors may help every now and then, after all do we really want another carnival night barrel?
  7. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    I hope so, but something tells me that they will be there no matter what. Call it a hunch, but I dunno, I guess we'll see when it comes out.

    I'd like to assess that my main problem with Snowy isn't that he has a health bar, it's that he's plunked in the middle of level design and is a normal enemy you encounter at least twice. If he was a mini-boss and every stage got a mini-boss ala Sonic 3 & Knuckles, that'd be great. However, he's just an enemy and it's just kind of lame that you'll likely have to defeat him to pass by level design, and the act of beating him just looks like bashing him with the homing attack over and over again.
  8. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    I do. Now that I'm not a child anymore I can probably figure it out the first time. If not, it makes for a nice nostalgic addition. Although I did get a time over in Lost Labyrinth Act 2 at the torch puzzle, but it was still fun.
  9. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Honestly the most exciting thing for me was the ASR menu mix, which means that the ASR sequel is pretty much all but officially confirmed.

    Episode II looks okay, but nothing in that trailer really wowed me. I really need to see a solid couple minutes without frenzy video cutting to get excited for games anymore. I just want to see how the game actually looks, not how they want the game to look.
  10. Hate to burst bubbles but check it at 00:37 when just after the spring barrage Sonic loses half if not complete momentum. We fixed the physics guys we promise! . While I wasn't expecting much, I was expecting at least a slight change in the physics, guess not.
  11. Conando


    Is not, in fact, Raphael Member
    Lynn, MA FTP
    It looks all right (so far). An improvement from Ep. 1, for sure, so I'll probably download the PSN version.
  12. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Good thing that wasn't a primary concern of mine. How dare I wish to have fun with other people! :specialed:
  13. SmashX5000


    Simply Smashing Member
    Below Canada
    I'm working on a cartoon based on the Genesis games called Sonic Boom.
    I'm still looking forward to it, but, uh, Sega, what happened to that whole new physics thing you mentioned? It looked exactly the same but without uncurling. .-.
  14. Effexor


    JUSTICE Member
    But... He didn't have any momentum to begin with. He hit a spring. Just saying.
  15. Vaiz


    I'm still here for some reason! Member
    Sonic 4 wasn't the worst thing in the world. This won't be the worst thing in the world. Everyone acts like someone just took a massive steaming shit on your mom's chest or something. I'm probably gonna enjoy it when it comes out. The game, not taking a massive steaming shit.
  16. I was talking about the game improving on the first, not whether It was the worst thing in the world or not. But no it's not, I can happily carry on my life with this in existance. Christ knows how I continued after Sonic 06 dropped, but I managed.
  17. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Yeah, despite my criticisms towards the trailer's content, I'm really not expecting a "shit" game. It will be underwhelming, yeah. There are too few levels and the level design looks very similar, but for all that it's worth this does seem like, in some areas, a successor to the Genesis games. No, it isn't Sonic 4 as we always imagined it, but the level progression looks really cool, I like the zone tropes, the graphics are awesome and if the trailer is anything to go by then the music will be pretty good too.
  18. Vaiz


    I'm still here for some reason! Member
    Wasn't talking about you specifically, mate. Your comments are pretty moderate. It just seems like there's a lot of hyperbole being thrown around that I think is the result of people getting their hopes up that this would really be anything different. Sonic 4:1 was O.K. Sonic 4:2 will probably be O.K.
  19. Then in that case yeah, I agree. Believing Ken Balough is why we can't have nice things.
  20. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Kellie Parker on the SEGA forums confirmed that Tails is only playable in two-player mode.

    Sort of disappointing.