That's the kind of artwork I am expecting for episode 2 since the first ep is based on a lot of sonic 1, especially the american genesis box art.
I don't know, Sonic CD is pretty obscure for mainstream audiences, and I think Metal Sonic will be more one of those bosses, like in Sonic 2 and 3, where he had limited time as a boss. Although he could be a big part of the game.
Oh, did they actually use that in the end? I remember seeing it, and I thought it was quite cool (although I don't like Assface!), but I seem to recall it being changed shortly after that. (I didn't even notice either way when playing the 360 demo—and that's no good.) Also, I think (note my use of spoiler tags…) + - Metal Sonic would have to be more than just another sub-boss .
Well ya but why would + - Metal Sonic be in the end credits if he weren't a big deal? I expect a Stardust Speedway race in the next episode at some point
Only if I absolutely needed to during certain platforming segments, otherwise, nope. Constantly held down the D-pad in what ever direction I was moving in... Rather I was in the air, or on the ground... Could explain why Every Sega Genesis controller I had ended up having buttons that were sticking... Or, it could be do to the fact that I press buttons really hard for some reason (I actually put a hole in the A key for one of my keyboards XD ) Also, I've never played through Scrap Brain zone and I've only beaten Wacky Workbench once. Those two Sonic's were my least favorite in the series not counting certain ones like Spinball, So I've played them the least. Sonic 1 just seems to drag on and I usually get bored with it sometime during Marble Zone (I've played up until the end of Starlight Zone at least once, and used stage select so that I could see what the last boss was like.... I can never play long enough to actually attempt to beat Scrap Brain zone though... ) As for Sonic CD... Eh... I liked it better than Sonic 1, but I still wasn't very big on it...
+ - A remixed Metal Sonic race in Episode II/III would be just about the only rehash Sonic 4 could possibly come out with that I would defend to the DEATH. A Mecha-Sonic S2/3&K-type boss, not so much.
The "2" rather than a "4" is like a smack in the face oversight there, the "2" isnt even that good, more effort required *cough* lol
I must say that is a pretty nice cover, but something about Tails' pose there just irks me a little, don't know why.
Sshhh! Don't un-validate my argumants Seriously though, if I could redesign it with a II instead of a 2, I would do that, so freakin' hard. I'd also give Sonic and Tails a proper shadow, even if it was a small, cheap round I-can't-photoshop-to-save-my-life one.
Er…I was actually supporting your argument, with the caveat that the game's episode numbers are Roman. :v:
For the record, I believe the creator of the image was Barry the Nomad/Doctor Eggman at the SSMB. Cool image regardless.
I can see + - Metal Sonic being involved in the boss fights similar to how Gemel was in Advance 3, except maybe with more of an active role, rather than just being part ofthe machine. Maybe even with a pre-boss fight as Gemel did, with him adding more attacks to his arsenal each encounter. Edit: Could we have some speculation thread for Episode II eventually? Seeing as Episode I has been out for a week, I think it's time we get some speculation up in this forum. As long as we keep it civil, that is.
I do like that, but it's just not the same without Robotnik's fingers crushing the 2, and little red chunks of...whatever material the 2 is made of falling to the ground. It also needs the checkerboard pattern on the 2 as well.
don't be silly, there just gonna slap him in a fight like in Sonic CD, he'll just chase you with a lazer 100% cert, and when he reaches that death wall, he'll probably knock into a S3&K Mechasonic fight mode
Er... I really like the game! + - Super Sonic's badass. Edit: Also I accidentally posted something else entirely in this thread earlier due to not paying attention to where I was posting, so here's a better post: I don't like the air momentum not the lack of momentum while running or spindashing. But I quickly got used to the physics. For the most part, I like the music. I only have a problem with the boss music and Casino Street Zone's music. All in all, a really fun but short game. Great job Dimps. I don't even care about the rehashiness because I trewat Episode 1 as a Sonic 1 & 2 HD. Here's oping for an even greater experience in episode 2!
I fixed my post. I meant to post that in the Sonic Fan Remix topic. I now have a new post entirely. Sorry about that. Edit: Also, the special stages were a bitch. I almost have all the trophies and some of them were/are very annoying to get.