I'd love to see Knuckles wrote in all "You know what, Sonic? I'm taking the Chaos Emeralds. You can do this without them, and stop relying on them because every time you do Robotnik somehow gets hold of them again and uses them for evil. Screw you, I'm hiding them where they won't be found once and for all, for everyone's good" but then fanwhiners about Super Sonic et cetera. Spoiler Sonic gets the emeralds in the end, but Knuckles is back to being his rival/foe without the gullibility. Sega, let me write this shit.
Spoiler Anyone want to try guessing what these sounds could be from cutscene9C? Cutscene9A is the scene after the final boss. I'm assuming this is okay to post considering all the videos and music of the game on here. Sorry if it's not.
Spoiler One definately contains the Emerald shimmer sound from Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06. Maybe we are getting the Master Emerald in EP3 after all?
Spoiler Almost sounds like the Death Egg Mk II being re-energized via the Master Emerald I'm actually glad the version we got was a beta. Means there's a surprise or two when the game is finally officially released.
I have a question about Episode Metal's plot: Spoiler what is that purple energy sphere found by Metal Sonic in Lost Labyrinth Zone? Who made it? Why is it there? How did Metal Sonic/Robotnik know about it?
Spoiler It some sort of treasure, which Metal Sonic uses to super power himself. He uses it during White Park and Death Egg (not the race) to do crazy powerful spin attacks and generate giant balls of electricity. It's implied that this treasure was the whole purpose of Lost Labyrinth in E1, much like Mad Gear was all a generator to get Metal Sonic working again. Eggman sent Metal to collect it after reviving him. There's no mention of who made it, you can just assume it was left by there by whoever build LL.
That's good to hear! I'm ready for my balls to be rocked with whatever surprises Sega has up their sleeves!
Now that you talk about beta findings... Spoiler DaGuAr in Sonic Ages forum found a misterious red light, and that "continue" image too. I think the light is a Knuckles tease. RSLT_SPOT_01.DDS RSLT_SPOT_02.DDS
I think the white light is used for the restart screen for time trials. I don't know about the red though
Spoiler You might be right actually, since there is a texture in there for Cutscene 9 that is called MASTER_E01.dds texture file but it is blank. But there is a after glow texture that is green. So it seems legit.
There's a couple other blank ones actually: Spoiler MASTER_E01.dds EGG_STATION01.dds THUNDER6.dds What's the second one doing there?
Is there much point in bothering spoiler-tag this stuff, when there are umpteen posts above yours with stuff of about the same ‘grade’ but not within tags? Edit: Gah, I was mainly referring to ashthedragon's post, which I was sure wasn't tagged earlier. GO BACK TO BED, me
Spoiler Maybe they have some other purpose for EGG Station as well, much like Mad Gear and Lost Labyrinth.
Sounds about right. Within the files for cutscene 3 is several more textures referring to that. I didn't think that's what they were at first. But yeah, should've been obvious. For anyone else who wants to take a look themselves, cutscenes 1, 2, 3 and 9 are from Episode 2 while 4 to 8 are from Episode Metal.
What I love about Episode II is that it has an awesome storyline. Episode I had no storyline and 1 cutscene. I also think that Episode Metal makes a good storyline out of Episode I's nonexistent storyline. I also love how Epsiode II Spoiler has left room for an Episode III. I would love to see Knuckles (as many others have said) again. I would love for him to do something again other than sit on the sidelines.
What do you use to sequence these? Also which program you use for the pitchbends? Pitchbends in anvil studio are impossible to make IMO.