If it's a rehashed Marble Zone, Sega better at least put the UFOs back. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a Marble Zone type rehash. I love the dungeon theme it has going on and was one of my favorite levels from S1, Star Light being first.
I thought it was so cool the first time Shadow said "damn" in Shadow the Hedgehog. It got VERY old VERY fast, though.
Pft Knuckles was pushing out words back on Sonic Adventure 2- Sexy Rouge and also "You damn right Knuckles" when he quotes Sonic in the Aquatic Mines track.
Those lyrics were so awkward for a children's game. They're not even vulgar or offensive, just awkward and funny.
Oh ya, I guess so. Well it's still 9 AM over there so give it time, they'll post something eventually.
This week's concept art reveal. I totally can't wait for a Mosqui in Episode II! http://blogs.sega.com/2012/01/27/sonic-the-hedgehog-4-episode-ii-concept-art-friday-fullboar/ Oh look, an original badnik. No idea if it'll be made of paper-mache or not.
Don't forget Steelion on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...28535672418.399291.23050342417&type=1&theater The Badniks today look pretty cool.
Ok, so the hog thing looks shite, but the SEAL?! Man he looks fucking badass! Shite physics and level design? I don't care anymore, I'm buying it JUST for the seal. Seals rock!
Actually from the eyes you can kind of tell they changed the art style. These badniks use more of a Sonic Colors/Generations style eye, in comparison to Sonic 4 Ep 1, which had kinda derp looking eyes. I'm liking these badniks though. Color me impressed, they managed to make up something new for a change. Good job Sega.
Granted, it isn't exactly the same, but I'd beta lot of money on it functioning just like Rhinobot does. EDIT: However, I do like the art style, especially the 'mean spirited eyes' thing.
At last, some original badniks. They look nice... Spoiler This is completely irrelevant, but the last one looks kind of similar to something I quickly doodled in October 2010... :o