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Sonic 4: Episode 1 Discussion

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Cinossu, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. dsrb


    Regarding the Wii music:

    I know it's been stated that it uses a tracking format for reasons of disk capacity, and that apparently there have been some changes—but I watched a playthrough of the Wii version, and most of the songs sounded identical, the exceptions being the first boss theme (horrible Microsoft GS -style instruments) and the act clear theme (the Wii has the fast one from S3, while the 360 demo that I played is slower like Sonic R). Honestly, I couldn't hear any differences in the rest of the tracks’ cats Hoovers instruments.

    Can someone clarify either way?
  2. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    I'm really starting to think that fans who aren't satisfied with Sonic 4 will never be satisfied with any Sonic game, ever. The physics are not that bad, just get used to them. Yeah constantly trying the classic Sonic physics will get you into trouble so get used to the new ones! I'm so sick of hearing, "My friend just stared at me in complete and total shock when I told him he had to run up the wall or keep holding down the button. I've never seen my friend give me that expression before. Clearly this game is awful" story.

    Also Special stages:

    ... that... why is that in my copy paste?... lemme try again:

    This guy is really helpful. Any stage you're stuck on he'll help out. He helped me with 6 and 7 for sure. Not that 6 was hard but I did get lost a couple times :P

    Also, myself I found it easier in special stage 5 to use the Wiimote (if you're playing the Wii version) because sometimes you have to flip the special stage around pretty fast or you end up behind a one way wall.
  3. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    You say that as though people who aren't satisfied with S4 haven't been satisfied with any Sonic game in a long time.

    I was satisfied with Unleashed, the Adventures, the Advances, the Rushes and the Rivalses. And other games I quite enjoyed too- Heroes, Shadow and Chronicles. Colours looks like it could trump even some of the best Sonic games that have come since the MD era ended. Sonic 4 on the other hand I'm far from satisfied with. Maybe if it wasn't called Sonic 4 would it fare a little better.
  4. Quexinos


    Since 1997 Oldbie
    That's actually true, good point. I guess I should say "People who haven't been satisfied up to this point who aren't satisfied now will never be satisfied" :v:

    But that falls into the "duh" category.
  5. Azookara


    yup Member
    Exactly. I would think this game is the best thing since sliced bread if it wasn't for the fact that they gave it a title it's not living up to. Because as most may know, a sequel continues to deliver in gameplay mechanics and improve off of it. Sonic 4 does neither of these things, but in it's own right is a good standalone Sonic game. Just not worthy of it's name since, well, it plays nothing like the predecessors it claims to be a sequel of. :v:

    That said, I thought NSMB would've made a good Super Mario Bros. 4. Why? Because Mario's mechanics don't have to be so specific to play right. :colbert:
  6. Clutch


    It was a dark and stormy night... Member
    I wouldn't say so, as it's still held back in a similar way to Episode 1: they made the game a deliberate throwback to the original Super Mario Bros, in the process deliberately ignoring (well-liked) features the sequels added to the series (like Yoshi).

    Of course, thanks to including the likes of Bowser Jr and Petey Piranha, it still felt like an indecisive mix, but they still had the good sense not to call it SMB5 (Super Mario World is SMB4), because it wasn't: it was a "new" game that built on the original formula, not that of the sequels.

    (albeit I thought "New Super Mario Bros." sounded like an awful title when I initially saw it and calling a game "New Sonic the Hedgehog" would be even worse).
  7. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    It may be a worse name, but one more fitting of this than Sonic 4.
  8. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    They should have stuck with the teaser title, Project Needlemouse, or gone with "Sonic: Project Needlemouse" for the sake of it being Sonic in name.

    Despite how much I actually like the modern design, I'm still not over the Project Needlemouse trailer dangling classic Sonic in our faces and then stealing him away again.
  9. MarkoMan


    In memory of Dreds... Member
    Queens, NY
    Sonic 2 Turbo
    Project Needlemouse would have been an amazing name to keep considering that every locale in the game (or in Episode 1, for the nazis) references something from Sonic's origin, so to speak.
  10. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    I maintain that "Sonic Forever" would have been a good title.
  11. serpx


    Since Sonic 4 is practically a fangame, then yes, Sonic Forever would be the perfect title.
  12. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    Fixed, fan games surprisingly have better physics.
  13. Spatula


    too cool for old school Member
    I liked some of the fan games. So yes, it is possible for me to be satisfied.
  14. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member
    Is there some way of finding out how many enemies I have destroyed? I want that one thousand enemies defeated trophy. >_>


    Never mind. Just got it.
  15. serpx


    So, after getting use to the physics of Sonic 4, which does enhance the enjoyment factor -- minus personal annoyances level design wise (stupid obstacles over giant bottomless pits, and giant walls chasing Sonic) -- I decided to fire up Sonic 3. Honestly, I somewhat missed the homing attack, and the physics change -- at least for me -- wasn't as big of fresh air as I thought it'd be. It was just subtle changes that made running around the level / basic platforming a bit easier/smoother.

    If anyone has been playing Sonic 4 for a while, and has gotten use to things, fire up a classic title and input your opinions. Just thought it'd be something interesting to discuss.
  16. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Just did. I used to be satisfied with Sonic 4. Now I'm mildly pissed about what it isn't.

    What the hell was I thinking? Good thing I didn't pay for it, otherwise I would've really been pissed! Whew!
  17. Willie


    Each day the world turns Laugh 'til it all burns Member








    Sega, please don't fix the game. This is too hilarious. >_>
  18. Kyuu


    Memory Access Violation Member
    Just fired up Sonic 1 before reading this. I keep trying to use the air-dash because I've gotten used to it. Going to fire up S3K tomorrow and take a look.

    Other than that, I still feel the same way as before - Sonic 4's a good game but doesn't live up to its name or the hype surrounding it.

    Also, W.A.C., I fucking lol'd at Sonic's expression in the fifth picture
  19. LockOnRommy11


    I fired up Sonic 1, then Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 & Knuckles. As you all know, I played the games prior to Sonic 4's release, and the results were;

    The games are still amazing, the physics are still brilliant. Nothing has changed. I did miss being able to use the jump boost though, although that was because I've been speedrunning my arse off lately. The physics difference isn't really noticable, because Sonic 4's Sonic has that boost jump, and even his acceleration doesn't really feel much different.

    Personally, I think Sonic 4 lives up to the name, but only avoids the fine line by a percentage. There's still a lot I'd like added which they ommitted, keeping your score being one thing.

    Actually, that's what I'm annoyed about the most.
  20. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion