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Sonic 4: Episode 2 Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Chimpo, Dec 29, 2011.

  1. Lambda


    I don't understand the complaints alot of people are having with any of this. Yes, the first level looks like Aquatic Ruin, but this seems to have a more Medieval flair to it than the original. Also, Aquatic Ruin hasn't gotten any redos or rehashes since Sonic 2. How many Casino Nights and Green Hill Zones have we seen since then?

    Next, the graphics look really good! Sure, it's not Hedgehog Engine, but remember that this needs to run on iOS and Android devices.

    MOST of the badnicks seen in these shots are new! And it seems like the Boarbot or whatever is in a few different levels, but I'd say a few new enemies are better than a bunch of rehashed ones...

    Lastly, with the exception of the first level, the rest look like some fresh ideas! Sure, Carnivals and Winter have been done before, and Deserts and Oil have been done before, but we've never seen a winter carnival, or an oil desert!

    If the physics and level design are up to snuff, I'd say Dimps is getting their act together. Anyone who doesn't think so is just being grouchy because the game is named "Sonic 4", and don't have anything better to do than complain about a videogame.
  2. I am loving the look of the snow world and these new badniks. And it's nice to see some stuff in the background of the fairground world. I'm still not convinced those worlds are one of the same now that I've seen the signpost. So will act 1 be snowy and act 2 be fairgroundy? it's a pretty large contrast for one world imo
  3. Kogen


    Derp Banned
    Bouvet Island
    Last Party on the Moon
    Kind of hard to enjoy that sign post after being spoiled by the sign posts in Sonic Generations.

    'Classic' (Read: Proper) Robotnik > Retard kiddy fat man from Sonic's Colour Nintendo Adventures

    And why is 'Ice Cap' looking like Sonic Advance 2 now? Yes DIMPS, pretty lights everywhere, too bad I am not 7 years old to apprecaite it. This is Sonic 4, not Advance 4.
  4. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Yeah, the one thing they didn't fix was the signposts, they look as bland as ever.
  5. I'll compliment them for having an original pose though, it no longer looks like Modern Eggman trying to be classic'd be nice if the title screen had that approach too
  6. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    Especially when it's just pulled from the Eggman promotional artwork for Colors...

    I was a little disappointed by that too. Still, the overwhelming good I've seen so far overwhelms the bad, and I'm willing to forego the nitpicks for sake of loving the rest.

    I just hope the level design reflects the same amount of improvement that the art style has, but I get the feeling we're going to get another pre-mutation of Sonic 2 linearity. Disappointing, but if they have incorporated at least Generations 3DS physics, if not a better alternative, then I will be content. I'm really letting my hopes get up for this one and I hope it's not misplaced.
  7. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    You call hummingbirds kingfishers?
  8. Kogen


    Derp Banned
    Bouvet Island
    Last Party on the Moon
    The only way they could redeem the mixed visuals here is to have a toggle in options to use Generations' classic visuals. I find it hard to look at 'Classic' badniks next to Sonic Unleashed/Colours Sonic/Tails/Robotnik. Everything is so cut-and-paste without regard to the styles working together. You can tell Sonic 4's designers are the same as before.
  9. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well they aren't really classic badniks, they were designed by the colors team. They still use the same sort of creativity but they don't look the same, they look modernized like Sonic and Tails do. However I'm really hoping for a classic option. Seeing as how they already have models for classic Sonic, Tails, Robotnik, and Metal Sonic, the only 4 characters in the game, to not allow such an option would be a total waste of an opportunity. I mean how much work would it take to add that option? A day maybe to create all the animations for the classic characters?

    Oh and actually the signpost posing for Eggman is different. Look at the grin and the arm. Still it's better then the Ep 1 render they use.

    I hope to god they changed Sonic's pose while they were at it. His signpost in Sonic 4 was the ultimate derp
  10. MastaSys


    The "fat man" in colours, captured inocent creatures for energy source and actively destroyed the environment, without help of a monster of the week, and displayed several times that he didn't gave the shit about it, if form of his anouncements, powerplants and in the final boss the use of them wasn't particulary nice, like dust in a vacuum.
    Smells like Sonic 1, you can't get a purer "Eggman"/Robotnik than that.
    The Aosth's like humour was just an extra, it weren't forced on the player anyway, it's easly skippable without interfering with the flow of the game, since the hub is so simplistic.
  11. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    I have never heard of Kingfishers before, but I just looked it up and this thing does look a lot like a kingfisher.
  12. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    I thought it was a Kingfisher due to the colours. It's quite the dazzling bird.
  13. MastaSys


    Well one of them is diving into the water, so yes they seem more Kingfishers than Hummingbirds.
  14. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    I guess I'll go with Kingfisher too then. I wonder if their names will have any reflection on that.
  15. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    Hedgefisher? :v:

    but yeah, hard to tell exactly -what- it is, but it doesn't seem to have a long beak that the hummingbird does.
  16. Metal Man88

    Metal Man88

    Time Traveller Oldbie
    Some of the visuals look really nice to me. Which is a change, from how I loathed Episode 1 looking like a giant plastic factory. Some people may find the look of freshly hardened plastic to be the 'true' Sonic look, but I'm more than happy to see it replaced with this slightly grittier look.

    It's still a little too shiny and some parts verge on gaudy but, eh. It's slightly better than usual for DIMPS.

    However, gameplay shall matter to me; is it going to be a bunch of 'borrow old gameplay tropes and bore players of the originals' or is it going to actually stand on its own for once? And will the music sound like a symphony of dying electric cats, or not? Too many questions remain.

    so I'm sorta looking at this screenshot wondering why Tails's tails don't appear to be attatched to his body

    Kinda think Sega overlooked that in Sonic 2 you didn't see Tails spinning but ah well
  18. Vinchenz


    Yo! Hustle! Hustle! Member
    The way it worked in Sonic 2 & 3 was intentional. Chances are, it's intentional here too. Just looks really weird, especially with that spin animation.
  19. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    Considering that this is a downloadable title, I think it looks great. We were never going to get Generations-esque visuals and should never have expected them, I think these look great for a budget-priced title.
  20. Kogen


    Derp Banned
    Bouvet Island
    Last Party on the Moon

    As soon as I saw Rollie Pollie Ollie characters with Robotnik I stopped caring about this version of him. I do not care about the sleep-inducing plot Colours had and it relates nothing to this game.

    Tails should be a fuzzy ball with his Tails sticking out. The developers just do not get it. It speaks a lot about what kind of quality to expect here unfortunately.