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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Chimpo, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Aerobian-Angel


    "____________________" Member

    To compare 3D trash to 2D trash is a-okay, bro. What I'm saying is that even though we'd rather forget those titles to focus on better ones, we pretty much choose not to when given the chance.

    Like this:

    "Hey, ____________ looks like a great game so far! Let's hope they don't fuck it up like ____________!"

    And considering what the franchise has been through, people accept little side-comments like these. It's practically become the norm to use new games (whether it turns out good or bad) to capitalize on a chance bring up past-failures. No one really gives it a second thought, as it's pretty much instinct to do so now. That's what I'm getting at.

    But yeah, I'm liking the way Episode 2 looks so far.
  2. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    The least they could do this time is make the final act of the game (Assuming there is a Final Boss level at all) is make it more than just a boss rush.
  3. Candescence


    Sydney, Australia
    3D Indie Stuff
    Mind you, Mega Man X5's final stage was almost completely composed of the mandatory (for the series) boss rush and Sigma, but at least it had a fucking awesome tune. Sonic 4's final act's theme was HORRIBLE.

    Granted, X5 was an actual complete game that wasn't shit, but still.
  4. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    I think that we'll wind up getting a more solid game overall, including the final stage, but I still don't expect anything spectacular. We'll see how the game plays tomorrow I suppose.
  5. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I don't buy Sonic games for length, I buy them for replay value. When you think about it, Sonic Generations is almost priced the same exact way (4 stages for $15, 9 stages for $50). Generations is a bigger game by all means, but Sonic 4's stages have 3 acts in comparison to Generations 2 + Challenge stages (And while there are many challenge stages, many of them lack replay value and they're all simply the same levels with layout changes).

    Granted, Sonic 4 would be more fairly priced at like $10, but anyone who thinks that a Sonic game is going to be a long adventure is just not thinking straight. Sonic 1 and Super Mario World came out the same year, and Super Mario World is by far a much longer game. Yet they cost the same price. Sonic's about replayability people, not long epic adventures (Which is why I welcomed Colors and Generations with open arms. They got rid of the shit that plagued down 3D Sonic games and made them short, sweet, and to the point with plenty of fun to come back to).
  6. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    I know this, but 4 stages is undeniably lazy. 5-6 should be the bare minimum, I am pretty baffled as to why they went with such a low number when Dimps have produced average-sized 2D Sonic games in the past, such as Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush. I'm hoping that they'll release one more episode simply for the sake of having a normal sized 2D Sonic game again (8 stages + 2 boss acts).
  7. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Admittedly it would have been better if they had 6 levels with 2 acts and a boss, however if Sonic 4 wasn't episodic we'd likely have gotten Sonic 4 episode 1 with more levels, and would we really want that?
  8. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    That's true, however, what I think would have been a better idea would be if SEGA were to have released something like "Sonic HD" or "Sonic DL" or something, a 4-stage mini-game with the production values of the current Episode I. See how well that does, then release Sonic 4 as it is in Episode II, plus 2 or more levels. That would have been my ideal scenario had they HAD to make Sonic 4 the way it is now, but it really isn't worth discussing since there's no changing the past.
  9. Candescence


    Sydney, Australia
    3D Indie Stuff
    The hilarious thing is, episodic content is supposed to be, ideally, released in short intervals to make up for the limited content per episode. Once again, only Telltale can actually pull this off, Sega is almost as bad as Valve was when it came to the gap between HL2: Episode 1 and Episode 2.

    Granted, HL2: Episode 1 wasn't so bad that the next episode required a complete goddamn overhaul, but STILL.
  10. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    The long gap was probably to make up for the fact that they had to fix the whole damn game so much, I think that if they're planning an Episode III, it'll come out much faster than Episode II is set out to.
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Episode 2 was probably put on the back burner while Dimps worked on Generations 3DS since that was more immediate. They also had to rebuild Episode 2 so it's like making an entirely new game that just happens to have the same name.
  12. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    I would think that if the whole point of episodic content was to release in short intervals, then wouldn't they already have the zones, bosses, art style all lined up ready to work on? The "Episode" branding in my mind is just that because if Sonic 4 was just released as one title, it might have come across as underwhelming compared to the originals. This way it makes you feel you're playing a part of something more grand.
  13. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy
    This is what's known in the video game industry as a bad idea.
  14. Ayu Tsukimiya

    Ayu Tsukimiya

    UGUU~ Member
    SEGA should probably know better than to break promises by now. Especially after how they made themselves the laughingstock of the gaming industry after Sonic 06. They got careless with episode 1, and I honestly believe they are learning from their mistakes, if Generations is anything to go by. Besides, why would they waste the new classic engines they just made/got? They have the Taxman one, the Generations one, and the Generations 3DS one.
  15. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    I didn't find Episode I's physics to be too appalling, it just needs to fix some things. Those things being Sonic's sluggishness, sticking to walls, and losing inertia while in the air. If they fix that, then I think we'll have a solid game so long as the level design is good. It seems like there are no boosters and that the homing attack has been removed (Keyword; seems), so that's a good start, but you never know. We'll get a good idea of it tomorrow I'm hoping, but if not there's always E3. After the long wait for this episode, as well as SEGA's apparent "fan devotion", there really is no reason for such lazy level design. We shall see.
  16. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    See at first I bet that was the plan, but then the backlash came because they didn't expect that we cared so much. I think they thought that "2D Sonic in levels the recognize = instant love for all." Admittedly it worked once, but it wouldn't work twice, since it wasn't instant love rather nostalgia glasses and annoying ass PR campaigns.

    I bet at first they were going to make 3 episodes and eventually release a disc compilation of all three together. But then Episode 1 was balls so they're going to just push that aside and make Episode 2 better. If Episode 3 comes out, that may have lock on capabilities with 2, but I doubt either will have anything to do with Ep 1. In order for that to work, Ep 1 must be remade, and they have better things to do, like make Ep 3.

    Sega has learned a lot since then though. They realize that we like classic Sonic for more then just the levels but we like it for how they played and felt. Sonic CD came out and everyone loved it because it was a remake with love. We got Generations which was a first step towards fixing the classic gameplay, and while not perfect, it looked beautiful. Unfortunately these are lessons they should have learned years ago, but hey, a lesson learned is a lesson learned.
  17. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    They sound very resistant to make another episode, but I'm really pulling out for it if this one winds up being good. Yes, the reality of it is that I'm succumbing to their marketing scheme and buying all of their extremely short games, but you know what? I really like 2D Sonic games, and if this is an honest to God effort I'm going to support it.
  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    They seem afraid because people weren't too happy with Episode 1, but it did make money. Personally I think the best idea would be make Ep 2, and then make a Sonic 5 that's like Ep 2 only non episodic and a real game.
  19. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    One thing I'm hoping for is that the presentation is a hell of a lot better. Looking at the classic games, and even new ones like Sonic Colors and Generations, SEGA put an awesome amount of detail into making the menus and title cards look awesome and original. Hell, even Taxman's Sonic CD port/remake did a lot more original things with the menus and title cards for each level. I'm hoping for a more original presentation overall would be nice. I can't find any good pictures, but I presume you all know what I'm talking about correct? Between each level, instead of getting a new and fresh card, we simply got a rehashed one from Sonic 2 just didn't even look as flashy or cool, and was very generic.
  20. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    No I know what you mean, and I agree with you. I think there was evidence of a new title card a couple pages back, there was a picture that had some transparent black bars at the bottom as if the title card was fading out. Perhaps we'll see tomorrow.

    Unfortunately the title screen will most likely be confirmed balls, since we already have the logo and it's likely going to be the same deal as in Ep 1. Shame the logo looks so ugly, since the rest of the game looks great to me so far.