I just hope the soundtrack is far more enjoyable this time. I cannot stand Episode 1's music direction at all. It just sounds so cheap, and the songs themselves aren't very good either. Maybe a few Splash Zone themes and Mad Gear, but that's not saying much. The melodies are just far too short and loop way too soon. I'm not a music major so I can't say much other than that. Sonic Team has always been infamous for their excellent music, there's no reason Sonic 4 should be the blacksheep with the less than stellar soundtrack.
Okay. Well, I just knew that the New Super Mario Brothers games had some. But now that you mention it, I DO remember the one in SMB 3.
Yeah, basically. The songs have some potential, but that's mostly ruined by the bad instrumentation and their extreme brevity. (And the fact that the first game had some pretty short loops is not a good enough excuse!) Sort those two things, and that'll be a start.
Episode 1 was in development for over a year. they took a long time to ensure the game was a "worthy" successor and "proper sequel to the classic games." And we can all see how well that turned out (GARBAGE). The fundamental production of the game was flawed by people who had no clue about what they were trying to achieve, much less what their own target audience was hoping for. If nothing else, they've had plenty of time to reflect on all the criticisms and hopefully will have pulled their head out of their ass the second time around. Only time will tell, but it's not worth holding your breath on Episode 2... I'm personally not following its development with any anticipation what-so-ever; I expect it to be more typical Dimps tripe, and maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised if it turns out decent. I didn't pay any attention to Colors when it was announced, and it turned out to be fantastic... though, I didn't have any prior expectations. Sonic 4 had a lot to live up to, especially if it was supposed to follow Sonic 3 & Knuckles... Episode 2 not only has the same thing to live up to, but has a lot to make up for as well.
One thing I noticed about Sonic 4 is this (others have more than likely seen it too): Ep 1 tried to ride off of S3&K. "The Sequel to S3&K, the sequel you've waited 14 years for." Ep 2 is now riding of Sonic CD. "The Rebirth of a villain." And also the tagline for the XBLA/PSN release of Sonic CD, "See where it all began." (In reference to Ep 2) If Ep 3 happens I wonder what Sonic title Sega will try to link it to.
They have not said that, the closest they've said is this: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/08/23/sonic-4-episode-2-may-arrive-in-2012.aspx This could mean yes, it could just as easily mean no. I suspect it will ride heavily on how Episode 2 does.
So, as I predicted, they are stringing us along with little tidbits of info and building up hype over substance. Let's hope that the game doesn't turn out to be shit. Ep1 was hyped the same way and was a disappointment. Generations was revealed early and often to the point that it was major spoilers and that game ended up being awesome.
I'm going to use my first post of 2012 to say: if you're hyped for this game, please stop. You'll feel much better when it comes out later this year.
I don't think anyone here is dumb enough to be genuinely hyped. Cautiously optimistic at best, maybe. I'm a flat-out no buy for E2 like I was for E1 (not that that will stop me bitching of course), until it's proven to be unbelievably awesome! I think the best we can hope for is that they end Sonic 4 after this episode, and contrive to bring Classic Sonic back (timeline be damned), minus homing attack for Sonic 5.
I'm not buying this game unless it can proove it has at least physics that are up to par with the Game Gear games
I liked Episode one enough to probably buy Episode 2 if it improves itself in any way (If it manages to be worse that's another story). I'll admit, Episode 1 had it's flaws, but overall I thought it was pretty fun (except that music was awful). But chalk me up as cautiously optimistic. I like the idea that they've "fixed it" but I want to see more before I take out my jump to conclusions mat. Perhaps the Egg Station operated similarly to the Archie Sonic Death Egg. It reset the world, making everything look like plastic and made Sonic run funny. By destroying it, the world will return to some normality; all the bubbles will be destroyed, and the world will look real again.
Personally, I hope Sega at the least reveals a new trailer, with gameplay footage to boot. If all they do is show off the title screen music and more concept art, then I lose all hope in Sega's PR team.
Actually on second thought, fuck Ep 2 official reveal. I want them to announce Generations DLC. Or announce both. Be awesome Sega. Do it.
It's what they should have done in the first place. When the whole world is expecting you to throw out a shoddy, inferior game your very first move should be to prove everyone wrong. A lengthy trailer showing better graphics, music and proper momentum and bouncing should have been the very first thing they showed us. Instead, they're STILL acting like we should all be pissing ourselves with excitement by this garbage they're drip feeding us (still love the seal though).
I said this on IRC and people didn't know that, so I'm reposting, I saw this on Crush40's topic and I'm reposting here as it's valid and important: Senoue is not composing for EP II. That means the music direction may completely change in style (as in Sonic Rush Adventure Hidei Naganuma was not involved but they tried to emulate his style, although less vocalized).