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Sonic 4: Episode 1 Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Cinossu, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. 87th


    FOX HOUNDER Member
    Really upset with the iPhone version. Pleasantly surprised with the Wii version. Need to complete the latter before I form a full opinion of it though.
  2. Kyuu


    Memory Access Violation Member
    Okay, I beat the iPod Touch version (for the most part, still need emeralds and final boss), so... Here's my take on it.

    Graphics - It looks pretty good. The models aren't nearly as polygonal as they would be on DS, and things fit quite well on the screen. I mean, there are some tiling issues in SHZ, and some stuff in other zones, but it looks fairly nice. Definitely gives off a Classic Sonic vibe (I wonder why :v: ).

    Sound - The music would be much better if they used different instruments. The ones that it uses are... bleh. Doesn't work too well, but the tunes themselves are pretty awesome IMO. The sound effects are classic too, so there you are.

    Gameplay - You're not going to believe this, but it genuinely feels like a Classic Sonic game. The layouts are a bit more speed-oriented, and the physics are a bit floatier (it seems), but I'll be damned, this is really fun to play! Even on an iPod Touch (to an extent).

    Controls - This is the problem with it. The iPod Touch's cramped screen controls don't work too well for the platforming parts. The Special Stages use the tilting mechanism, which is a nice idea, but good lord Stage 3 is nearly impossible with it. Otherwise... meh, it works okay.

    Layouts - As I said earlier, they're a bit more speed-oriented than the classics. However, there are a whole lot of multiple paths. I fell off the top one in SHZ2, and I must've seen at least 3 others while falling down.

    Re-playability - As I said just above, there are lots of different routes to take in the game. As a result, it's got a pretty decent replay value IMO. That plus the fact that you can get + - Super Sonic in levels again   makes it worthwhile as far as I'm concerned.

    Overall? Well... I wouldn't say it's worthy of the Sonic 4 title Sega bestowed upon it, but it's still a really good game.
  3. Dusk Golem

    Dusk Golem

    Where Fear and Cryptic Puzzles lie... Member
    Some little interesting doo-diddles as I likely won't do another rip sheet until tomorrow.


    The signpost is a 3D model so I'm likely going to have to use screens to sprite it, but here's the textures!


    Likewise, the texture of the Spring, another 3D Object.


    *continue music plays*


    Life Icons~


    I have no clue what this thing is.


    Some of the textures for the buildings on the map screen of Casino Street.

    And finally...


    A BUBBLE INSIDE-OUT, AHHHH THE HORROR (totally inspired by Sonic Shorts Volume 6)
  4. Azookara


    yup Member
    Question: to make sure I don't waste money on a couple of cheap improvements, how many differences are there between the iPhone/PartnerNet version and the WiiPS360 version? Anything gameplay wise or level design wise (besides the obviously changed stages)?

    That's the sphere texture that covers Sonic when he's rolling.
  5. Ravenfreak


    Booyah! Tech Member
    O'Fallon Mo
    Hacking Sonic Drift
    So I have a question, is there some program to convert rwav files to wav files or a winamp plugin to play the song files? Cause I downloaded vgmstream, and it obviously doesn't support that file format, though a website said that it does. >.> Also, I have to wait until Wednesday since I only have a 360. Damnit I can't wait to play this. Dx But I'll have to wait longer than that since once I get a job, my fiancée wants me to save up money for a apartment... I might have to wait 'til christmas. :\ So then, was it enjoyable for you guys? ^_^
  6. evilhamwizard


    The later revisions of VGMStream support RWAV, no need to convert. You can grab the latest builds here:

    The RWAV consist of the instruments the music uses for the Wii version.
  7. Dusk Golem

    Dusk Golem

    Where Fear and Cryptic Puzzles lie... Member
    That was one suspicion I had just there were some other textures and things related to Sonic jumping, that one just looked the oddest.

