didn't take long to finish. Got all emeralds and defeated all the bosses. Though the last emerald and the last boss were a slight bastard Now, going for Galden Wave. How exactly does this work, do I just need to transform into Super Sonic once during battle and it'll count? Or what? (Bosses that require team attacks, obviously I cant stay Super for the whole act.)
Are you sure about that? Replacing the vanilla Generations EXE with CPKREDIR does absolutely nothing and I'm somehow doubting that S4E2 has more protection than Generations.
No I'm not. I only posted that warning there because I wouldn't like people to have their account damaged on Steam.
I have no idea if it can damage the Steam account or not, I was just posting what he posted in the SEGA forums. Anyway, I tried this out in the beta, the best quality option is the native resolution patch with SSAA forced through the drivers for AMD/ATI graphics cards, or SSAA forced through Nvidia Inspector for Nvidia graphics cards, since the lighting works properly with the drivers/inspector SSAA instead of the supersampling patch. See this topic for more info on how to force anti-aliasing through the drivers or Nvidia Inspector: http://forums.sega.com/showthread.php?411178-PC-Version-Sonic-4-and-Anti-Aliasing Here are some comparison pictures, all of them are taken at 1440x900:
I think you have to deal the final blow as Super Sonic, which makes the ODZ boss a pain in the ass. The screen shakes like mad the whole time and Tails is a distraction, so dodging boxes to keep your rings until after the required Combo Roll hit seems easier said than done (not to mention sometimes you bounce off the doc and onto spikes, which...UGH). I've restarted that boss at least 20 times so I guess I just suck at video games. I guess I'll try again after work.
Use Joy2Key. It's a bit odd to configure; you'll need to bring up your Windows controller config to see what number buttons correspond to everything. But it does make the game WAY more enjoyable for me, haha. I actually remember trying a few times to get that achievement in episode 1 where you never take damage during the final boss rush. I failed several times, then was playing with the Saturn controller a few days later, just showing it to my girlfriend, and got it without even trying. It's also amazing to play Generations with it. Best $15 I ever spent.
It's usually hitting the Egg Pod at the end while still transformed. For the Death Egg levels, you must be Super Sonic at the end of the stages. You have to beat Metal Sonic as Super Sonic and then strike the last hit on the final boss as Super Sonic. Super Sonic does double damage, but don't get liberal on the final boss. If you can hit him three or four times on your own, you can rip him apart as Super Sonic for the last two hits.
I'ma plunge on the Tegra/Android version. Here goes! <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://rchan.sonicretro.org/_junk/audioPlayer.swf" id="audioplayer" height="1" width="1" style="position:fixed;bottom:0;right:0;visibility:hidden;"><param name="movie" value="http://rchan.sonicretro.org/_junk/audioPlayer.swf"><param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=audioplayer&autostart=yes&initialvolume=100&soundFile=http://rchan.sonicretro.org/_junk/sonic_4_ep2.mp3"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="menu" value="false"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></object>
I'll be getting it on PS3, as I got Episode 1 on there too. I'll post more when I get it. :P<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://rchan.sonicretro.org/_junk/audioPlayer.swf" id="audioplayer" height="1" width="1" style="position:fixed;bottom:0;right:0;visibility:hidden;"><param name="movie" value="http://rchan.sonicretro.org/_junk/audioPlayer.swf"><param name="FlashVars" value="playerID=audioplayer&autostart=yes&initialvolume=100&soundFile=http://rchan.sonicretro.org/_junk/sonic_4_ep2.mp3"><param name="quality" value="high"><param name="menu" value="false"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></object>
Ah yes, I forgot about Joy2Key, used to use it with my rig, thanks In other news, fuck the Sky Fortress boss. Fuck it to hell. Cool music, bros.
Is the retail PC version CPKed? The 360 version is CPKed, but the Beta8 Steam version is not CPKed, and is so convenient to modify! I can just modify the files while the game is in execution and see the changes applied at run time. If the full version is not CPKed, then I'll get back to develop my Sonic 4 tools, especially because Episode II and I uses the very same formats, to the point that you can port levels between episodes, even!
Nope the full pc version is all in its regular folders. Nothing is compressed besides the AMB formats.