I don't know if anyone else has realised this, but I just found something rather funny (and utterly pathetic as far as programming goes) about the spin dash. People have been saying that the spin dash always has the same power regardless of how many times you rev it up, and that actually isn't true. The game actually remembers how many times you have revved up until you restart the stage. Seriously. Perform a one rev dash and you'll go the shortest distance. Then perform another one rev dash and you'll go further than before. The game knows that in total you have revved twice and so your distance is set according to that. Try testing it by spindashing from the furthest left you can go from the start of SHZ1.
If you're referring to the Wii proto, it's also how it sounds in the Wii final. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the Wii version of the Act Clear theme is identical to the S3 version.
More than that, I think the Act Clear theme is a recording of the one from S3, as is at least one other jingle (whose identity I forget).
Well it's definitely close to the PC version's Act Clear theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sqMpiNrYDQ But the Sonic 3 one is of better Genesis sounding quality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVtcycCzydY
Hmm, turns out that for some reason the Wii version's faster than the PS3/360, and sounds a lot like—but not identical to—the S3 one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsBMdQEP5NE#t=2m45s
SEGA probably kept a hold of the original MIDI compositions, and also note that the Sonic 3 1UP song and the reused boss track from 3D Blast also have plain MIDI instruments. In other news, RubyEclipse and Ken Balough present the video from the True Blue Initative. As joked about, Ken Balough provides some discussion En Espanol.
Did I hear a few retro members in there? What compelled you guys to buy every version? comparison/differences videos or something?
Ken's spanish amused me a lot. Go being multilingual! Also, did I hear a "first at"? Oh you. :v: I only got the PS3 and Wii versions, one a review copy for a newspaper, so... But I did enjoy both, and while the PS3 version felt more "right", the Wii version gets props for making Splash Hill Zone 3's music nicer with its different lead instrument.
This isn't so much a thank you, more like a naming and shaming. How biblically stupid must you be to buy a GOOD game 4 times, let alone a shite one?! And why? To suck Ruby and Ken's cocks and get a mention on Youtube? Congratulations!
Sadly, I too thought it was nothing more than a silly initiative to reward people who bought Sonic 4 four times with nothing more than a name-and-shame shoutout. I felt like they could've rewarded them with something more, like ... geez, it's $60 for the same part-1 of a game, not even a complete game, so ... shot glasses? Nah, that sends the wrong message. They already gave out Sonic hats for Sonic Colors. Hey, how about production notes or promotional artwork? Maybe even a lovely thank-you card signed by members on the development and/or marketing team, or from Sonic and company? It'd be something at least. :/ Whatever. Ken and Aaron are cool guys and they're doing their best. I'll let it slide. As for Sonic Team and DIMPs, they could do better.
Just saw this on Facebook. Thought I'd pass this on, guessing the PS3 fans get this since the Xbox fans got the additional avatar items a while back.
What are the chances we get a dynamic theme based off of Lost Labyrinth or Mad Gear? You can understand my exhaustion of Splash Hill Zone, even after all these months.
Yeah, he spoke well enough. Most of them were just him saying thank you or that they greatly appreciate people buying the game. Early on, he has a little fun with it by saying "Compren mas Sonic 4" (Buy more Sonic 4!), ""Este es la quinta vez que hacemos esto. Ayudenme!"" ("This is the fifth time we do this. Help!") and of course "Go Giants." The one that made me snicker a little was "Este juego no tiene ningun problema." or "This game has no problems." :v: Well played, sir.
Isn't Spanish from Spain a different dialect than Spanish from Hispanic countries (aka the Spanish that I'm assuming most people within the Americas learn)?