    As I have not played the Iphone version can't comment on anything but things in theory, so leave it to someone with both.
  8. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    Gah. If I knew how to extract from Wad files, I could get the music.
  9. Patback


    I think my post earlier was totally bypassed because it was immediately followed by the big sprite rip post, but is there any word on the 360 avatar awards? Is the Sonic Mascot costume there? I'm leaning towards the PS3 version right now due to the controller but I'll get the 360 if it has the cool avatar awards...
  10. GameboyHero


    The amount of bullshit he has to deal with...poor Member
    If this still reliable, you'll be getting this
  11. GHNeko


    sega stockholm syndrome Member
    I swear, this game is the Megaman 1/2 of Sonic Games.

    Fucking too many deaths.
  12. Spanner


    I used to do things... Member
    United Kingdom
    Falling asleep for once
    And here's the extracted instruments, available here. Some people might find a use for them, like making a soundfont.
    What file format has the full song though?
  13. evilhamwizard


    .RSEQ files are the sequences for the music. You can convert these to MIDI with the tool I linked earlier - but the MIDIs have errors that have to be fixed with another program.

    You can look at the order of the sequences that appear in the .brsar here:
  14. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Also bear in mind that some of the MIDIs are irrepairable, although most of the MIDIs produced can be sensibly cleaned up.
  15. Spanner


    I used to do things... Member
    United Kingdom
    Falling asleep for once
    I was actually talking about the full songs in the way they are played in-game, not the midis.
  16. GeneHF


    SEGA-ier than you'll potentially ever be. Site Staff
    Scenic Studiopolis
    Complete Global Conquest
    Played through it (again) for the Wii.

    -Obviously muddier than the PS3 and 360 versions visually (even on component 480p) The music also mostly took a hit in how it was redone.
    +Game is still pretty fun and easy to grasp. Many of the cheap elements from the partnernet build were toned down, such as the number of mantis enemies in MGZ2 and the speed of the walls slowed down.
    -DIMPS' penchant for some really touch special stages, especially the seventh. You'll be hard-pressed to get anything higher than 5 seconds.
    +Sega listened to my one major complaint in wanting straight progressing of levels and added the option to move on to the next stage if you so choose. Everyone wins here.
    ++Sorry for the guys who are finding the final boss hard, but he was damn awesome, if still pretty easy. Now, I don't remember him having that sweeping laser attack, so that one caught me off guard. Regardless, I didn't die to the guy. Tip: Corners are your friends.
    -Acceleration is still a little slow walking and rolling physics need work. I find it a little odd that you can't gain speed from rolling in a U-bend, allowing you to go higher.
    +Air boost (and air canceling) are quite nice.

    Overall: looks like a certain fanbase has egg on their faces from these last few months. Bring on Ep. 2, Sega. You're on the right track so far, but go a little more with new ideas for levels. The nostalgia trip was nice, but lets see those creative juices flow.
  17. They ARE a form of MIDI on the Wii though, if you want the Wave PCM Soundtrack, you'll have to wait for the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 version.
  18. Rika Chou

    Rika Chou

    Tech Member
    So I finally found a download for this for my wii (I'm already going to buy the 360 version, no way I'm going to buy this twice).

    Anyway, I have to say that basically my only complaint is how heavy Sonic feels. When you try to run, Sonic is so slow. When you jump, it feels like the gravity is super strong.

    And also that really annoying stopping mid air when you stop pressing a direction thing.

    Otherwise this is pretty good, and I love the music too. The whole "Press 2 to go to the next Act" thing is good, so you can play from start to finish without it feeling odd.
  19. Puto


    Shin'ichi Kudō, detective. Tech Member
    Portugal, Oeiras
    Part of Team Megamix, but haven't done any actual work in ages.
  20. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    Keep in mind that the progression is optional and must be selected every time it comes up or you're sent back to level select as if you were playing Megaman.

    Sega may be on the right road, but this road does have some early exits on to other right and wrong roads.