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Sonic 4: Episode 1 Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Cinossu, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Thanks, Ruby. You is cool. :thumbsup:

    I actually thought the minecart in its original state would've been really fun to play ... and clunky ... and noisey ... uh, yeah. >.>;

    I'll give some more credit to the torch, despite the rest of the game. It was a very fun, nice new gimmick that would've gone great with a better designed game as well as better designed minecart section. My favorite act would have to be Mad Gear Act 3: Impending Doom. That was so memorable and so awesome, because I totally didn't expect it, and the pacing in between felt more like a good classic-style Sonic game. It also had the interesting trays at the end. They weren't much, but they were challenging and new, and nothing particularly automatic about them. So, that's about two levels that I really liked out of the game for introducing some things new, some things old, and putting it into a new arrangement.
  2. So, is Episode II actually being developed now? I'm sorry if this was already answered, but the last I heard it was not being worked on at the moment.
  3. bolt7


    It sounds like it is. I can't imagine a company wanting to release episodic game titles any longer than once every six months or so (exceptValvelololol)- it'd have to be in development around now. =X

    I was replaying through Sonic 4 on Tuesday with a friend and wasn't nearly enjoying it as much as when I first purchased it. The stupid torch puzzle in Act 2 of Lost Labyrinth slowed gameplay right down to a screeching halt- who the heck thought that was a good idea? The music (post Splash Hill) is irritating and the graphics / gameplay just feels plain uninspiring. The background to the first stage (Splash Hill) is laughably bad- it's so plain and boring. It baffles me why I was stupid enough to shell out 1200 points for this. I feel like a terrible fan boy blinded by nostalgia and good memories of the past (playing the old games.) It's all a matter of opinion of course; and you can't please everyone, but still. At £12 downloadable instalments and with several months extension onto the original deadline, I'd expect a little bit more than this.
  4. LockOnRommy11


    I still enjoy Sonic 4, perhaps even as much as I enjoyed the others. I've played it at least 100 hours plus since October 7th, on both iPod and Wii formats, and it's still a very playable game, although the silly non-harmful bugs do make it feel a like it was a bit rushed.

    Right now it just feels like a shell of a game. We've only beaten four acts, and now we're waiting for the real storyline to kick in. Sonic 3 & Knuckles was so epic it was untrue, so I'm really awaiting Ep II.

    I'm guessing that next month will be a time for revelations, considering that last February a lot of stuff kicked off about Ep I.

    Ruby, if you can take something else away with you, please get the team to make boxes more 'hit-able', you had to jump right on top of them to impact, and even then Sonic never actually touched the boxes, due to some off collision box.
  5. XCubed


    Will Someday Own a Rent-A-Center Oldbie
    Looks like Pinch Mode wasn't the only thing borrowed from the Advance series:

    Although I'll let it slide since it was unused!
  6. LockOnRommy11


    I'm actually shooting down all these theories that Sonic Advance has unused music. That was used, it was in the multiplayer portion, which me and my three brothers used to play constantly. All of the 'unused' music that people whack on Youtube is actually just from the different multiplayer screens. They vary, seeing as there are single and multicart modes.

    Now, I've made myself useful today :)

    Also, in relation to Sonic 4, what is that? I can't make out what you're referring to >.<
  7. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    It's got a part of the Invincibility theme in there, the one after the official Sonic 4 anthem part.
  8. Runner


    Long time no see, old friend. Member
    So, I guess you are confirming the physics will be "fixed"?

    I imagine the devs might be in trouble with the physics since the first episode is already released, and if they change the physics to the classics on Episode II may bother the ones who *ugh* liked the Sonic 4 physics.

    So, I suggest to the devs take the "Blast Processing" as option in the game: "Blast Processing ON = Classic Physics", "Blast Processing OFF = Original Physics". The "BP" also could be highlighted in the Leaderboards.
  9. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I don't recognize that song at all. What are you comparing it to?

    EDIT: Derp answered already.
  10. I never thought I had to turn off the key tone sound on my PS3

    But then I got the Sonic 4 theme...
  11. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy
    Semi-related, and say what you want about the quality of Sonic 4, but what other large game company actually talks to their fans this easily?

    Nintendo and Square C&D everything, Valve doesn't look at bug reports, Microsoft, well, lolmicrosoft, et al. I do respect Infinity Ward/Treyarch's decision to stay away from their fans though, those guys are just. ugh.

    This really is a good company, if you think about it.
  12. Runner


    Long time no see, old friend. Member
    That's why I still love Sega <3
  13. dsrb


    So, better physics and next-Act-by-default? One of those is more exciting than the other, but I like both. :v:
  14. RubyEclipse


    Works at Squar Inix Member
    As promised, I have some info now on the Demo for PS3. :)

    The good news: It may take a few weeks, but we are working with Sony now to get the demo back up and live. (There are policies about how long you have to wait to get something up there, which is why it isn't going live instantly.)

    Just wanted to say thank you to those who brought it up and confirmed that it wasn't live anymore. There's also a slim chance that it might go up a bit sooner - if that's the case, I'll post another quick update here.

    There was a bit of jest involved in the chip part, but there is truth in that we're trying to take community feedback and use it to improve in the future. I know what the intentions are, but it's dangerous for me to promise anything at this point without having actually seen something final, so until that point, it's going to be a "More news soon!" status.
  15. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    But the intention is to tweak the physics? Best news I've heard all day... provided they do, of course :)
  16. TheInvisibleSun


    Buffalo, NY, USA
    The Water

    I apologize if this has already been addressed, but recently noticed that there are Wiiware demos in the Wii Shop Channel. Will Sonic 4 have one there, (unless it did, and it expired or something a while ago)?
  17. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    As far as I know, SEGA never had a WiiWare demo. It was either buy it or pirate it.
  18. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Nintendo's very picky about allowing demos, if ever.
  19. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    They had a downloadable demo service for DS games a while back. Don't know if its still alive, but they at least did allow it for DS titles.
  20. jasonchrist


    Give Us A Wank Banned
    Sonic Classic Hybrid Project
    Except nobody who can actually make a difference is talking to us. This whole feedback and communicating with fans thing is just a charade. Sonic 4 is like a political campaign with all its hype, promises and spin, then when anyone calls Sega on their bullshit they send out Ruby and Ken to say "HEY GUYS! Who likes cheesecake?!" to make Sega seem more relatable and human. And like when people see Obama having a hotdog and a game of basketball with poor black kids, you all fucking fall for it! And you know what? You'll fall for all the bullshit again and buy episode 2!

    I actually respect companies more that don't need to talk to their fans, it means people actually trust in what the fuck they're doing.