Nope! I've just been having a look at some of my Sonic games. God I really hope they bring back the Death Egg. It's the most badass thing Robotnik's ever created. Even the one in Sonic Battle was epic, especially the music. I'd actually like to see a twist to the classic Sonic formula with Sonic 4, like how they twisted it all a bit with Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I'd like the Death Egg to actually fire it's eyes upon some sort of landscape, and have Sonic spin around amongst the rubble, racing to stop it firing again or something. They also need to have some sort of scene where Robotnik's out of his pod and standing about laughing. Did no one else ever crap their pants in excitement at those parts? I know I did, and I still do. It's just a reminder that you're always one step closer to the final battle. It's a massive thrill. Robotnik always does something evil at those parts too, whether it's pushing Sonic into a watery grave, twice trapping him in some laser grid to fire a huge laser canon at him from the ceiling, or trapping him in a gravity room with his creation.
So I bought, finally. I have the same feeling I had when I played the Advance / Rush titles. Solid games but lacking a certain classic flair to it that made them a hit for me. I do prefer it to Sonic 2, then again I prefer a lot of things over Sonic 2. My favourite zones are LL and MG, but I've yet to explore them properly. I've got five of the emeralds, the fourth and fifth are the worst for me. I like the Special Stages far more than I thought I would. I suck at it though, but I never was a whiz at Sonic 1-2's either. I'm hyped for Super, but nothing else which is unfortunate.
I'm totally incapable of playing video games during college these days, but I was playing the Wii version at my friend's apartment the other day. I wasn't blown away (it felt like a good fangame), but there were some really cool moments. My main complaint is that it's too easy to gain enough momentum to just bypass everything in Splash Hill, and the range of the homing lockon could be a little longer. Oh, and the music is kind of crap. Overuse of the Sonic 2 drum sample, irritating patches, not enjoyable. That said, aside from being so short, I like it more than any 2D Sonic game since Advance and Pocket Adventure. I never ran into any physics bugs, though; and all the screenshots of them I've seen look like they're coming from the Xbox/PS3 versions. Are they not an issue on the Wii?
I ran into many issues on the Wii. Pretty sure it's universal. Basically, if you do anything you're not supposed you, you're decently likely to hit some glitchiness.
W.A.C., the one where Sonic is pushing the gear while standing on nothing is a front-runner. It's too good.
I don't see what the problem is. Just get a fire shield and hold onto it. Or play Knuckles. And one of the subtle changes is that you can spindash then jump without holding a direction, and you'll go flying a good distance.
ahead of time, I haven't read any of the thread. I'm just posting because I just got all 7 chaos emeralds, the last 2 took me a few days. I enjoyed the game from start to finish -- even the final boss. my only complaint about the game really is the uhh... momentum physics. like when if you don't keep holding the direction you want to when you're jumping, sonic will just start falling straight down. other than that it was just as enjoyable as the advance games, and definitely a step in the right direction for sega.
If anyone's interested, the average of scores from all three console versions taken from Metacritic: Critic reviews average at 73.92% (that's omitting duplicates). Fan reviews average at 50.25%. Fan scores and reviews average at 50.98%. Bear in mind that with fan reviews/score there's a lot of "dis game sux 0/10" and "this gaem rox 10/10".
The more I read from TRUE BLUE FANS contesting any criticism posted about the game, the more my eyeballs want to jettison from their sockets and continue moving forward at a curve while decreasing in height, and then get yelled at because people think they should fall straight down at the top of their curve. Someone's saying bad things about Sonic!! Not Sonic!! NOT SONIKKU!!! WHY CAN'T THEY EVER BE HAPPY YER NOT A TRUE FAN!! NNNGGAAHHH ugh what's wrong with them OBVIOUSLY they are just giving you more control :specialed: all these videos are just people sitting down and trying to find issues with the game if you just play it then those issues just don't exist!! :v: who even cares about physics hold rite continue playing problum salved gahurpaderp
This is why rating games numerically is a totally waste of time Games should be rated with clever metaphores from now on
I can honestly say I have no clue what forums you've been visiting, I have seen fair discussion back and forth between people thinking it's an enjoyable game but doesn't live up to the name and those that don't enjoy it and downright hate it. However this sounds like SEGA forums potentially.
You've pretty much hit it head on. I never use a numeric system when reviewing games, and I think I never will. It really doesn't add much at all to the review. I think, maybe for some people, it's a good way to get a quick snapshot of the general opinion of a game, but if you're writing out a full review of something then a numerical or symbolic rating is 100% unnecessary.
You've been wanting this game 4 ages episode 1. Rating something like S4 numerically can give a general idea of whether or not it's liked, but when it comes to properly understanding reception TSS have adopted a good format of "thumbs up, thumbs down". Just the scores themselves won't give you any understanding of how much you'll enjoy the game. Best example here is whether or not the physics matter.
Yeah because most scrubs hardly pay attention to writian reviews anyway, they just skim them and go straight to the score, never really making an informed decisionon there own, based on gameplay and footage seen in an unedited format
Oh I didn't necessarily mean here, but yeah, looking into places like the Sega forums or Youtube and you can't help but trip over these types. And, since I had to go and upload a video, my inbox has been blessed as well. It's pretty much because of this that I doubt any major engine tweaks are going into Episode 2.
I think the general opinion of Sonic 4 so far is a bit too divided to toss out any hopes of Sonic 4 getting engine improvements as the series goes on. Remember, although haters may be a vocal bunch, people who hate on haters are just as vocal. It's the sensible, middle-ground folk like me who never make a protracted stink about anything, and guess what sort of feedback we've been giving?